Ranked #13 in Aztec, Ranked #72 in Art History
A Perfect Red recounts the colorful history of cochineal, a legendary red dye that was once one of the world's most precious commodities. Treasured by the ancient Mexicans, cochineal was sold in the great Aztec marketplaces, where it attracted the attention of the Spanish conquistadors in 1519. Shipped to Europe, the dye created a sensation, producing the brightest, strongest red the world had ever seen. Soon Spain's cochineal monopoly was worth a fortune. Desperate to find their own sources of the elusive dye, the English, French, Dutch, and other Europeans tried to crack the enigma... more
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Gwen Pearson Also, there is a fantastic book about the Elizabethan Cloak and Dagger dramas, and genocide, associated with carmine: https://t.co/df5qBhHvRZ (Source)