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Do you frequently delay important work until right before the deadline? Do you find yourself distracted and overwhelmed by your daily tasks, unsure of how to begin them? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone—according to Piers Steel, nearly 95% of people say they procrastinate, and a quarter of them identify procrastination as a pervasive, prominent trait.

(Shortform note: Procrastination seems to have increased substantially over the years. Steel reports in a 2007 research paper that in 1978, survey results suggested that around 5% of people were chronic procrastinators. By 2007, that number had jumped to 26%. Some experts posit that the increasing use of the internet and electronic devices in the past decades has been (and continues to be) the primary cause of this jump. The internet is now part of nearly every aspect of daily life for most people, and it provides ample forms of distraction that contribute to procrastination.)

To address this common problem, Steel wrote The Procrastination Equation, exploring strategies to help procrastinators increase their motivation and reclaim control over their time. By reducing distractions, building confidence in your abilities, and making unpleasant tasks more valuable for yourself, you can begin to overcome procrastination.

Steel has spent his career researching the science of procrastination and motivation. He holds a doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology, and he’s a Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Calgary. His work has appeared in publications such as...

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The Procrastination Equation Summary What Is Procrastination?

Steel defines procrastination as purposefully putting off tasks against your better judgment and contrary to your best interests.

For example, going to see a movie to avoid renewing your driver’s license at the DMV qualifies as procrastination—you’re actively avoiding an important task and, in doing so, accepting potentially negative consequences like missing the deadline and creating more stress for yourself later.

Postponements for reasons that are logical and outside of your control don’t count as procrastination. For example, if you’re stuck in traffic when you’re supposed to be making a phone call, delaying the call until you get to your...

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The Procrastination Equation Summary Why Do We Procrastinate?

Now that we’ve explored Steel’s definition of procrastination, we’ll examine the top three reasons we procrastinate:

  1. Choosing instant gratification over long-term gain
  2. Disliking the task we must complete
  3. Believing that we’re going to fail

Reason #1: We Choose Instant Gratification Over Long-Term Gain

First, Steel argues that choosing instant gratification over long-term gain often plays a substantial role in procrastination. People who procrastinate for this reason choose rewards they can get right away over those they have to wait for, even if the payoff of waiting is much larger.

(Shortform note: Procrastination has been linked to following unhelpful impulses since classical times. The ancient Greeks had a word that encompasses both procrastination and lack of impulse control: akrasia. Akrasia loosely means doing things against your better judgment, whether choosing to follow a problematic impulse for an instant reward, choosing to avoid an important task, and so on. Some...

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The Procrastination Equation Summary The Negative Consequences of Procrastination

No matter why we do it, procrastination can have many negative consequences, especially when it becomes chronic. Steel asserts that chronic procrastinators are less successful and satisfied in all realms of life.

(Shortform note: Almost everyone procrastinates sometimes, but only a fraction of people qualify as chronic procrastinators. To determine whether you fall into the latter category, look for the following signs: 1) You consistently struggle to meet deadlines. 2) Procrastination affects your relationships with friends and family. 3) You procrastinate in multiple realms of your life (at work, at home, with friends, and so on). 4) The stress of putting things off affects your sleep and physical health.)

Here, we’ll spotlight how procrastination impacts two realms of life: health and financial success.

Realm #1: Health

According to the author, one of the most common things people procrastinate on is routine medical care, which can have serious implications for health and longevity. Many diseases and infections are easier to treat when they’re caught early, but people still...

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The Procrastination Equation Summary How Can We Avoid Procrastinating?

We’ve defined procrastination, explored the main reasons we do it, and considered some of its most common negative consequences. Now, we’ll discuss how to avoid procrastination by exploring three of Steel’s strategies:

  1. Managing distractions and impulses
  2. Making your tasks more interesting
  3. Building your confidence

Within each strategy, we’ll touch on specific anti-procrastination techniques you can apply in your everyday life.

Strategy #1: Manage Distractions and Impulses

Steel notes that since impulsivity causes procrastination, managing distractions and impulses can prevent procrastination. If you avoid things that offer tempting immediate rewards, you reduce the amount of time you spend delaying important tasks.

(Shortform note: You may find that if you wait a few minutes, the procrastination-inducing allure of distractions fades. In Ultralearning, Scott Young suggests setting a five-minute timer whenever you feel the impulse to procrastinate. Commit to working for at least those five minutes. When the timer goes off, you...

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Shortform Exercise: Apply Techniques for Avoiding Procrastination

Consider how procrastination affects your everyday life and how you could apply Steel’s techniques to your benefit.

Of Steel’s three primary reasons for procrastination, which do you think is most relevant to your habits and challenges? Why? (For example, maybe you always struggle to complete tasks you dislike, your lack of impulse control means you frequently delay important tasks in favor of immediate rewards, or you have trouble believing in your ability to complete important tasks.)

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