Ranked #13 in Free Will
Four serious and well-known philosophers explore the opposing viewpoints of libertarianism, compatibilism, hard incompatibilism, and revisionism
The first half of the book contains each philosopher's explanation of his particular view; the second half allows them to directly respond to each other's arguments, in a lively and engaging conversation
Offers the reader a one of... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Four Views on Free Will (Great Debates in Philosophy) from the world's leading experts.

Paul Russell I suppose I’m cheating here because I’m squeezing four books into one. However, I would particularly recommend this book to readers, as the four authors of this book — Robert Kane, John Fischer, Derk Pereboom and Manuel Vargas — are all significant figures in the contemporary field and have mapped out distinct and influential positions. The reader can quickly get a sense of the general lie of the land and some of the basic available options. Just to sketch them quickly: Kane is a libertarian, which is to say he’s an incompatibilist who thinks that for us to be free and responsible determinism... (Source)