Ranked #3 in Ocean, Ranked #4 in Ships — see more rankings.
Regarded as a Great American Novel, "Moby Dick" is the ultimate tale of seeking vengeance.
Narrated by the crew member Ishmael, this epic whaling adventure follows the crew of the "Pequod," as its captain, Ahab, descends deeper and deeper into madness on his quest to find and kill the white whale that maimed him. Beyond the surface--of ship life, whaling, and the hunt for the elusive Moby Dick--are allegorical references to life--and even the universe--in this masterpiece by Herman Melville.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Moby-Dick from the world's leading experts.

Steve Jobs Founder/AppleJobs told me that "Moby-Dick" was among his favorite books and he reread it a lot when he was a teen. (Source)

Barack Obama Former USA PresidentAccording to the president’s Facebook page and a 2008 interview with the New York Times, this title is among his most influential forever favorites. (Source)

Eric Rauchway @chick_in_kiev I would really enjoy it if you did the podcast. Really really. It's such a good book. (Source)

Philip Marsden It’s an extraordinary novel in all sorts of ways, and the scale of it reflects the scale of the sea. (Source)

Jonathon Porritt Through the whale, as I see it now, we feel the power of the relationship between man and nature, exposing man’s urge to control the natural world. (Source)

Adam Haslett Evil derives from the violent avoidance of the realisation of our own mortality and there could be few better examples of this in literature than Melville’s portrait of Ahab in Moby-Dick. (Source)

Rebecca Goldstein I actually have quite an idiosyncratic reading of this great metaphysical masterpiece. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Moby-Dick is ranked in the following categories:
- #52 in Adventure
- #13 in Adventure Fiction
- #15 in American
- #12 in American Literature
- #22 in Americana
- #28 in Bucket List
- #54 in Catalog
- #6 in Children's Boat
- #62 in Class
- #45 in Classic
- #51 in Classical
- #48 in Collection
- #42 in Epic
- #90 in Existential
- #12 in Fishing
- #36 in Folio Society
- #9 in GRE
- #4 in GRE Prep
- #30 in Gilmore Girls
- #60 in Graduate School
- #65 in High School Reading
- #13 in Hunting
- #7 in Leather
- #6 in Leather Bound
- #59 in Literary
- #36 in Literature
- #18 in Long
- #64 in Modernist
- #70 in Morality
- #69 in Novel
- #100 in Old
- #11 in Penguin Classics
- #32 in Poster
- #15 in Project Gutenberg
- #53 in Public
- #15 in Public Domain
- #74 in Quest
- #39 in Revenge
- #5 in Sailing
- #17 in Water