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The evolution and enhancement of tactics used by individuals known as economic hit men.

The author explores how the tactics of Economic Hit Men have developed over time, beginning in the mid-20th century and continuing up to current times.

The widespread adoption and assimilation of the economic hit man strategy during the 20th century.

The author delves into the critical incidents and underlying factors that have shaped the evolution of the position referred to as an Economic Hit Man.

The roots of the Economic Hit Man system are linked to the clandestine operations that Kermit Roosevelt started in Iran.

The idea of an Economic Hit Man emerged in full in 1951 after Iran's Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh initiated steps to take control of the nation's oil resources. The United States reacted to the events by sending CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt. Roosevelt's covert tactics, such as providing incentives, applying force, and inciting domestic disputes, ultimately led to the installation of a new Iranian regime that was more aligned with American objectives, with Mohammad Reza Shah at the helm. The foundation for Economic Hit Men's activities was laid after the significant role played by Roosevelt in Iran during the year 1953.

In the era of the Cold War, the strategy for achieving dominance transitioned from deploying military force to securing power through the creation of financial obligations.

In the aftermath of World War II, concerns about a nuclear impasse prompted a strategic shift toward subtler tactics that emphasized economic sway and the cultivation of debt over direct military confrontation. The United States, taking lessons from the difficulties encountered in military confrontations like Vietnam, transitioned to focusing on economic measures to maintain its influence. The approach was strengthened by the necessity to limit the spread of Communism through methods that circumvented the widespread destruction...

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Here's a preview of the rest of Shortform's Confessions of an Economic Hit Man summary:

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Summary The core tactics and methods employed by American economic operatives, such as yourself, and their Russian counterparts.

The primary tactics of Economic Hitmen revolve around fostering fear and leveraging debt to exert control, as well as promoting the notion of scarce resources and using methods that incite division among different factions.

Employing intimidation tactics to enforce obedience.

This strategy utilizes a dual approach that exploits a country's financial vulnerabilities and perceived security threats, sowing division and conflict within and between nations and communities, thereby ensuring compliance through the cultivation of fear.

Economic pressures and military coercion were utilized as means of exerting influence.

The Reagan administration's aggressive stance on defense heightened the sense of discomfort, leading the CIA and self-proclaimed development specialists to support conservative groups and suppress those pushing for social progress. The United States bolstered these authoritarian regimes by providing military aid, a process that involved the strategic use of individuals known as Economic Hit Men.

Fomenting discord and causing divisions among nations and groups.

Strategies designed to provoke internal strife and foster dependence on economic hit men and...

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Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Summary Various methods used by economic hit men in different parts of the world.

The article highlights the similarities between historical events and current economic and political trends by illustrating the common application of tactics used by individuals known as Economic Hit Men.

The strategy of economic hit men was implemented in numerous nations throughout Latin America.

The subversion of leaders like Roldós and Torrijos, who were selected by the people in democratic votes.

Economic Hit Men often undermined democratically elected leaders across various nations in Latin America. The leaders of Ecuador and Panama, who resisted American corporate and government pressures and remained impervious to the tactics of economic hit men, perished in airplane crashes that exhibited characteristics of intentional orchestration. The situation surrounding their collapse hinted at possible meddling, a sign of the extensive sway wielded by economic hit men in the region.

The employment of financial obligations, energy leverage, and military influence to sustain American supremacy.

In Ecuador, brick manufacturers united to establish a cooperative, which represented a direct challenge to the control traditionally held by affluent power brokers,...

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Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Summary China's rising strategies to wield economic power stand in stark contrast to the approaches utilized by America.

China has become a significant player in the world economy, utilizing distinctive tactics as an Economic Hit Man (EHM) that are markedly different from those traditionally used by the United States. The analysis examines the distinct strategies China employs in its economic influence operations, assessing their impact and overall importance in international relations.

China adopted the core tactics characteristic of the Economic Hit Man methodology.

China adeptly adopted the core tactics of economic hit men, emphasizing mutual benefits while pursuing a strategy of avoiding involvement in the internal affairs of other nations, securing influence through significant economic agreements and trade, and capitalizing on both regional supremacy and command over resources to cultivate a sense of obligation.

Emphasis on non-interference and win-win rhetoric

China's approach is founded on a commitment to avoid involvement in the internal affairs of its allies, ensuring benefits that are reciprocal and favorable for all parties. This approach stands in stark contrast to the often-condemned, domineering conduct that is typically associated with the United States.


Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Summary The book's story revolves around the author's personal experiences and the moral dilemmas he encountered during his tenure as an Economic Hit Man.

The writer's account reveals his journey through a complex array of methods employed by individuals aiming to control economies for tactical advantages, highlighting the moral quandaries and internal struggles he faced. The author's story illuminates his initial fascination, eventual realization, and ultimate disillusionment with the strategies employed by those known as economic hit men.

He was brought on board and groomed for the role of an EHM at a leading consulting firm.

Identifying and nurturing individuals prepared to undertake the role of economic hit men involves a specific strategy.

The author's path to becoming an Economic Hit Man began without him realizing it. He joined a consulting firm that coaxed developing countries into accepting large infrastructure loans, leading to their eventual indebtedness and dependency. He narrates his time in a secretive and high-stakes environment, highlighting that the operations he executed were considered critical to national security, with a focus on maintaining secrecy. After being recruited by an individual from the intelligence community, his aptitude for performing economic evaluations in volatile regions was...

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Additional Materials


  • Economic Hit Men are individuals who use various tactics like fostering fear, leveraging debt, and promoting the idea of scarce resources to exert control over nations. They employ strategies such as amassing debt through financial agreements, manipulating economic data to justify corporate agendas, and inciting divisions among factions to maintain influence. These operatives aim to control economies for strategic advantages, often leading to instability in regions and exploiting resources for personal gain. The tactics of Economic Hit Men have evolved over time, adapting to global changes and shifting from overt to more covert methods of influence.
  • In 1951, CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt orchestrated covert operations in Iran to counter Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh's nationalization of the country's oil industry. Roosevelt employed tactics like offering incentives, exerting pressure, and fueling internal conflicts to install a pro-American regime led by Mohammad Reza Shah in 1953. These actions laid the groundwork for the emergence of Economic Hit Men and their strategies in manipulating nations for economic and political gain.
  • During the Cold War era, the shift from...


  • Economic Hit Men tactics may not be as widespread or as effective as suggested, with some countries successfully resisting such influences.
  • The concept of Economic Hit Men could be an oversimplification of complex international economic relations and not fully account for the agency of developing nations.
  • The role of Kermit Roosevelt in Iran might be overstated, as the nationalization of oil and subsequent events were influenced by a multitude of factors beyond just U.S. intervention.
  • The shift from military to economic dominance during the Cold War could also be seen as a natural progression of global economic integration rather than a deliberate strategy of control.
  • The assertion that post-Cold War tactics of Economic Hit Men became normalized might ignore the efforts of international institutions and civil society to promote transparency and accountability.
  • The integration of Economic Hit Men activities into corporations and governments could be challenged by pointing out...

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