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Battlefield of the Mind is not a metaphor. In her bestselling book of 130 publications, author, Bible teacher, and speaker Joyce Meyer explains that whether we know it or not, we are engaged in a constant and literal battle for the well-being of our minds. On one side of the battle is Satan, who tries to corrupt our minds and lives with his negativity. On the other side are Christians hoping to live the meaningful and fulfilling life God intends for them.

(Shortform note: While any reader can glean the secular components of Meyer’s arguments, the book is written for a Christian audience.)

Meyer’s goal is to convince readers that the quality of our life hinges on recognizing Satan as the source of our negative thoughts and engaging him in battle. She uses a combination of scripture, anecdotes, and personal witness to explain what Satan’s attacks on our minds look like, their effect on our well-being, and how we can address them. She assures us that we can defeat Satan by cultivating our spirituality and relationship with God.

Meyer divides the book into three parts. In Part 1, she explains how a positive mind leads to words and actions that create a positive life. In Part 2, she explores signs that Satan is attacking our minds and that our thinking is compromised. Finally, in Part 3, she describes ways that unchecked negativity can derail our lives. Our guide parallels these three parts, with an added fourth section where we have consolidated much of her insight into using our relationship with God to live a better life.

Part 1: A Positive Life Requires a Positive Mind

Thinking positive is paramount to living a happy and successful life because our thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies. Meyer explains that positive thoughts lead to positive words and actions that generate more positivity. Likewise, negative thoughts lead to negative words and actions that create further negativity. Therefore, Meyer argues that the only way to truly take ownership of our lives is to first take ownership of our thoughts.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Meyer’s idea that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality is well established in the field of psychology and our culture. Henry Ford’s famous quote, “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right,” or versions of it, are commonly cited to remind us that thinking positively is the first step to success.

Researchers believe that our positive or negative thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies because a belief that we'll fail at something causes us to approach a new challenge timidly, with dampened enthusiasm and marginal effort. If we experience initial setbacks, we may accept defeat quickly and easily.

In contrast, when we believe that we’ll succeed, we can experience setbacks and challenges without becoming discouraged and are more likely to approach new endeavors with enthusiasm and sustained effort. Therefore, first with our thoughts and then with our actions, we create our reality.

A Positive Mind Is Focused on God

For Meyer, a close relationship with God is the driving force behind a positive mind and life. To reap the full benefits of our relationship with God, both our rational mind and our spirit must be attuned to and focused on His wisdom, teachings, and love. She explains that God invites Christians to share His love and wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit, which provides a link between our own spirit and our mind. Since our rational mind is susceptible to becoming confused and discouraged, the Holy Spirit can help us feel the right thing to do.

With the Holy Spirit as our guide, God’s positivity will inform how we see the world, and we’ll be able to interpret and contextualize His teachings and messages and apply them to our lives.

Additionally, Meyer explains that by heeding the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will not only be able to follow God’s unique path for us, but we will find peace and fulfillment along the way.

(Shortform note: Meyer believes that God has a specific plan for each of our lives, although she doesn’t elaborate on how we know what that plan is.)

The Holy Trinity

While Christians believe in one God; He is conceptualized as three noninterchangeable entities, called the Holy Trinity, for practical and spiritual reasons. The concept of the Holy Trinity explains why Meyer references God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in different contexts. For example, Meyer specifically discusses how a partnership with the Holy Spirit can guide us to a positive mind.

For Christians, the nature of God and divinity (and the meaning of life) lies in the relationship between the three parts of the Holy Trinity. God the Father represents the source of all that has been and will be. God the Son (Jesus) is the physical manifestation of God’s love for humanity and His presence in the world. The Holy Spirit is the animating spirit of divine love that flows between beings. Meyer describes a partnership with the Holy Spirit in particular, not because the Holy Spirit and God are two separate entities, but because we can access the divine only in the context of a relationship.

Satan Tries to Keep Our Minds Negative

Satan’s goal is to trap our minds in negative thoughts that prevent us from focusing on God and having a positive life. Meyer explains that Satan knows how powerful we will be if we embrace God’s positivity with our mind and spirit, and so he chooses to attack us where we are most vulnerable—our minds. He targets our mind rather than our spirit because human nature makes us susceptible to wasting mental energy on negative thoughts.

Satan uses our flaws to get us to sabotage our lives. Meyer explains that **Satan uses his knowledge of each of our...

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Battlefield of the Mind Summary Shortform Introduction

If we hope to live the positive life that God intends for us, we must first win the battle for our minds. Satan tries to trap us in a negative life by convincing us to focus on negative thoughts. In Battlefield of the Mind, best-selling author, speaker, and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer teaches that Satan tries to trap us in a negative life by filling our minds with negative thoughts, but that we can thwart Satan’s attempts by focusing on God and His teachings. She explains that by aligning our minds with the Holy Spirit and using Jesus as our role model, we can learn to focus on and cultivate the positive thoughts that will lead to a happy, fulfilling, and faithful life.

About the Author

Joyce Meyer is a well-known Bible teacher and a New York Times best-selling author. She has written 130 books that have sold millions of copies and been translated into 155 languages.

Meyer is the president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She and her team run various outreach efforts, including Hand of Hope (which provides humanitarian aid worldwide), _[Project...

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Battlefield of the Mind Summary Part 1: A Positive Life Requires a Positive Mind

The central tenet of Meyer’s book is that the state of our lives mirrors the state of our minds. A negative mindset produces a negative life, while a positive mindset produces a positive life. According to Meyer, a “positive mindset” is one that is focused on God. She argues that when we put God at the center of our minds and spirits, we're happier, more successful, more fulfilled, and we positively impact those around us.

Meyer sees Satan as the source of our difficulties, arguing that he creates our negative mindsets by keeping us apart from God, which he does by controlling our minds. In Part 1, we’ll explore Meyer’s ideas about how our mindset shapes our reality, her view of Satan as the source of our negative thoughts, and her imagery of our minds as a battlefield between God’s positivity and Satan’s negativity.

Our Thoughts Shape Our Reality

Meyer explains that our thoughts shape our lives because they guide our words and actions. A positive mindset produces positivity that spreads throughout our lives, which brings positivity back to us and in turn helps us be even more positive. Likewise, a negative mindset produces negativity that’s likely to...

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Shortform Exercise: Explore How Your Thoughts Precede Your Actions

Meyer explains that negative thoughts precede negative words and actions. Other people use those words and actions to form their opinions about us.

Think about the last time you were disappointed with your choice of words and actions while interacting with another person. What did you say or do that you wish you hadn’t?

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Battlefield of the Mind Summary Part 2: Signs That Our Mind Is Under Attack

We’ve reviewed Meyer’s imagery of our mind as a battlefield between positive and negative forces. We’ve discussed how the Devil makes it his job to attack our minds with negative thoughts while our job is to align our minds with the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s positivity. Part 2 of our summary will mirror Part 2 of Battlefield of the Mind, in which Meyer outlines “conditions” (we’ll call them signs) indicating that our mind is out of balance with the Holy Spirit and under attack from the Devil.

Sign 1: Our Mind Is Unfocused

The devil attacks our minds by preventing us from focusing and by causing our minds to wander. When our minds can’t focus, we can miss what is happening around us and lose opportunities to connect with God and other people in a positive way. For example, we may miss important messages from God during a sermon or scripture reading if our mind wanders off, or we may lose an opportunity for meaningful conversation if we can’t focus on what the other person is saying.

Meyer gives three main reasons why our mind may wander when we want it to focus. (Shortform note: it's unclear whether these three reasons are how the Devil attacks us or...

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Shortform Exercise: Recognize Negative Thought Patterns

Meyer highlights six signs that our mind is under attack and not as positive as it should be. These signs are the manifestation of negative patterns of thinking. The more habitual these negative patterns become, the more they will negatively affect our words, actions, and ultimately our lives.

Describe a negative pattern of thinking that has been appearing in your thought process recently.

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Battlefield of the Mind Summary Part 3: Common Negative Mindsets

We’ve discussed Meyer’s ideas about how Satan attacks our minds with negative thoughts and have reviewed signs that he is succeeding. Part 3 will cover Meyer’s ideas about what a mind that succumbs to negative thoughts looks like.

Meyer describes a mind lost in negativity as lost in the “wilderness.” If we're trapped in a negative mindset, our lives can feel chaotic and unnavigable, even if our circumstances aren’t actually terrible. She uses the term “wilderness mentality” as a reference to the Israelites, who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years on what should have been an 11 day trip to the promised land (we’ll call “wilderness mentalities” negative mindsets).

Meyer argues that if the Devil can lure us into a negative mindset, he can keep us lost in a cycle of negativity indefinitely, impeding our ability to move forward in our relationship with God, relationships with other people, and our goals in life. She outlines 10 common negative mindsets that can trap people and some insights on how to escape them.

A Negative Thought, or Negative Thinking?

There’s a difference between having negative thoughts and becoming trapped in a cycle of negative...

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Shortform Exercise: Is Your Mind Lost?

If our mind is trapped in a negative mindset we can feel lost in our own lives. Even if our circumstances are objectively pretty good, a negative mindset can make us feel miserable, frustrated, and hopeless. It might take a thorough inventory of our thought processes to realize that a negative mindset, rather than our circumstances, is causing our problems.

Is there an area where you have felt “trapped” or “stuck” in your life?

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Battlefield of the Mind Summary Part 4: Cultivating a Positive Mind

We’ve reviewed Meyer’s ideas about how Satan tries to corrupt our minds with negative thoughts. We’ve explored her 10 common mindsets indicative of a mind trapped in Satan’s negativity. Part 4 will explore Meyer’s ideas about how we can fight off Satan’s attacks and cultivate a positive mind aligned with God’s way of thinking.

Our Weapons Against Negativity

Meyer explains that the word of God is our primary weapon against Satan’s negativity. We use it in three main forms: the written word (scripture), praise, and prayer.


Meyer argues that the written word of God provides us with an arsenal of positive messages that we can use when our mind is under attack from the Devil. She explains that consequently, the more time we spend thinking about and studying the written word, the easier it will be for us to fight off Satan—when we know scripture well, we can easily recall helpful passages from the Bible to apply to any situation where Satan tries to corrupt our thoughts.

In addition to helping us recall God’s messages when we need them, Meyer proposes** that when we can apply the meaning of scripture to our lives, our protection from negativity...

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Shortform Exercise: Identifying a Role Model

Having a model of positivity to emulate can make our work towards a positive mind feel more tangible and attainable. Meyer chooses Jesus as a role model, but we might have someone else who has positive qualities that we would like to cultivate in ourselves.

Think about someone whose positive qualities have made them a positive presence in your life recently. What qualities makes them a positive influence?

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