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Anne Glenconner, who grew up in an environment of aristocracy, maintained a close relationship with the British monarchy.

Explore the aristocratic origins of Anne Glenconner and her enduring ties with the British monarchy.

As the earl's eldest daughter, Anne held a position of privilege.

Growing up on a grand estate, she developed a close relationship with the Royal Family from an early age.

Anne Glenconner, born into the distinguished Coke family, is the firstborn child of the nobleman holding the distinction as the fifth Earl of Leicester. Since her christening in the summer of 1932, her life has been intricately connected with the British monarchy and aristocracy. Anne's destiny was shaped from the outset by her family's heritage and the grandeur of their family estate, Holkham.

The Coke family, renowned for their notable achievements in the fields of law, agriculture, and management of their estates, traces its roots back to the era of the Tudors. The Holkham estate, a sprawling expanse that turned marshes into woodlands, stands as a monument to the family's status, encompassing an expansive 27,000 acres. The agricultural enhancements and commitment to managing the land that give the estate its present look were originally set in motion by the Coke family.

Anne's childhood, surrounded by the estates of the Royal Family, influenced her noble rearing. The mutual passion for shooting activities further solidified the bond between the pair of noble households. Anne's formative years and transition into teenagehood were characterized by significant interactions and moments shared with members of the monarchy.


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Here's a preview of the rest of Shortform's Lady in Waiting summary:

Lady in Waiting Summary Anne Glenconner's marriage to the fascinating individual known as Colin Tennant was anything but conventional.

Colin was known for his distinctive and unpredictable nature.

The nobleman known as the 2nd Baron Glenconner gained recognition for his connections with a prestigious circle often seen in luxurious clubs, and for organizing lavish morning events at Oxford, in addition to being noted for his exceptional wit, intellect, and astuteness. His demeanor would frequently change without warning, evolving from amiable and engaging to expressing anger over minor matters, showcasing his unpredictable temperament and inclination for rapid emotional responses. His tendency to acquire new properties was as unpredictable and intermittent as his outbursts of anger.

His union was characterized by erratic behavior and abrupt outbursts of emotion.

Anne was unaware that Colin had experienced two mental breakdowns before their wedding. He often displayed bizarre behavior, such as rushing to the hospital in his pajamas, believing his heart had stopped, or causing a commotion over the positioning of the bed in his hotel room. He showcased his eccentric nature by eating his food out of paper bags, which was as uniquely characteristic of him as his dislike for common occurrences...

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Lady in Waiting Summary Anne maintained a close and enduring bond, fulfilling a role of support alongside the Queen's sister, Princess Margaret.

Anne Glenconner offers a comprehensive narrative of her time in the service of Princess Margaret, highlighting the strong connection they maintained and the diverse duties and personal obstacles associated with her esteemed role.

Anne's bond with Princess Margaret, which was forged during their early years, endured throughout their lives.

Anne Glenconner's bond with Princess Margaret, initiated in their younger years, developed into a profound and lasting camaraderie as time passed. Princess Margaret strengthened her connection with Anne by welcoming her back into the royal fold, highlighting their mutual admiration and the supportive essence of their friendship.

They reconnected while taking on their responsibilities as adults.

Anne's debutante ball led to fewer meetings with Princess Margaret as Anne focused on her ceramics at Holkham and the Princess attended to her duties in London, yet their enduring friendship was reignited through the efforts initiated by Colin Tennant. Their bond was reignited and it...

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Lady in Waiting Summary Anne endured numerous personal misfortunes and difficulties, particularly concerning her offspring.

Anne Glenconner has exhibited extraordinary resilience and perseverance, facing severe tragedies that tested a parent's endurance and strength to the greatest extent.

She navigated the complexities of her offspring's substance dependency and mental health struggles.

Anne Glenconner's life was marked by the enchantment of high society and the intense difficulties her children endured. She suffered through the harrowing ordeal of her son Charlie battling a dependency on a potent narcotic, a battle that commenced during his tenure at a school noted for its permissive atmosphere, leading to noticeable changes in his behavior and hygiene due to a disorder characterized by compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts.

Anne and Colin's initial observation of what seemed like quirky traits or attempts to seek attention slowly transformed into a heightened awareness as these actions developed into regular habits suggesting substance dependence. Despite efforts to provide assistance and establish normalcy, the situation escalated, and it became evident when a mental health professional identified the condition as neurosis, which is currently recognized as OCD.

Charlie's struggle with...

Lady in Waiting Summary Anne's maturation and the relationships she developed over time.

Anne's later years experienced a significant shift in her duties and connections, particularly due to the complex challenges that emerged following the death of her spouse Colin and the ensuing loss of their legacy.

After Colin's death and the loss of their inheritance, she completely changed her life.

She cultivated a profound connection with her offspring and their descendants.

After Colin's untimely demise, Anne stood firm and did not give in to grief. She approached the unforeseen outcomes of Colin's testament with a proactive and progressive mindset. Anne's steadfast commitment to her family's unity never wavered, even as her grandson Euan inherited Glen, the family's ancestral estate, amidst the liquidation of other properties. Anne's joy was amplified by the closer familial ties that emerged when her offspring, Christopher, wed Anastasia, a marriage that blessed her with grandchildren Bella and Demetria. Anne's active role in organizing Colin's memorial service in the Caribbean, as well as her presence at the reading of the will alongside Sheilagh, her daughter-in-law, and grandson Cody, underscored her central role in the family hierarchy.

Anne remained a...

Lady in Waiting

Additional Materials


  • Anne Glenconner was born into the aristocratic Coke family as the daughter of the fifth Earl of Leicester. Growing up on the grand Holkham estate, she developed close ties with the British monarchy, particularly with Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Her aristocratic upbringing and lifelong connections with the royal family shaped her experiences and social interactions significantly.
  • Anne Glenconner's relationship with Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret was deeply rooted in their shared upbringing and aristocratic circles. Anne's close bond with the royal sisters was formed during their childhood and continued throughout their lives, marked by shared experiences and enduring camaraderie. Princess Margaret, in particular, played a significant role in Anne's life, fostering a lasting friendship that transcended their royal duties and personal challenges. Their connection symbolized a blend of duty, support, and shared moments that defined their intertwined lives within the British aristocracy.
  • Anne Glenconner's marriage to Colin Tennant was marked by his unpredictable nature and lavish lifestyle. Colin was known for his eccentric behavior, including sudden outbursts and...

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