Ranked #5 in Israel, Ranked #11 in Venture Capital — see more rankings.
With the savvy of foreign policy insiders, Senor and Singer examine the lessons of the country's adversity-driven culture, which flattens hierarchy and elevates informality-- all backed up by government policies focused on innovation. In... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Start-up Nation from the world's leading experts.

Amnon Rubinstein This is a new book which has become very successful in America, though it is less well-known in England. It is a book which seeks to explain the economic success of Israel. Israel has withstood the recent crunch, the recent depression, more successfully than other industrial societies and this book seeks to explain that. One of the things that the authors explain is the spirit of leadership and entrepreneurship which is part and parcel of the fact that most Israelis serve in the Israeli army. The regular army of Israel educates its draftees to a position of leadership so when they enter... (Source)

Sam Gichuru I'm reminded to never engage such people. I could have been reading a book (current read: Startup Nation) in transit but instead I was going through unecessary mentions on my TL. Best way is to learn, reflect, find something constructive to do and move on, focus on your mission. https://t.co/pbkm83I1Hr (Source)

Iulian Stanciu In every good or bad decision, there is a lesson. The real win is not having done something right, but having learned something you can apply in the future. I've let people make the wrong decisions even if I knew they were wrong, because I knew that would teach them something better than I ever could. Why the "Start-up Nation" book? Because lots of things are BS free. If someone in the company thinks I did something stupid, they're free to tell me why. Let's call things as we see them. (Source)

Bogdana Butnar I thought I might put my money where my mouth is. I keep whining that young people are not in touch with some essential books on advertising that have helped me shape the way I practise my trade today, but I never did anything about it. So I am starting here the ultimate books to read list. I will add to it as I get suggestions and as more good books get written. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Start-up Nation is ranked in the following categories:
- #32 in Business Ethics
- #48 in Commerce
- #86 in Entrepreneurship
- #63 in Philosophy History
- #55 in Startup