Ranked #58 in Child Psychology
The original and vastly influential ideas of Erik H. Erikson underlie much of our understanding of human development. His insights into the interdependence of the individuals' growth and historical change, his now-famous concepts of identity, growth, and the life cycle, have changed the way we perceive ourselves and society. Widely read and cited, his works have won numerous awards including the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award.
Combining the insights of clinical psychoanalysis with a new approach to cultural anthropology, Childhood and Society deals with... more
Combining the insights of clinical psychoanalysis with a new approach to cultural anthropology, Childhood and Society deals with... more
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Dorothy Singer Erikson was one of the first to outline stages of childhood. He identified eight stages. In the earliest stage an infant learns trust – trust that his mother, father and other caregivers will feed him when he’s hungry and change his diaper when he’s irritated. When your child learns to trust their immediate caregivers they generalise this good feeling to other adults, but when they learn mistrust they tend to be more suspicious of those around them. (Source)