Ranked #19 in Business Ethics, Ranked #70 in Linkedin
More and more business leaders are catching on to an often-overlooked fact: consciousness is our basic faculty for survival and success. Without it, we forget what's important to us and lose sight of the steps we might take to reach those goals. Conscious business, explains Fred Kofman, means shining this awareness on every area of your work: in recognizing the needs of others and expressing your own; in seeing the hidden emotional obstacles that may be holding your team back; in making good decisions under pressure; and even in delving into such spiritual questions as "Who am I?" and "What... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Conscious Business from the world's leading experts.

Reid Hoffman CEO/LinkedIn[The author's] whole kind of thread is to say actually in fact, how you can express business and capitalism as a spiritual practice of compassion. (Source)

Sheryl Sandberg COO/FacebookRecommends this book