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The essential stages of becoming proficient in using the restroom.

Breaking down toilet training into distinct phases of acquisition.

Glowacki emphasizes the critical progression through distinct learning phases in potty training, which she refers to as "blocks." Each phase marks a significant step in a child's journey toward independent toilet use. Navigating these obstacles effectively lays the groundwork for successful toilet training. Rushing through the process without allowing enough time for each stage to be fully mastered can result in difficulties and regressions in the future.

Potty training involves a series of developmental phases, rather than a solitary approach.

Glowacki disputes the notion that a single, universal approach can lead to the successful acquisition of potty training skills. She contends that potty training ought to be approached as a systematic learning experience, rather than conforming to the myriad of quick-fix methods for toilet training often found online. Each child is unique in their character, approach to learning, and developmental speed as they become proficient in potty training. Every child is distinct, and therefore, a universal method for potty training will not produce uniform outcomes for all children.

Additionally, Glowacki proposes viewing potty training as an opportunity to better understand how their child acquires new skills. Children gain mastery in activities such as reading or riding a bicycle according to their individual developmental schedules. Certain kids might grasp the idea quickly, while some might need additional time and support. This approach sheds light on the manner in which your child embraces novel situations and develops new abilities.

The essential phases include: starting with the child learning to eliminate without clothing, progressing to doing so while dressed, adapting to various elimination scenarios, advancing to the stage where the child uses the toilet with undergarments on, developing routines for bathroom visits that the child initiates independently, and achieving control over bladder and bowels during daytime naps and throughout the night.

Jamie Glowacki outlines the potty training journey through six separate phases.

The first phase is to assist your child with mastering the use of the toilet while they are not wearing any clothes. The first phase aims to familiarize the child with the sensation of using the toilet without the security of a diaper and to recognize when it's appropriate to use the potty. Permitting a child to remain without clothes can improve their awareness of their own body and decrease the chances of untidiness during the initial stages of learning to use the toilet.

2. Peeing and pooping with clothes, commando: The second block introduces the idea of children donning pants or shorts without anything beneath as a form of test. The technique assists children in recognizing the unique sensation that indicates the need to go to the bathroom, which is different from the familiar feeling associated with wearing a diaper.

3. Peeing and pooping in different situations: Once a child masters the art of managing their bathroom requirements while dressed within the comfort of their own home, the focus shifts to managing these needs in...

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Oh Crap! Potty Training Summary Transitioning to consistent toilet use from diapers.

It is essential for a caregiver to foster the right mindset and demonstrate a deep commitment.

Glowacki states that successful potty training hinges on a parent's commitment to consistency and embracing a realistic, pressure-free mindset. The approach begins by setting aside any preconceived notions about how long potty training should take, recognizing that challenges are a normal part of the journey, and ensuring that every family member is ready for this transition.

Avoiding preconceived notions about the timeline and being flexible

Glowacki suggests that parents should abandon the rigid notion that potty training must be completed within a three-day period. She is aware of the prevalent internet misconception about approaches that purportedly accomplish toilet training in a span of three days. Establishing this kind of routine might set unattainable standards for both the caregiver and the child, which could lead to a decrease in confidence and interfere with the child's progress in becoming adept at using the potty. She recommends a pliable strategy that acknowledges children mature at their own pace.

The process of teaching a child to use the toilet is not a...

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Oh Crap! Potty Training Summary Navigating through unique situations and tackling uncommon challenges.

Addressing the common hurdles that arise during the process of potty training a child.

Jamie Glowacki offers comfort to caregivers by acknowledging that challenges during potty training are normal, and she presents strategies to tackle frequent problems, providing ways to surmount these hurdles successfully. Grasping the fundamental cause is essential. Is your child finding a specific stage of the learning process challenging? Are you facing obstacles such as defiance or uncooperative behavior?

Dealing with accidents, resistance, fear, and other behavioral challenges

In the beginning stages of toilet training, mistakes are bound to happen, even with children who grasp the basic principles swiftly. She advises parents to view mishaps as a typical part of the potty training process and to avoid any form of punishment. Instead of scolding or showing disapproval, she suggests maintaining composure and employing straightforward language to assist the child in understanding the occurrence: "Oops! Urine has been deposited on the ground. Urine should be deposited in the toilet.

She suggests a variety of strategies for overcoming opposition, including:

The approach termed...

Oh Crap! Potty Training

Additional Materials


  • While Glowacki's phased approach is comprehensive, some experts may argue that it could be overly prescriptive and not flexible enough to accommodate the wide variability in children's learning and development.
  • The emphasis on avoiding a rapid transition and pressure might be seen as too cautious by some, who believe that children often rise to the challenges and can handle more structured approaches.
  • The idea that children can grasp fundamental concepts within three to seven days may not account for those with developmental delays or other conditions that significantly impact...


  • Create a visual progress chart with your child to track and celebrate each phase of potty training, using stickers or stamps as rewards for each small achievement. This can make the process more engaging for your child and help you both see the progression through the different stages. For example, have a column for each phase like 'elimination without clothing', 'with clothing', etc., and let your child place a sticker in the...

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