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In American Marxism, Mark Levin argues that Democrats and leftist organizations are fueling a Marxist revolution against American culture and society. They’re indoctrinating the public with radical Marxist ideologies like Critical Race Theory through public education; reinforcing these ideas through the media; and censoring opposition with “cancel culture.” Levin asserts that if American patriots fail to expose this left-wing brainwashing, leftists will gain dominion over the American government and society. They’ll ultimately create a totalitarian regime in which American values like...

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American Marxism Summary Marxism in America

Levin argues that leftists and the Democratic party, whom he refers to as “American Marxists,” are encouraging Marxist movements and ideologies that will lead to an eventual overthrow of American society. Levin claims that when this happens, the Democrats will take control of the government and create a leftist totalitarian society.

These Marxist movements encourage revolution by emphasizing the dichotomy of oppressors and oppressed and indoctrinating the public with the idea that American society is inherently unjust and evil. And according to them, the only solution to this injustice is to destroy American society and establish an improved “egalitarian” society in its place.

However, Levin warns that this egalitarian society will more closely resemble the former Communist Soviet Union—Americans will be stripped of their freedom of speech, free-market capitalism, private property rights, individualism, and ultimately their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What Is Marxism?

Some critics argue that Levin seems to mislabel many leftists and leftist ideas as “Marxist.” Let’s explore what Marxism is, what Marxists believe, and how these...

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American Marxism Summary The Indoctrination Machine

Social justice and environmental justice movements are pushing Marxist ideas into mainstream culture and politics, but Levin claims that indoctrination is taking place on an individual level as well. He argues that leftists have created a well-oiled indoctrination machine in the US that teaches young Americans to hate the nation and rebel to achieve justice. He argues that first, schools educate the youth with Marxist ideologies that encourage hatred and distrust of America. Then the media instructs them on how to act and what to believe. And finally, censorship and cancel culture scare them into submission and uniformity.

This section will discuss the three steps of Marxist indoctrination that Levin claims takes place in America.

Indoctrination Step #1: Public Education

Levin argues that the first step of Marxist indoctrination in America involves the education system. These institutions are led by leftist professors who encourage students to engage in mass movements and rebellions against America.

Levin explains that many of the lessons currently taught in schools center around leftist ideologies and perspectives that are framed as moral truths, like...

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American Marxism Summary How to Save America

To close, Levin calls American patriots to action, explaining that the only way to combat the rise of Marxism in America is by boycotting, speaking up, and taking legal and administrative action. The following sections will lay out Levin’s advice for how American patriots can fight back against Marxist education systems, corporations, politics, and advocates.

Strategy #1: Stop Marxist “Social Justice” Movements

Levin says that social justice movements like Antifa and BLM are dangerous Marxist groups that incite violent riots and must be held accountable. To combat these groups, patriots can urge lawmakers to pass laws that make the punishment for violent protests more severe.

Citizens can also sue organizations and individuals that took part in riots for damages. Levin says this will hopefully diminish the finances of these groups while reimbursing victims.

(Shortform note: Many people have taken Levin’s advice, pushing for what some call “anti-protest bills.” A Florida bill has been proposed that would (1) give law...

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Shortform Exercise: Identify Marxist Indoctrination in Your Life

Levin explains that Marxist indoctrination surrounds Americans in their everyday lives. However, you can protect yourself from it by identifying forms of indoctrination in your life, who’s behind them, and what their end goal is.

Recall a time that you had a conversation, saw a social media post, read a news article, or came in contact with any form of Marxist indoctrination discussed by Levin. Describe who the information was coming from and what they were saying.

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