Khirbet Khizeh

Recommended by Gideon Lichfield, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #48 in Israel, Ranked #56 in Hebrew

This classic 1949 novella about the violent expulsion of Palestinian villagers by the Israeli army has long been considered a high point in Hebrew literature, as it has also given rise to fierce controversy over the years. Published just months after the end of the 1948 war (in which the author fought) the book as famous for Yizhar's haunting, lyrical style as for its wrenchingly honest soldier's-eye view of the brutality of that war and, perhaps, all wars.
An absolute must for anyone interested in Middle Eastern literature and history.

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Khirbet Khizeh from the world's leading experts.

Gideon Lichfield Khirbet Khizeh by S Yizhar and the final book on the list both come from the same people, and I’ll explain why in a bit. Khirbet Khizeh is an interesting book because it’s a very, very short novel – a long short story really – written by this guy who was an intelligence officer in the fledgling Israeli army. The book’s told from the point of view of a soldier in this army just after the Israeli war of independence, as the Israelis call it, has finished. And he and his squad have been detailed to go and ethnically cleanse a Palestinian village which has remained inside Israeli territory. He... (Source)

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