Ranked #4 in Structural, Ranked #14 in Mexico History — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of 2666 (2666 #1-5) from the world's leading experts.

John King I have read this once and I keep dipping back into it because it is endlessly fascinating. Roberto Bolaño is a writer who has found a really important way of dealing with the horrors that the 1970s and subsequent decades have inflicted on Latin America. If you look at Borges, García Márquez and Vargas Llosa, in a sense they grew up in times of optimism, of high modernism, with the hope, at least initially, that change might be possible. Whereas someone like Bolaño was a young man at the time of the Chilean coup in 1973. He drifted around and went into exile in Mexico and then moved to Spain,... (Source)
Rankings by Category
2666 (2666 #1-5) is ranked in the following categories:
- #60 in Latin
- #79 in Long
- #19 in Mexico
- #60 in Postmodernism
- #16 in Spanish