Ranked #12 in Aviation, Ranked #33 in German History — see more rankings.
Four days before Christmas 1943, a badly damaged American bomber struggled to fly over wartime Germany. At its controls was a 21-year-old pilot. Half his crew lay wounded or dead. It was their first mission. Suddenly, a sleek, dark shape pulled up on the bomber’s tail — a Messerschmitt 109 fighter. Worse, the German pilot was an ace, a man able to destroy the American bomber in the squeeze of a trigger. What happened next would defy imagination and later be called the most incredible encounter between enemies in World War II.
This is the true story of the two pilots whose lives... more
This is the true story of the two pilots whose lives... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of A Higher Call from the world's leading experts.

Gunhee Park A few months back, I read a book called A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II that led me to want to learn more about Nazi Germany and Hitler, so I then picked up The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which led me to wanting to learn more about Winston Churchill. (Source)
Rankings by Category
A Higher Call is ranked in the following categories:
- #89 in Dad
- #54 in Military History
- #51 in World War II