Ranked #29 in Gin, Ranked #45 in Mentoring — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Outwitting the Devil from the world's leading experts.

Noah Kagan Founder/SumoI found this book on a reddit list of the most underrated books you haven’t read. This turned out to be PHENOMENAL. It’s not about manifesting, but solid advice about creating plans, avoiding “drifting”, and achieving your own success. (Source)

David Henzel The top three for me would be Napoleon Hill "Outwitting the Devil", basically any Napoleon Hill books. "Think and Grow Rich", "How to Sell Your Way Through Life", "The Laws of Success." Really, really amazing books, especially when you're an entrepreneur. It's like I think a must to read. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Outwitting the Devil is ranked in the following categories:
- #66 in Financial Management
- #85 in Success
- #88 in Wealth