Ranked #24 in JavaScript
A strong cup of functions, objects, combinators, and decorators
by Reginald Braithwaite
JavaScript Allongé solves two important problems for the ambitious JavaScript programmer. First, JavaScript Allongé gives you the tools to deal with JavaScript bugs, hitches, edge cases, and other potential pitfalls.
There are plenty of good directions for how to write JavaScript programs. If you follow them without alteration or deviation, you will be satisfied. Unfortunately, software is a complex thing, full of interactions and side-effects. Two perfectly reasonable pieces of... more
by Reginald Braithwaite
JavaScript Allongé solves two important problems for the ambitious JavaScript programmer. First, JavaScript Allongé gives you the tools to deal with JavaScript bugs, hitches, edge cases, and other potential pitfalls.
There are plenty of good directions for how to write JavaScript programs. If you follow them without alteration or deviation, you will be satisfied. Unfortunately, software is a complex thing, full of interactions and side-effects. Two perfectly reasonable pieces of... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Javascript Allongé from the world's leading experts.

David Heinemeier Hansson Recommends this book

Sean Thomas Larkin () If you have remotely any interest in functional programming, then you will love this book. I love thinking about how to use these concepts in fn'al components too (pure fns, currying, partial application, unary). Please go and read it! https://t.co/IjALZ4aFSz (Source)