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The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben.
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In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben draws on scientific research and his experience as a forester to shed light on the astonishing ways trees interact with their environment and one another. Amid deforestation and climate change, understanding the intricate lives of trees offers insights into their innate value and why it’s important to protect them. The Hidden Life of Trees invites us to look at forests with renewed wonder and appreciation, emphasizing the importance of conserving these vital ecosystems and seeing them not just as resources but as living entities deserving our respect and protection.

Wohlleben, a German forester and activist, was a civil servant in the state forestry administration for over 20 years, eventually founding the Forest Academy to provide training in sustainable forest management. In addition to The Hidden Life of Trees (2015),...

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The Hidden Life of Trees Summary The Complex Lives of Trees

Wohlleben argues that throughout history, humans have thought of trees primarily as resources, but he argues that trees are far more complex and intelligent than we've previously thought. Wohlleben explains that trees, like animals, are capable of cooperation, communication, and even sentience often imperceptible to human observers. This shift in understanding can dramatically alter how we interact with and care for our forests.

(Shorform note: While humans have long used trees as resources, trees also hold spiritual significance across many cultures, and forests are often considered sacred spaces. For example, in Christianity, the olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane are believed to be silent witnesses to the prayer and suffering of Jesus, giving deep spiritual significance not just to the location but to the trees themselves. In Buddhism, the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India is believed to be the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. This sacred fig tree isn't just a...

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The Hidden Life of Trees Summary The Importance of Trees

While Wohlleben argues that trees are innately valuable, he also explains how they’re crucial to the survival of numerous species, including humans. In this section, we’ll highlight trees’ important role in the global ecosystem and explain the sometimes unexpected ways in which humans, and other species, depend on them to survive.

Forests Help Control Our Climate

First of all, Wohlleben explains, forests help regulate our climate on a regional and global level.

Forests help maintain regional climates through their role in the hydrological cycle, or the way water moves around the world. Trees absorb vast amounts of water from the soil through their root systems and release it into the atmosphere via transpiration. This action serves as a natural water pump, converting groundwater into water vapor, which forms clouds that can travel great distances to deliver rain to even the remotest areas. Without this forest-driven process and without healthy coastal forests, where the process begins, many landlocked regions would become arid deserts.

(Shortform note: Some countries have tried using forests to shift their regional climates with the aim of improving environmental...

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The Hidden Life of Trees Summary Our Responsibility to Forests

Ultimately, The Hidden Life of Trees is a call to action. Despite trees' remarkable ability to adapt to massive shifts in climate and their high degree of genetic variation, which guards against total extinction, Wohlleben argues trees still need our help. He advocates for a more holistic, empathetic, and sustainable approach to our stewardship of forests.

(Shortform note: Despite their resilience, many tree species are facing extinction threats. According to a 2022 study, 1 in 6 tree species native to the US are at risk. Yet, only eight species are federally recognized as endangered or threatened, leaving others without conservation support. Climate change, exemplified by increased wildfires, poses a major threat. For instance, California's sequoias, long considered invincible, lost up to 10,600 mature trees to the 2020 Castle Fire, illustrating the vulnerability of even robust species to environmental changes.)

First, if logging is a necessity, Wohlleben strongly advises implementing sustainable forestry practices. He stresses the importance of fostering forests with a mix of...

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Shortform Exercise: Reflect on the Complex Lives of Trees

In writing The Hidden Life of Trees, Wohlleben’s goal was to teach people about trees and, hopefully, to change their perception of trees.

What is the most surprising thing you learned about trees while reading? Why did this surprise you?

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