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You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero.
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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of You Are a Badass at Making Money

Do you ever feel financially stuck, unable to make enough money to live the life you want? Do you feel like a lack of money is holding you back from reaching your goals? According to Jen Sincero in You Are a Badass at Making Money, the key to breaking out of a financial rut is thinking about money with greater optimism and confidence. She argues that by ridding yourself of underlying, limiting beliefs about money, identifying your aspirations, and trusting in the universe, you can become wealthy enough to live the life that represents your best, most authentic self.

Sincero is...

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Here's a preview of the rest of Shortform's You Are a Badass at Making Money summary:

You Are a Badass at Making Money Summary Shift Your Beliefs About Money From Negative to Positive

According to Sincero, the best thing you can do to change your relationship with money is to change the way you think about money. If you address the beliefs that hold you back from chasing your aspirations, nothing will stop you from achieving financial success. Sincero states that “financial success” means being able to pay for the things you need to live the life that represents your best self. It’s not necessarily outrageous wealth.

For example, if you’re fulfilled by going to new places and meeting new people, financial success might mean making enough money to travel to multiple countries for several months every year. Or, if you’ve always wanted to start a family, financial success might mean being able to support a household comfortably.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Wealth Mindset Financial Advice

Sincero’s financial advice is based primarily on the “wealth mindset,” a common foundational concept used by financial coaches and influencers. A wealth mindset dictates that we live in a plentiful universe, and there’s no limit to what’s available to us or what we can do. The only thing limiting us is...

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You Are a Badass at Making Money Summary Manifest Your Aspirations for Wealth

Once you begin working on the way you think about money, you can begin actualizing the financial success you aspire to. In this section, we’ll discuss three of Sincero’s strategies for financial success:

  1. Define the reasons behind your financial aspirations.
  2. Believe in the universe.
  3. Commit to your dreams.

Strategy #1: Define What You Want and Why You Want It

To achieve financial success, Sincero asserts that you must clearly define why you want the money and what you want it for. Having a general desire to be wealthy isn’t enough, as you’ll likely have to take a lot of risks and push yourself to reach your financial goals. To overcome the fear and difficulty that comes with these challenges, you need something powerful to motivate you to keep going. Having clear reasons for wanting to accumulate wealth will serve as that motivation.

The more specific you can be about your reasons, the more real they’ll seem, and the more emotionally tied to your financial goals you’ll be. As we stated previously, emotions push us to act, so the stronger you feel about your goals, the more likely you are to take actions that make them a reality.

For example, maybe your...

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Shortform Exercise: Explore One of Your Financial Goals

Sincero describes many steps you can take to improve your mindset around money and achieve your financial goals. Explore one of your own financial goals using her techniques.

What’s one way having more money could make your life better? (For example, you could afford to take care of a pet, which is something that would improve your mental health. Or, more money would allow you to move to a nicer area with more opportunities to be in nature, which is something you’ve always wanted.)

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