Sri Sankara Bhagavatpadacarya's Saundaryalahari =

Saundaryalahari (Bhavan's book university) (Bhavan's book university)

Ranked #82 in Indian Philosophy

Here we have a meeting of two great minds a meeting of two great spirits here we have deep calling deep the saundaryalahari is by sri sankara bhagavatpada adi sankara and its exposition is by pujyasri chandrasekharendra sarasvati svami the sage of kanchi widely known as the mahasvami adi sankara is celebrated all over the world as a great bhasyakara as a commentator of the upanisads the brahmasutra the bhagavadgita and other texts here we have a bhasya of a great hymn composed by the bhasyakara and what we call an exposition of the saundaryalahari is indeed an inspired and inspirin work a... more

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