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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of The Law of Success

In The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill—best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich—demystifies what it takes to achieve success.

Hill bases his advice on one key premise: Your subconscious mind creates your life experiences, drawing upon your recurrent thoughts—which we’ll call habitual thoughts. According to him, these habitual thoughts can either train your subconscious mind to work in alignment with your goals (creating successful experiences) or in opposition to them (creating unsuccessful experiences). Therefore, the only way to achieve success is to align your habitual thoughts with what you want to achieve and retrain your subconscious mind to work in your favor.

(Shortform note: The premise that success comes from alignment between your habitual thoughts and what you want has become...

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The Law of Success Summary Part 1: Your Subconscious Mind Determines Your Success

Hill argues that your subconscious mind determines how successful you are. According to him, if you’re not achieving the level of success you want, it’s because your habitual, conscious thoughts have trained your subconscious mind to work against your goals. Your subconscious mind does this by influencing you to think or behave in unconstructive ways and attracting people or circumstances that hinder your progress.

In this part of the guide, we’ll clarify Hill’s thoughts on how your subconscious mind impacts your success. We’ll first explain how your habitual, conscious thoughts leave an impression on your subconscious mind and how this impression influences all your subsequent thoughts and behaviors. Then we’ll explore how your subconscious mind is connected to higher consciousness and how it uses this connection to shape everything that happens in your life.

Principle #1: Your Habitual Conscious Thoughts Train Your Subconscious Mind

Hill argues that your conscious thoughts leave an impression on your subconscious mind, and the more often you think certain thoughts (the more habitual they are), the heavier the impression they leave. This impression trains your...

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The Law of Success Summary Part 2: Retrain Your Subconscious Mind to Create Success

We’ve just explained how your subconscious mind determines the level of success you achieve: Your habitual thoughts leave an impression on your subconscious mind that shapes your thoughts and behaviors as well as everything that happens in your life. We also illustrated numerous ways that misaligned habitual thoughts—those that inhibit your ability to achieve what you want—lead your subconscious mind to work in opposition to your goals.

Hill argues that, fortunately, your subconscious mind is malleable and adapts to reflect your habitual thoughts. This means that, by consciously controlling your habitual thoughts, you can retrain your subconscious mind to align with your goals and attract ideas, people, and experiences that will help you achieve what you want.

(Shortform note: The process to change your habitual thoughts can be difficult because your thoughts and your state of mind reinforce one another to create an internal feedback loop. In this loop, your thoughts determine your state of mind (thinking about problems makes you feel anxious) and your state of mind determines your thoughts (you feel anxious so you think about your problems). However,...

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Shortform Exercise: Cultivate Successful Thoughts

Hill suggests that you can train your subconscious mind to work in alignment with your goals by habitually thinking successful thoughts. This exercise will walk you through his process for achieving this.

Your subconscious mind is more likely to create success if you adopt a positive attitude. Write down at least three things that inspire you to think positively.

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