Ranked #73 in Theology
Most of us have times when, if we are honest, we'd admit to feeling like our lives are embarrassingly small and insignificant. Times when it seems like we're going through a whole lot of pain and striving without much to show for it. Like our daily pursuits don't really matter in the long run.
At times like that, we can't help wondering if we really matter--to the world or... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Chasing Vines from the world's leading experts.

Christine Caine I am so excited that this book is available for pre- order today. I’ve read it twice, it is so good. Beautifully written, personal, deep, rich, full of Scripture, wisdom, insight and fascinating facts. I couldn’t put it down. Congratulations @BethMooreLPM https://t.co/tODyXDU2uh (Source)

Melissa Moore Sending my mom @bethmoorelpm all my love this morning as her new book Chasing Vines releases! I had the honor of being the first one to read each chapter & I have loved this project long before today. It is fantastic. This morning I’m sitting w/ the book in my hands, remembering. https://t.co/Lztp5QHn4O (Source)

Sarah Bond @DigitaVaticana I came to know Isidore's letter collection better due to a great chapter by Lillian Larsen addressing their place in late antique epistolography (Ch. 18). Please read the entirety of the book (but get it from the library because it is way too expensive): https://t.co/jEfwgZXsik (Source)