Ranked #10 in Cancer, Ranked #13 in Sas — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
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Phil Libin CEO/EvernoteJust got Hitchens' latest book "Mortality" from Amazon. Opened the box and it finally sank in: I'm never gonna get this signed. (Source)

Susan Jacoby Oh for God’s sake! For everybody who was a prominent atheist – Voltaire, Paine, Ingersoll – these rumours always circulate, that they converted on their deathbed. The reason I recommend Mortality to everyone is that one of the things that’s always asked about atheists – and I think it’s a fair question – is how you can survive the terrible things that life hands out, if you don’t believe in a life beyond death. Well I think this book, which are essays of his year-and-a-half of dying and living with cancer, are among the best things he wrote in his long and prolific career. They directly... (Source)