Learn Python the Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)

Ranked #11 in Python, Ranked #76 in Programming
Master Python and become a programmer -- even if you never thought you could! This breakthrough book and CD can help practically anyone get started in programming. It's called "The Hard Way," but it's really quite simple. What's "hard" is this: it requires discipline, practice, and persistence. Zed A. Shaw teaches the Python programming language through a series of 52 brilliantly-crafted exercises -- all formatted consistently, and none longer than two pages (including "extra credit"). Just read each exercise, type in its sample code precisely (no copy-and-paste!), and make the programs run.... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Learn Python the Hard Way from the world's leading experts.

Vicki Boykis He goes through all of the building blocks that you need to master Python. It’s been updated for Python 3, which is very important as well. It’s very practical and down to earth, with about 50 to 60 exercises, and it’s written in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming and that really allows you to go through all of them. (Source)