Ranked #95 in Business Ethics
Too many companies focus only on producing the best products; Bob Chapman says we should put our efforts into bringing out the best in the people who produce them. Over the past few decades, he has transformed Barry-Wehmiller from a broken one-hundred-year-old manufacturing... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Everybody Matters from the world's leading experts.

Simon Sinek AuthorBob Chapman's new book just came out! He is a remarkable example of how a company SHOULD run: putting people first. (Source)

Doug McMillon CEO/WalmartRead some wonderful and enlightening books this year. (Source)

Kip Tindell CEO/The Container StoreBob and Raj beautifully illustrate the important intersection of business and the true essence of the human spirit. One company, one employee at a time, Barry-Wehmiller is changing the world—and the world of business! If this model can be successful in manufacturing, it can be successful anywhere. (Source)

Ron Shaich Profit matters, but people matter more. Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia use real-world examples to illustrate how the humanity so often absent in today’s boardrooms is actually a direct path to sustained growth. It’s a message that should be taken to heart by business leaders everywhere. (Source)