The section explores the prophetic insights attributed to the ancient individual Enoch, who foresaw the judgment of the world and the rise of a realm governed by the Messiah.
Enoch's visions provide stern warnings to wrongdoers and simultaneously promise those who are righteous a future filled with joy.
Enoch's prophecy predicts a time when those who have acted immorally will be judged, and individuals who have upheld moral integrity will have their righteousness recognized. He portrays a momentous era when the Holy Great One emerges from His dwelling, inciting considerable upheaval and instilling fear in all beings. He depicts the Chosen One's rendering of judgment and outlines the fates awaiting both the righteous and those who have failed to act with virtue.
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This article explores the narrative of celestial beings who fell from grace as depicted in holy texts, scrutinizing their transgressions, the repercussions for humanity, and the subsequent judgment and sanctions they encountered.
The story portrays heavenly beings, specifically Semjâzâ and Azâzêl, who came down to earth, took human wives, and fathered children known as giants. These entities emerged from prohibited minglings that connected the celestial with the terrestrial.
The widespread dissemination of forbidden practices was a result of the interactions between humans and fallen celestial beings, which ultimately led to a rise in wrongdoing and a deterioration of moral values. Certain angels are identified as the purveyors of esoteric knowledge to humans, leading to a rise in sinful behavior.
The narrative predicts severe repercussions not only for the celestial beings...
I earnestly beseech You, the Omnipotent, to consider my plea, to allow my progeny to continue their existence on this planet, to avert the utter obliteration of humanity, and to safeguard the planet from becoming a desolate void, thereby forestalling endless ruin.
I beseech you, my Lord, to cleanse the world of those who have provoked Your wrath, while nurturing the existence of individuals characterized by virtue and integrity, allowing them to thrive unceasingly, and to remain attentive to the prayers of Your faithful follower.
I urge my beloved to embrace integrity and to consistently follow its path. Engage in a life guided by honesty and shun paths of hostility; those who embark on journeys shrouded in malevolence are destined to meet their downfall.
I urge individuals of integrity to avoid paths of wrongdoing and directions leading to destruction, ensuring they steer clear of these routes to prevent their downfall. Strive for and select a life of virtue and distinction, tread the trails of tranquility, and you will thrive and flourish.
He will foster a sense of peace among the virtuous, protect the...
The Book of Enoch
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