Making Money with Music
Generate Over 100 Revenue Streams, Grow Your Fan Base, and Thrive in Today's Music Environment
Ranked #76 in Music Business
“[Chertkow and Feehan] are the ideal mentors for aspiring indie musicians who want to navigate an ever-changing music industry.” —Billboard Magazine
You can make a living with music today. The secret is to tap multiple income streams.
Making Money With Music gives you over 100 revenue streams and the knowledge on how to tap them. Whether you're a solo artist, band, DJ, EDM producer, or other musician, this book gives you strategies to generate revenue, grow your fan base, and thrive in today's technology-driven music environment. Plus, it... more
You can make a living with music today. The secret is to tap multiple income streams.
Making Money With Music gives you over 100 revenue streams and the knowledge on how to tap them. Whether you're a solo artist, band, DJ, EDM producer, or other musician, this book gives you strategies to generate revenue, grow your fan base, and thrive in today's technology-driven music environment. Plus, it... more