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The Future Is Faster Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler.
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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of The Future Is Faster Than You Think

Imagine commuting to work in a flying ride-share car, having your clothes 3D printed, or grilling a lab-grown steak. These might sound like scenes from a science fiction movie, but what if these technologies we think are decades away are actually right around the corner? In The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler argue that the future is accelerating toward us because exponential technologies—those developing at increasingly faster rates—are starting to merge, leading to innovations and breakthroughs at unprecedented speeds. The authors predict that by 2030, a blend of these exponential technologies could transform major industries and reshape our lives.

Diamandis is an engineer and entrepreneur, having founded over 15 high-tech companies and...

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The Future Is Faster Than You Think Summary Why the Future Is Accelerating Toward Us

At some point, we’ve all wondered what the future might be like. Whether you imagine it replete with flying cars or personal AI assistants, Diamandis and Kotler contend that it’s likely to become a reality sooner than you might think because change is happening faster and faster.

The authors argue that three forces drive this accelerating pace of change: 1) the exponential growth of technology, 2) the convergence of technology, and 3) upgrades to human life.

Force 1: The Exponential Rate of Technological Progress

First, Diamandis and Kotler argue that a major driver of rapid change is the exponential growth of technology. This means that technology improves not at a steady rate, but at a rate that continually increases over time. More specifically, they define an exponential technology as one that doubles in power at a consistent rate while also becoming less expensive, thus becoming both more powerful and more affordable as it develops. According to computer scientist Ray Kurzweil, we’re about to experience as much technological progress over the next 100 years as we have in the past 20,000.

But why does technology develop exponentially? The authors...

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The Future Is Faster Than You Think Summary How Exponential Technologies Will Transform Our Lives

We’ve discussed how change is happening faster than ever and the three forces contributing to the rapid development of key technologies. Now, let’s envision how exponential technologies will dramatically change the world we live in—likely before the year 2030, according to the authors. We’ll explore six major areas: 1) shopping and retail, 2) entertainment and education, 3) food and the environment, 4) health care and medicine, 5) living and transport, and 6) money and finance.

1) Shopping and Retail

As technologies mature and become more widely implemented in the retail industry, Diamandis and Kotler predict that shopping will evolve in two major ways: Shopping will become mostly automated (requiring little involvement from either consumers or sellers), and it will become tailored to your personal preferences and shopping habits.

A Streamlined Shopping Experience

The authors explain that AI, with its ability to learn and adapt, will converge with other exponential technologies to automate much of our shopping experience, making the whole process more seamless and efficient. For instance:

  • Smart shelves with weight sensors will automate restocking...

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Shortform Exercise: What Will Your Future Be Like?

Diamandis and Kotler provide a sweeping vision of what the future may look like as a result of the convergence of exponential technologies. Reflect on how these advances have impacted you already and how they might change your life in the future.

Describe how your shopping and retail experiences have changed throughout your life. Based on the authors' predictions about converging exponential technologies, how do you think your shopping habits will change? What changes are you looking forward to?

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