Ranked #12 in New Orleans Travel Guide
In his now classic work of historical geography, published in 1976, Lewis traces the rise and expansion of New Orleans through four major historic periods. This second edition offers a revised and greatly expanded look at this unique community on the Mississippi Delta---a fearsome place, difficult enough for buildiing houses, lunacy for wharves and skyscrapers.- less
Reviews and Recommendations
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Gary Rivlin I can’t tell you how much I fell in love with this book. Some of it is timing in my life. I was in San Francisco, working for the New York Times covering Silicon Valley and my phone rang. I was asked to go to New Orleans and a journalist friend of mine said ‘you should read this book.’ It was the first book I read. It’s just so splendidly written. This guy is a geographer, he didn’t really know New Orleans when he got there, but he falls in love with it and just captures it. He doesn’t fetishise it like many others, he really captures what makes it unique: the architecture, the accents, the... (Source)