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Do you wish you could better understand the ways people communicate with their body language? Nonverbal communication plays a huge role in how people express emotions and interact with each other. With an understanding of how to use and interpret body language, you can more easily form connections with others, adapt your nonverbal signals to suit different situations, and even alter your emotional...

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The Master Guides: Understanding and Using Body Language Summary How Body Language Shapes Communication and Connection

Body language plays a huge role in nearly every type of face-to-face communication. Consciously and unconsciously, it influences how we make judgments about others, form bonds, and establish trust in relationships. Therefore, knowledge of body language—whether your own or someone else’s—is an important aspect of communicating effectively and forming strong connections.

In this section, we’ll explore four ways nonverbal communication shapes how we interact, especially when building friendships:

  1. How body language influences first impressions
  2. How body language helps you reach your conversational goals
  3. How body language and emotions influence each other
  4. How body language affects the perception of spoken communication

Role #1: Body Language Influences First Impressions

In How to Talk to Anyone, Leil Lowndes argues that our body language—including our posture, how comfortable we appear, the way we smile, and the way we make eye contact—affects how others perceive us. Whether we’re conscious of it or not, [our body language constantly emits signals about the way we...

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The Master Guides: Understanding and Using Body Language Summary Understanding the Context of Body Language

Now that we’ve discussed some of the ways nonverbal communication affects our perception of others and our ability to form connections, let’s begin exploring the different contexts that influence body language.

There’s no such thing as completely universal body language. Before you can read and apply different nonverbal cues to skillfully communicate with and understand the emotions of others, you must first understand the factors that lead to differences in body language from person to person. This helps you avoid misunderstandings that can come from interpreting nonverbal cues out of context.

In this section, we’ll examine two contextual factors:

  1. How body language varies among individuals
  2. How body language cues work in conjunction with each other

Contextual Factor #1: Understand What “Normal” Body Language Is for an Individual

In The Dictionary of Body Language, former FBI agent Joe Navarro states that [when you’re interpreting body language...

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The Master Guides: Understanding and Using Body Language Summary Reading and Crafting Body Language to Make Friends

Once you understand the importance and context of body language cues, you can begin to reliably interpret other people’s nonverbal communication. Likewise, you can craft effective body language to put forth the signals you want other people to see. This will help you to more easily form connections and make friends.

In this final section, we’ll discuss cues that demonstrate openness, friendliness, and confidence. We’ll also discuss cues that suggest someone isn’t interested in a connection.

Understand Open and Friendly Body Language

Friendly body language tends to be open and relaxed. These cues communicate interest, trust, and willingness to engage. If you’re approaching or trying to get to know someone, look for these cues to determine whether they’re open to it. Additionally, amend your body language so other people know you’re friendly, too.


Schafer and Karlins state in The Like Switch that smiling is one of the most powerful ways to signal affection and openness. Furthermore, smiling people are seen as more attractive and more confident.

However, in...

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The Master Guides: Understanding and Using Body Language Summary Shortform Resources

For more information on using and interpreting body language, see the following Shortform guides:

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Shortform Exercise: Examine How You Use Body Language

Now that we’ve discussed various applications and implications of body language, think about how it affects your communication with others.

What’s one way understanding body language could help you communicate better with other people? (For example, maybe you realize that you’ve been unintentionally giving off unfriendly nonverbal signals, and you plan to change your body language to make it easier to make friends. Or, maybe you want to use your knowledge of body language to better understand how your loved ones express their emotions.)

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