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Our subconscious masks elements of our identity that stay concealed.

Elliott emphasizes the significance of fully understanding the subconscious mind's functions as a key element in embracing and benefiting from the principle known as Existential Kink. Our actions, convictions, and the situations we come across are driven by forces originating deep within our being.

Our lives and circumstances are frequently molded by the powerful, yet often overlooked, influence of our subconscious minds.

Elliott portrays our conscious awareness as shaped by the powerful influence of our subconscious. Our innermost yearnings, trepidations, convictions, and habitual behaviors are akin to a profound reservoir, frequently originating from our early years and the societal norms that have shaped us. Our behaviors, feelings, and cognitive patterns are significantly shaped by elements that frequently occur outside of our conscious perception.

Our subconscious desires significantly influence our lives, despite us not being completely aware of their existence.

Reflect on a time when you seemed to be sabotaging your own achievements, maybe by postponing an important duty or by starting an avoidable dispute at a point where your relationship was thriving. Elliott proposes that such occurrences stem from desires and patterns within our subconscious that remain unacknowledged. Maybe you have an unconscious belief that you don't deserve success or feel uncomfortable with intimacy, and these beliefs manifest in your life through seemingly random events and relationship problems. Exploring our subconscious mind can be intimidating, especially when it appears that actions undermining our own interests are dictating our path, implying that destiny is guiding our journey rather than us orchestrating our own existence.

We often refer to the aspects of our personality that we have disowned...

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Existential Kink Summary The potential for transformation and the sacred nature of "kink."

Elliott perceives the notion of "kink" as transcending mere sexual preferences, recognizing it as a profound and universally active creative force within the universe. By viewing our "kinks" through a lens that is both symbolic and spiritual, we pave new pathways for personal growth and achieving our aspirations.

The author suggests that the idea of "kink" indicates a deep spiritual reality.

Elliott introduces the captivating concept that the core of creation is linked with a "kink," characterized by the dynamic interplay of opposing forces. She draws on myths and spiritual traditions from the past to illustrate this concept. The origin of the universe has been perpetually shaped by a force that merges attraction with repulsion, along with the complex relationship between joy and suffering, delving deep into the essence of human desire. Carolyn Elliott encourages us to broaden our understanding of "kink" to encompass more than just its common sexual implications, seeing it as a vital...

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Existential Kink Summary The core methods and strategies that are essential to "Existential Kink."

Elliott provides people with crucial advice and a foundational technique of meditation to skillfully navigate and harness the power of their darker aspects.

The seven core principles provide a framework for understanding and interacting with the subconscious aspects of our being.

Elliott presents seven foundational principles that form the basis of her transformative approach. These principles should be viewed as instruments for investigation and experimentation, not as unyielding doctrines.

Fundamental convictions encompass the notion that ownership mirrors desire, our ability to choose our sensory experiences, and the significance of a life unshackled by shame.

We're encouraged by these fundamental principles to shift our...

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Existential Kink Summary Applying Existential Kink to specific areas of life

Elliott delves into the application of Existential Kink's tenets across various challenging life scenarios.

The concepts introduced in "Existential Kink" provide potent methods for surmounting ongoing challenges and hardships.

The adaptability of "Existential Kink" is what makes it effective. It can be applied to any area of life where you feel stuck, frustrated, or held back by negative patterns. Elliott confronts the challenges encountered in everyday existence.

Examples include money/career issues, relationship patterns, health/body image, as well as obstacles in personal expression.

Imagine feeling trapped in a role that yields no joy, constantly encountering a lack of appreciation and inadequate compensation, as if breaking free from the persistent shortage is beyond reach. You might repeatedly feel attracted to...

Existential Kink Summary Acknowledging and embracing one's true feelings is crucial, as is confronting shame and embracing joy as elements of the transformative process.

Elliott underscores the necessity of self-honesty, acceptance of personal shame, and the welcoming of happiness as vital components on the path to self-improvement and the fulfillment of individual aspirations.

To truly transform, we must wholeheartedly accept and recognize our concealed desires and primal impulses.

Committing to the concepts presented in "Existential Kink" requires significant commitment but offers substantial benefits. Elliott underscores that true freedom emerges when we embrace our deepest desires, urges, and enthusiasms, rather than pretending to be...

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Existential Kink Summary "Existential Kink" distinguishes itself and contributes positively to a range of personal development and reality-creation practices.

Elliott acknowledges the unique advantages and opportunities that Existential Kink offers, and she also notes its similarities to and differences from conventional approaches to self-improvement and manifestation.

The book delves into the subconscious beyond the frequently highlighted principles of the Law of Attraction, concentrating on elements that are typically ignored.

The strength of our convictions and our life force shape our existence. However, Elliott proposes that the concept of drawing to ourselves the elements we concentrate on, despite its stress on "positive thinking," often overlooks...

Existential Kink

Additional Materials


  • The concept of Existential Kink, as presented by Carolyn Elliott, explores the integration of subconscious desires and shadow aspects into personal growth. It involves embracing hidden or taboo desires without judgment to unlock transformative potential. By accepting and understanding these darker facets of our being, we can harness their energy for self-improvement and authentic living. Existential Kink encourages a holistic approach to self-discovery and reality creation, going beyond traditional positive thinking practices.
  • Shadow aspects of personality are the unconscious parts of ourselves that we tend to deny, ignore, or suppress because they are seen as negative, undesirable, or socially unacceptable. These aspects often include traits like aggression, envy, selfishness, laziness, and a tendency towards cruelty. By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects into our conscious awareness, we can achieve personal growth, self-acceptance, and a more balanced sense of self. Embracing these hidden facets can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and help us break free from harmful patterns and behaviors.
  • To integrate shadow elements for self-improvement means...


  • You can explore your subconscious by keeping a 'shadow journal' where you write about experiences that trigger a strong emotional response, aiming to uncover hidden aspects of your personality. Start by noting any situation that evokes feelings of anger, jealousy, or embarrassment. Reflect on these situations later, trying to connect them with deeper desires or fears...

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