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Know My Name by Chanel Miller.
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The immediate repercussions were a direct result of the assault.

The article traces the author’s distressing experience of an assault and its immediate aftermath.

The author narrates the events that took place on the night before the attack.

The author intends to attend the party accompanied by her sister and friend.

The author attended a Stanford event accompanied by her sister and friends. Upon the arrival of Colleen and Trea, bearing champagne, it was unanimously agreed upon in a jovial manner that the author, by virtue of being the most senior, should join in the celebration. Despite her initial intentions, the lure of joining a dance and the opportunity to eclipse her sister at a nearby event swayed her to change her plans for a peaceful evening.

The author's engagement in drinking activities and the occurrences that unfolded during the celebrations.

As the author prepared for the festivities, she chose her clothing and enjoyed her whiskey neat, considering the mixers on hand were only soy milk and lime juice. Her mother took them and their assortment of childhood shot glasses to Stanford, a trip that spanned a mere seven minutes. She concocted a non-alcoholic beverage, humorously named it "dingleberry juice," and began mingling with the arriving guests. After her sister convinced her to stop, she ended her lively...

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Know My Name Summary Court-related formalities and proceedings

The author outlines the challenging journey through the legal system, culminating in the key proceedings in the courtroom and the final decision pronounced by the judiciary.

The author's choice to commence litigation.

After opting to commence legal proceedings, the author faced intense interrogation by the officials. She narrated the events that led up to the attack to Detective Kim, who recorded her statement. Law enforcement officials questioned her about the specifics of the incident she attended and her relationship with her partner, Lucas. This probing illustrated the beginning of a legal process that would last almost four years, involving detectives, deputies, and paramedics immediately after the assault. The scrutiny of her life was comprehensive, delving into her past episodes of fainting and family connections, as well as her behavior on the night of the incident. The individual in question swiftly initiated legal proceedings, propelling the matter into the realm of the judiciary.

The author acquired details regarding the incident from media coverage.

As the event unfolded, the portrayal of the...

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Know My Name Summary The writer's individual and interpersonal encounters were significantly transformed.

The author experienced a significant emotional and psychological impact.

The author's struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression.

Upon her arrival back in Palo Alto, the author was burdened with deep emotions as the once comforting environment was now overshadowed by the impending trial that left her feeling small and swamped by its magnitude. Although initially accompanied by her sister Tiffany and friend Lucas for support during the trial, they eventually left to resume their personal affairs. However, the author stayed by herself in anticipation of the decision.

During this difficult time, the author was under considerable strain and anxiety, especially when faced with the possibility of being summoned to give evidence unexpectedly. Her mental state was burdened and she felt swamped due to her entanglement with judicial proceedings. Discussing the traumatic experience, whether during therapy sessions or with friends, often felt like an uncontrolled descent and was more manageable when she engaged in direct conversations or during quiet moments outside her counseling sessions.

One year following the traumatic event, her daily routine was...

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Know My Name Summary The public reaction and the writer's process of reestablishing her sense of self.

The story outlines the author's challenges with public scrutiny and how media reporting on her situation contrasted with her path to regaining her sense of self.

The case received significant public and media scrutiny.

The situation involving the writer attracted significant attention from the general populace and press, disseminating through numerous communication outlets and platforms. The event and its subsequent legal repercussions garnered significant public interest, leading to an extensive amount of media reporting that escalated from local outlets to national and global platforms. Headlines simplified her story, often revealing personal information such as university affiliation, family details, and names, which the author found unsettling.

Reporters diligently kept watch over the judicial proceedings, engaged with their contacts, and positioned themselves at every entrance, keen to capture every detail of her story. The media's depiction caused the author considerable distress, as it oversimplified her story and led to deeply invasive questioning. She found herself engrossed in the online discussions and comments under articles, where participants dissected every...

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Know My Name Summary The author's journey toward recovery following the distressing event.

The author faced many challenges in her daily life and in her path toward recovery.

The writer grappled with issues of trust, autonomy, and closeness.

The assault has deeply influenced the author's life, shaping her capacity for trust, independence, and the formation of close relationships. The disconcerting incident has led to a considerable shift in her actions; she now chooses not to disclose her actual living address to Lyft drivers due to worries about her personal security. The traumatic incident has so significantly altered her perception that even the simple act of buying ice cream now holds substantial significance.

Her unwavering commitment to creating a safe space is clear, as she ensures that she never walks alone and is constantly vigilant of her surroundings, signifying a shift in her view of solitude as a condition filled with possible dangers. The author subconsciously developed protective physical responses, such as tightly clenching her fists when stressed, due to her trauma.

The writer's path to healing entailed regaining control over her story, even though she struggled to remember certain details related to the attack during the legal process. The...

Know My Name

Additional Materials


  • The legal proceedings and courtroom details described in the text outline the author's journey through the justice system after experiencing a traumatic event. This includes interactions with law enforcement, providing statements, facing cross-examination, and the final sentencing decision by the judge. The author's experience highlights the challenges and complexities involved in seeking justice and navigating the legal process in cases of assault and trauma.
  • The author faced significant emotional and psychological struggles following a traumatic assault, leading to post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. These struggles impacted her daily life, relationships, and sense of self, causing disruptions in her routines and interactions with others. She coped with...

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