Ranked #29 in C#
Learn to use C#'s powerful set of core libraries to automate tedious yet important tasks like fuzzing, performing vulnerability scans, and analyzing malware. With some help from Mono, you'll write your own practical security tools that will run on Windows, OS X, Linux, and even mobile devices.
After a crash course in C# and some of its advanced features, you'll learn how to:
Write fuzzers that use the HTTP and XML libraries to scan for SQL and XSS injections
Generate shellcode in Metasploit to create cross-platform and cross-architecture payloads
Automate... more
After a crash course in C# and some of its advanced features, you'll learn how to:
Write fuzzers that use the HTTP and XML libraries to scan for SQL and XSS injections
Generate shellcode in Metasploit to create cross-platform and cross-architecture payloads
Automate... more