This is a preview of the Shortform book summary of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell.
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In The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John C. Maxwell—a personal growth and leadership consultant—argues that personal growth is key to a successful, fulfilling life. Maxwell doesn’t explicitly define personal growth, except to say that it enables you to become the best possible version of yourself—your “highest self.”

His book offers 15 guiding principles for personal growth, based largely on lessons he learned from his career. Maxwell started out as a pastor and soon discovered that his calling is helping others grow. This led him to become an author and motivational speaker, and he has since founded several...

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The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Summary Principle 1: Prioritize Character Building

Maxwell claims that the foundation of personal growth is good, strong character. By his definition, having “good, strong character” means that you embody three universally-valued traits: honesty, integrity, and generosity. Additionally, you’ll consistently act in accordance with these values, even when it’s inconvenient or challenging. According to Maxwell, everyone should prioritize building character over all other goals.

(Shortform note: Maxwell suggests three “universally-valued” traits that comprise good character, but according to moral relativists, there is no universal moral code—rather, the importance of different values is culturally determined, For example, some cultures consider obedience and devotion to your parents to be an essential component of good character. Even if your essential values are different from Maxwell’s, you can still prioritize building your character by living out the values important to you.)

Throughout this section, we’ll explain why Maxwell thinks building character is an essential part of personal growth. Then, we’ll look at two of his strategies to help you prioritize...

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The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Summary Principle 2: Know Yourself, Love Yourself

Maxwell says that in addition to strong character, there are two vital competencies to have before you can grow:

  1. Self-knowledge: an understanding of your values, passions, and capabilities
  2. Self-love: a belief that you’re both worthy of being and able to become your highest self

(Shortform note: Maxwell notes that you need these competencies before growth, but for most people, self-knowledge and self-love are lifelong projects. You’ll always be discovering new things about yourself—which is why it’s not uncommon to shift to a new career when your values change. And, for some people, self-love can be a lengthy journey: Research suggests that self-esteem, which is one component of self-love, waxes and wanes over the course of a lifetime. Since self-knowledge and self-love fluctuate so much, there’s no “right amount” to have of each before beginning your growth journey—you only need to know and love yourself well enough to get started.)

In this section, we’ll explain how...

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The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Summary Principle 3: Commit to Growth

Once you’ve developed the foundational mindset needed to pursue personal growth, Maxwell says it’s time to take the next step of committing to growth. In the context of personal growth, commitment means setting an intention to become your highest self—and, crucially, following through on that intention by making the changes and seeking out the opportunities that will get you there.

(Shortform note: If you don’t feel ready to commit to personal growth, that’s okay—but don’t let that feeling hold you back from getting started. It’s normal to hesitate before undertaking growth-related challenges, but the only way to reap the rewards of growth is to push through discomfort and take action anyway. It may help to keep in mind that when it comes to personal growth, you’re aiming for improvement, not perfection. You don’t need perfect character or complete self-knowledge and self-love to commit to growth—you just need an intention to get better and a willingness to follow through on it.)

In this section, we’ll explain why Maxwell believes commitment is necessary and why you...

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The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Summary Principle 4: Take Thoughtful Action

Making a commitment to your growth and taking the first steps to follow through on that commitment is a launching point for your personal growth journey. From there, to become your highest self, Maxwell says you’ll have to act on that commitment over the long term by taking thoughtful action. This means planning challenges and opportunities for improvement in your life—and consistently rising to meet them.

In this section, we’ll explain why thoughtful action helps you on your journey of personal growth. Then, we’ll discuss Maxwell’s tips for taking thoughtful action effectively.

Why Taking Thoughtful Action Helps You Grow

Thoughtful action has two components: strategy and consistent follow-through. First, you’ll strategically plan the course of action you’ll take to progress toward your goals. Then, you’ll consistently follow through on your plans by making a daily habit of pursuing your goals. Let’s explore how each of these components contributes to growth.

Strategic Planning Increases Productivity

The strategic planning component of thoughtful action helps you grow because it helps you be more productive. When you strategize...

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The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Summary Principle 5: Become a Lifelong Learner

At this point, you’ve learned the skills and strategies you’ll need to move toward your highest self. But according to Maxwell, no matter how successful you become, it’s vital to never stop growing—which requires a lifelong commitment to learning from your experiences. Ideally, throughout your entire life, you’ll continue to approach each new challenge and experience as a learning opportunity—gaining new tools, skills, and insights along the way.

(Shortform note: Maxwell focuses on how lifelong learning supports you in achieving your goals, but experts note that it has a number of other benefits. It can improve your cognitive health by strengthening your brain, which guards against dementia. It can also bolster your social life, as formal classes and other kinds of communal learning bring learners together. Lastly, it can support your self-esteem: People who continue to learn throughout their lives feel more confident in themselves, especially when they can put their knowledge to good use.)

In this section, we’ll explain why continual learning optimizes personal growth. Then,...

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Shortform Exercise: Build Character Through Practicing Your Values

Maxwell says that it’s important to build strong character if you want to grow and that you can strengthen your character through practice. In this exercise, you’ll practice acting in accordance with your values.

What would you say are your most important values?

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