Ranked #21 in Homeschooling, Ranked #33 in Education
First published in the mid 1960s, How Children Fail began an education reform movement that continues today. In his 1982 edition, John Holt added new insights into how children investigate the world, into the perennial problems of classroom learning, grading, testing, and into the role of the trust and authority in every learning situation. His understanding of children, the clarity of his thought, and his deep affection for children have made both How Children Fail and its companion volume, How Children Learn, enduring classics. less
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of How Children Fail from the world's leading experts.

Carol Dweck This was a revolutionary book. In it John Holt talks about why students turn off their minds, why even students from privileged backgrounds and schools become intellectually numb. Why do they fail? (Source)

Jacqueline Leighton One of the things that John Holt talks about is how children can learn to game the system, because they begin to realise what it will take to do well in school. (Source)