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Today, Carl Sagan claims, the dangers of a scientifically illiterate society are more drastic than ever before. Whether we like it or not, our world depends on science and technology in nearly every aspect of our lives. Medicine, agriculture, communication, transportation, the economic system, and virtually all other major industries rely on the knowledge and information gained by scientists. The average person, though, doesn’t understand how most of these things work at a fundamental level. This, according to Sagan, is a recipe for disaster. How, he asks, can we expect to make smart decisions about our future if we don’t understand the underlying concepts?

In The Demon-Haunted World, first published in 1995, Carl Sagan warns of a dark future: one in which people are largely ignorant of the world around them, we are unable to determine what’s true and what’s not, we are too quick to believe in the false or the...

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The Demon-Haunted World Summary The Principles of Science

According to Sagan, science, at its core, is about asking questions, sharing knowledge, testing ideas, and viewing everything with a critical and skeptical eye. It’s driven by a curiosity about the world around us—an attempt at understanding how the universe works. But, perhaps most importantly, science is about not accepting a claim to knowledge unless it can be proven, unless there is verifiable and reproducible evidence that confirms it to be true. Throughout history into the present day, we see how the failure to apply these principles can lead to disastrous consequences. Furthermore, the shortage of scientific...

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The Demon-Haunted World Summary The Spread of Pseudoscience and Supernatural Beliefs

Sagan claims beliefs in pseudosciences are becoming more and more common in the modern age. A pseudoscience is an idea or system of explanation that claims to be scientifically true but is actually based on faulty premises or insufficient evidence. In other words, pseudoscience is misinformation disguised as science. Pseudosciences come in many forms. As Sagan claims, for virtually every field of science, there is a corresponding form of pseudoscience. Geology, for example, has flat-earthers. Chemistry has alchemy. Astronomy has astrology.

The supernatural, on the other hand, is something that exists outside the laws of nature. Supernatural beliefs often come in the form of religious ideologies. Both New Age spirituality and the old faith-based religions are broadly followed in modern times. Things like demons, angels, gods, or spirits are widely accepted. Supernatural beliefs can also come in secular forms such as magic or extrasensory perception.

The differences between pseudoscience and the supernatural can be difficult to determine. The lines separating them are blurry. Astrology, for example, may fall in both categories. What they have in common is that they are...

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The Demon-Haunted World Summary Antiscience Rhetoric

Science and reason have the ability to upend or throw into question conventional wisdom. New discoveries often challenge our cherished beliefs. For this and many other reasons, Sagan claims, science is often criticized by both the masses and the powerful few. Some of the criticisms of science are valid, but they don’t hold weight when more carefully considered.

Science is a skeptical practice by nature, Sagan claims. But it’s not doubt for the sake of doubting. Scientific skepticism is about coming to a better understanding of the way the world works. When this skepticism calls into question our views, or when a scientific discovery dismantles a widely-held belief system, it may come across as too dismissive and overreaching. To some, it may feel like a personal attack. The things we believe in are a big part of who we are. It is easy to see why people are reluctant to let go of them so easily, and why the people or processes questioning those beliefs might come under attack.

The Psychology of Beliefs

Sagan argues that many people reject science because it challenges their beliefs, which form their identities. Psychologists agree and provide insight on why...

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The Demon-Haunted World Summary How to Remain Critical in the Modern Age

Sagan says the pervasive commercialism of our modern world and our seemingly unlimited access to information make it much harder to determine what’s true and what’s not. Let’s explore why we’re often taken in by false advertising and how to evaluate the veracity of a claim.

How Commercial Culture Discourages Critical Thinking

Sagan claims that commercial culture erodes our critical faculties in order to make money. Skepticism, he says, doesn’t sell. Exaggerated headlines and pseudosciences appeal to our emotions, engender more attention, and thus, generate more profits. For this reason, we’re likely to encounter many false or misleading claims through various media (television, radio, newspapers, and online sources): We’re constantly encouraged to buy things without thinking too much about what we’re buying or if the claims about the efficacy of the product are even valid. According to Sagan, even “real scientists” promote products for personal gain at the expense of the consumer and science alike. Commercial culture cultivates a general sense of credulity amongst the population, which is then used to feed you more baloney and extract more of your money.


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The Demon-Haunted World Summary Social and Political Change Through Science

Sagan argues that once you adhere to the scientific tenets of skepticism and critical thinking, you’ll probably extend these principles into the social and political sphere. Because skepticism questions preconceived notions and poorly founded assumptions, science challenges the established order. In general, the more we learn about ourselves and the natural world, the more absurd and flawed the ideas of racism, misogyny, and nationalism seem. The more we share knowledge and information, the more we threaten those in power. The methods of science can be used not only to advance civilization, but also to uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy.

Eliminating Stereotypes With Science

Sagan believes a better, broader understanding of science would counteract bigotry and intolerance. To this day, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, genders, and sexual preferences are all stereotyped. According to Sagan, stereotypes are antithetical to the principles of science. Stereotypes tend to focus on a small amount of information while ignoring the rest. They shield us from the realities of the world and keep us from having to consider the complexity and diversity of humanity....

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The Demon-Haunted World Summary Ways to Increase Science Literacy

A key argument of The Demon-Haunted World is that a scientifically literate public will greatly benefit society. Therefore, Sagan argues we must increase awareness and appreciation of science in the education system and in the general public. We can do this by increasing public funding of scientific research, as well as by communicating the discoveries, principles, and wonders of science in the classroom.

Improving Science Education

Many of the problems we encounter today are a result of a lack of critical and skeptical thinking. Sagan argues that the issues are systemic and begin in the classroom. There will be no single solution to the problems in our education system. It will take an extensive, collective effort to make sure our society is better educated and more scientifically literate. For various reasons, children are often discouraged from learning science, critical thinking, and the application of skepticism. This can lead to a general public with a disinterest, or even distaste, for science. When we don’t teach our children the methods of science, we take away our ability to manage our future.

(Shortform note: In The Demon-Haunted World, Sagan bemoans...

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Shortform Exercise: Examine Your Beliefs and Claims to Knowledge

Sagan argues that we often are resistant to new discoveries because they challenge our existing beliefs. Here, examine your beliefs and think about how they might affect your openness to new information.

Think about your core beliefs. Pick something you believe in that doesn’t have enough scientific backing to be considered fact. This could be a religious or spiritual belief or simply an opinion you have that shapes the way you view the world. Why do you think you hold this belief?

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Shortform Exercise: Review Your Science Literacy and Education

Sagan argues improving science literacy and education would greatly benefit society. Let’s examine your scientific knowledge and education and think about what could be done better.

Think back on your education. Did you enjoy learning math and science? How much time did you spend learning and applying the scientific method or critical thinking skills? Do you think you should have been taught more in these areas? Why or why not?

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