Ranked #56 in Cosmology
Nimbly synthesizing geometry, topology, chaos and string theories, Levin shows how the pattern... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of How the Universe Got Its Spots from the world's leading experts.

Dan Hooper There’s not another book out there like it. It is truly unique. I read it when I was a postdoc. I read a lot of popular science, but I read this book and thought, ‘this is an entirely different genre of science writing!’ It’s very personal. She interweaves stories about her science and her science research from a first-person perspective with stuff going on in her personal life— her troubles with her relationship or when she feels depressed or lonely. That’s all in the book. You understand more what it is like to be a human being doing science from this book than anything I’ve ever read. I... (Source)