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A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley.
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1-Page Summary1-Page Book Summary of A Long Way Home

Saroo's early life and connections with his family took root on the Indian subcontinent.

Saroo's journey began in a state of destitution in India, evolving into a life brimming with hope and fresh starts.

Saroo's early years were characterized by economic hardship in the town of Khandwa, situated in the Indian region of Madhya Pradesh.

Saroo grew up in a close-knit family with his mother Kamla, his siblings Guddu, Kallu, and his sister Shekila.

Saroo grew up in a humble section of a small, dry town situated in central India, a region commonly populated by individuals working for the railway. The constant battle to find enough food was a fundamental aspect of his family's life, often looking for help around the marketplace and railway station. The family of six - his mother Kamla, brothers Guddu and Kallu, and sister Shekila - struggled to survive in a tiny room, where the ceiling was just a little above an adult's head. Saroo and Kallu often faced severe conditions, enduring periods without enough food and proper attire, and sometimes they had to survive with just shirts on their backs and no food at all. Despite these hardships, moments of joy were found during festivals or parties where they could enjoy special foods like meat, which was not part of their usual diet.

As the youngest in the household, Saroo had certain responsibilities to manage during their...

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A Long Way Home Summary Saroo faced a daunting challenge, becoming lost and then having to fend for himself in an urban environment.

The narrative describes the distressing ordeal of Saroo, who at the tender age of five, was tragically separated from his loved ones and faced the harsh realities of existence in the byways of Kolkata.

Saroo finds himself unintentionally estranged from his brother Guddu at a railway station.

Saroo ended up on a train that he was unable to get off, and it ultimately brought him to the city that is now called Kolkata but was once referred to as Calcutta.

Saroo's accidental parting from his brother Guddu at a railway depot ignited a series of passionate attempts by Saroo to reunite with his brother. He ended up on a train which carried him away from his home, and he was trapped inside a locked compartment. When he reached the vast Howrah Railway Station, distinguished by its unique design, his unexpected and distressing journey began.

At the tender age of five, Saroo faced a harrowing experience, endeavoring to fend for himself amidst the chaotic urban sprawl of Kolkata.

Saroo faced considerable difficulties during his time without a home in Kolkata. He was perpetually in danger, being chased and having items thrown at...

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A Long Way Home Summary Saroo spent his formative years and later life in Australia.

Saroo was welcomed into a Hobart-based family as their adoptive son.

Saroo developed a profound bond with his adoptive family while he became accustomed to his fresh start in Australia.

Saroo Brierley embarked on a transformative journey that took him to Melbourne, Australia, where he arrived on the 25th of September, 1987. He was warmly welcomed by John and Sue Brierley, his adoptive parents, as he made his way to his new home with the Brierley family in Hobart, Tasmania. He swiftly discovered comfort and protection in the affection and support his adoptive family offered, which eased his adjustment to unfamiliar environments.

They intentionally cultivated a deep connection, focusing on nurturing a heartfelt attachment instead of accelerating his mastery of English. Saroo's acclimatization to his new environment was facilitated by his family's association with a network that connected him to a broad community of adoptive families and individuals with similar adoption experiences.

Saroo's adoptive mother shone as an advocate for intercountry adoption simplification, driven by her belief in assisting children in harsh circumstances. Saroo's dedication to his studies,...

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A Long Way Home Summary Saroo's quest to find and reunite with his biological relatives.

The book narrates the remarkable odyssey of Saroo. The narrative highlights his unwavering pursuit and the deeply moving reconnection with his family in India.

Saroo undertook a decades-long quest to find his birthplace, armed with only scant clues.

Saroo engaged in a persistent quest to uncover his roots and reconnect with his family members.

Saroo's unwavering quest led him to Khandwa, thanks to his extensive use of the digital mapping service, Google Earth.

Saroo faced the formidable challenge of finding his hometown, a place he remembered by the name "Ginestlay." He meticulously searched Google Earth, concentrating on railway routes and the landscape that aligned with his recollections. Saroo spent years methodically ruling out various places, and by carefully scrutinizing the train routes that began in Burhanpur, he was able to pinpoint the unique water tower...

A Long Way Home

Additional Materials


  • Saroo's journey from destitution to hope showcases his transformation from a life of poverty and struggle in India to a new beginning filled with optimism and opportunities in Australia. This transition is marked by significant challenges, including his accidental separation from his family, his time in foster care and juvenile institutions, and his eventual adoption into a loving Australian family. Through resilience, determination, and the support of his adoptive family, Saroo overcame his past hardships and built a brighter future, blending his Indian heritage with his Australian identity along the way.
  • Saroo's accidental separation from his brother Guddu was a pivotal moment as it led to Saroo boarding a train that took him far from home, setting off a chain of events that drastically altered his life trajectory. This separation marked the beginning of...

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