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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of Reality Transurfing Steps I-V

In Reality Transurfing Steps I–V, best-selling author Vadim Zeland redefines reality, arguing that we live in a world of consciousness in which infinite versions of reality simultaneously exist—and what you identify as reality is just one version of it. The way you think and feel about your experiences determines which one of the infinite versions of reality exists for you. Therefore, **consciously choosing the...

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Reality Transurfing Steps I-V Summary Part 1: Your Version of Reality Reflects Your Emotional Energy

Zeland argues that what you think of as your reality is just one version of reality among many. According to him, we live in a world of consciousness in which infinite alternative realities simultaneously exist. These realities fall into two categories:

  1. Physical, materialized realities that you can perceive with your five senses
  2. Invisible, unmaterialized realities that lie dormant, waiting to take physical form

(Shortform note: Zeland’s background as a quantum mechanics physicist sheds light on why he argues that infinite realities exist. Many quantum physicists theorize that we live in a “multiverse” in which there’s a universe we can perceive and multiple others that we can’t perceive. The many-worlds theory of the 1950s proposed an infinite multiverse, like Zeland describes here. More recently, string theory physicists predicted there are 10500 (that’s a one followed by 500 zeroes) different universes—an enormous number, but not infinite. [Stephen Hawking also...

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Reality Transurfing Steps I-V Summary Part 2: Control _Which_ Version of Reality You Live In

We’ve just discussed how you’re continually transmitting emotional energy at a frequency that sustains your version of reality. We’ll now explore Zeland’s advice for controlling which version of reality you live in. We’ll cover his advice in two steps:

  • Step #1: Reclaim your emotional energy.
  • Step #2: Redirect your emotional energy.

Step #1: Reclaim Your Emotional Energy

The first step toward changing your version of reality is to reclaim your emotional energy. This involves withdrawing your attention from unwanted aspects of your current reality so that you have more energy to direct toward your ideal version of reality.

According to Zeland, the only reason you might want to change your version of reality is that you’re facing circumstances that you don’t want to experience. You believe that a different version of reality won’t include these unwanted things. However, he explains, all unwanted circumstances result from a reality’s attempts to siphon your emotional energy—by creating problems and concerns that justify strong emotional reactions to them. As previously discussed, each time you direct your attention to such circumstances, you waste...

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Shortform Exercise: Direct Emotional Energy to Your Ideal Version of Reality

Zeland argues that you can control which version of reality gets reflected back to you by matching your emotional energy with what you want to experience. This exercise will walk you through his three methods for achieving this.

Write down at least one joyful or inspiring thing that you’d like to experience in your ideal version of reality. (For example, you want to be a best-selling author.)

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