Ranked #8 in Philippines History
Before World War II, Manila was a slice of America in Asia, populated with elegant neoclassical buildings, spacious parks, and home to thousands of U.S. servicemen and business executives who enjoyed the relaxed pace of the tropics. The outbreak of the war, however, brought an end to the good life. General Douglas MacArthur, hoping to protect the Pearl of the Orient, declared the Philippine capital an open city and evacuated his forces. The Japanese seized Manila on January 2, 1942, rounding up and interning thousands of Americans.
MacArthur, who escaped soon after to... more
MacArthur, who escaped soon after to... more
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Ben Lorica I just finished the new book on the Battle of Manila: @jamesmscott3 did a masterful job piecing together archival sources and oral accounts into a great book on some of the most violent events during WW II https://t.co/cIohFTJ7Pm https://t.co/d2QIIr7xuu (Source)