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Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.
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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of Becoming Supernatural

In Becoming Supernatural, Joe Dispenza outlines a powerful plan for personal transformation. He says our subconscious mind is the most powerful aspect of our being, and we can use it to create the life we desire if we become aware of the power of our own thoughts. Dispenza uses anecdotal case studies and scientific data to explain how our thoughts and the resulting emotions create our reality and how we can use this knowledge to change our life to one of abundance and joy. He explains that this involves breaking free from old patterns of thinking by using meditation and visualization techniques to create a new reality and manifest your dreams.

He calls this “becoming supernatural” because you’re using the power of your thoughts alone to transform your physical reality. **It’s a process of recognizing that you are more...

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Becoming Supernatural Summary Part 1: Your Thought-Feeling Patterns Create Your Life Experience

Dispenza begins by explaining that our whole experience of life is created by feedback loops between our thoughts and emotions—which we’ll call thought-feeling patterns. He says these thought-feeling patterns underlie all of your experiences and behaviors, so if you want to change your life, you must begin by changing your thoughts. This means you also need to get out of some of your habits and do things differently—which he describes as shifting to the “unknown.”

The thought-feeling pattern works like this:

  1. Your brain processes information and experiences in the form of thoughts which generate an electrical charge.
  2. That electrically-charged thought causes the brain to secrete chemicals.
  3. Those chemicals create the emotions you feel.
  4. The emotions become stored in your memories.
  5. Those emotionally-laden memories then affect how you’ll perceive, interpret, and respond to every subsequent experience you have.
  6. This means your thoughts will be influenced, and the cycle starts all over again.

(Shortform note: Because every emotion we feel is the result of electrical charges passing between neurons, researchers say that what we call “happiness” (or...

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Becoming Supernatural Summary Part 2: Meditation Creates New Thought-Feeling Patterns

Now that we know that our problems have negative thought-feeling patterns at their foundation, we need to understand what practical steps we can take to remedy these unhealthy feedback loops. Dispenza has developed specific meditation techniques designed to interrupt those cyclical patterns and generate higher-frequency and more harmonious mental activity.

In this second half of the guide, we’ll discuss some of Dispenza’s research into brain waves and look at how changing your brain waves taps into your subconscious programming. Then we’ll discuss why the heart is just as important as the brain, and how you can bring more energy into your heart center with breath work. Finally, we’ll look at a unique meditation method Dispenza has developed to prime your brain to expect a brighter future.

Changing Your Brain Waves Changes Your Mind

Dispenza’s research includes monitoring the brainwave states of his meditation practitioners. In the book, he shares images from brain scans of his students to illustrate how dramatic the changes can be. He says that changing your life will mean changing your brain waves so that you have access to your subconscious mind.


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Shortform Exercise: Begin Shifting to the Unknown

Dispenza says that in order to make any life change, we must shift from the known to the unknown. Start taking some steps in that direction by breaking out of your routines.

What daily routines or habits do you have that you go through on “auto-pilot?” Describe those parts of your day. Take particular note of any parts of this routine that might trigger stress or unpleasant feelings—for example, your commute to work, or sitting down at your desk.

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