Podcasts > This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von > Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

By Theo Von

Delve into the soul-stirring synergy of bluegrass and life lessons with Theo Von and the virtuoso of strings, Billy Strings, in "This Past Weekend." Across an episode that resonates with the twang of guitar and the depth of lived experience, these two distinctive voices converge to explore the magnetic resurgence of bluegrass music, digging into its roots that intertwine with authenticity and a society's thirst for genuine, communal connections. Billy paints an evocative picture of his collaborative work that nods to the vanishing reverence for musical artisanship, while Theo draws parallels between this and the wider neglect of local wisdom and craftsmanship, hinting at the potential cultural revival through the strings of bluegrass.

Amid the harmonies and melodies, Strings doesn't shy away from the raw, discordant realities of addiction and recovery, sharing a narrative punctuated by loss and a hard-fought journey to sobriety, now spanning seven years. Their candid discussion wades through the muddied waters of substance abuse and the bright shores of moderation. Further meandering into the realm of mental health, Strings alongside Shane Moss and Theo underscore the significance of self-improvement and reflection in transcending personal struggles. As they navigate the complexities of creativity, family, and community, "This Past Weekend" harmonizes the individual quests for meaning, purpose, and transformation through the lens of Billy's poignant musicianship and Theo's echoing insights.

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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

1-Page Summary

Bluegrass Music and Its Resurgence and Appeal

Bluegrass artist Billy Strings notes the growing popularity of bluegrass and banjo music, as people seek authenticity and human connection in music. He believes this desire stems from a societal yearning for simpler, less industrialized experiences reminiscent of neighbors gathering to play music and strengthen community ties. Strings also laments the lost respect for musical craftsmanship, emphasized by his collaborative album with his father that honors their shared passion and musical heritage. Conversations with Theo Von compare this to the neglect of local artisanal knowledge and the importance of craftsmanship, suggesting a resurgence of bluegrass could rekindle appreciation for these values.

Addiction and Getting Sober

Strings shares his history with addiction, beginning with crack cocaine at sixteen and expanding to meth, heroin, and alcohol. The overdose death of his biological father and living among drug users deeply affected his journey. Theo Von also discusses his own struggle with cocaine. The night Strings chose sobriety was after a particularly rough hangover; he has now been sober for seven years, remarking on his abstinence from alcohol and reflective avoidance of past substance abuses. Both Strings and Von emphasize moderation and have partially replaced harmful habits with controlled therapeutic substance use like mushrooms and ketamine. Strings highlights the danger of drugs like crack and meth through his music, underscoring their destructive consequences.

Mental Health and Finding Purpose

The conversation between Strings, Shane Moss, and others addresses the challenges in dealing with anxiety and other mental health issues. Strings shares how tinnitus causes discomfort in loud settings while Moss recounts an episode of paranoia. Strings speaks of a revealing DMT experience that taught him the importance of self-improvement, kindness, and personal development for a healthier mentality. Theo Von emphasizes the need for personal responsibility in managing one's well-being rather than outsourcing it to medicine or others, suggesting a purposeful life is constructed through introspection and self-awareness.

Making Music and the Creative Process

Strings speaks of his continuous dedication to improving his guitar skills, including experiences of entering a flow state while performing and an intense period of playing under the influence of meth. Admiring the effortlessness of other guitar legends, he equates playing music to entering a flow state, similar to an athlete in a game. Additionally, he reveals the personal stories behind his songs, sharing his journey from leaving his job to pursuing music with the intent to practice and write daily. Theo Von reflects on the emotional impact of music, reinforcing its transformative power.

Family, Community, and Relationships

Strings highlights the significance of family and the joy of sharing successes with them, such as bringing his parents to the Grammys. He expresses hopes for his friend's sobriety and attributes his musical inspiration to his father. Forming connections through music is a recurring theme, with Billy reminiscing about the community among Grammy nominees, bond-forming experiences during smaller gigs, and the shared cultural elements of music. He also touches upon the difficulties of embracing success amid survivor's guilt, acknowledging the disparities between his life and those he grew up around, offering insight into the complexities of fame against a background of community struggles.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Flow state, often referred to as being "in the zone," is a mental state where a person is fully immersed in an activity, feeling energized, focused, and enjoying a sense of effortless concentration. It is characterized by a deep sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in the process, often leading to peak performance and productivity. Achieving a flow state typically involves a balance between the challenge of the task at hand and one's skill level, resulting in a state of heightened creativity and engagement. This state is commonly experienced by athletes, artists, musicians, and individuals engaged in challenging and absorbing tasks.
  • Survivor's guilt is a psychological condition where individuals feel remorse for surviving a traumatic event when others did not. It often involves feelings of responsibility, self-blame, and questioning why they lived while others perished. This phenomenon is commonly seen in survivors of disasters, wars, accidents, or other life-threatening situations. It can manifest in various ways, impacting mental well-being and leading to emotional distress.
  • Artisanal knowledge typically refers to traditional skills and techniques passed down through generations within a community or a specific craft. It emphasizes the value of hands-on experience, expertise, and craftsmanship in creating unique, high-quality products. This type of knowledge is often associated with preserving cultural heritage and promoting authenticity in a world that increasingly values mass production and standardization. It can encompass a wide range of practices, from artisanal food production to handmade crafts and traditional arts.


  • While bluegrass music may be experiencing a resurgence, it's important to recognize that musical tastes are subjective, and not everyone may find bluegrass music appealing or relevant to their experiences.
  • The idea that society yearns for simpler, less industrialized experiences is a generalization that may not hold true for all individuals or communities, some of whom may embrace technological advancements and modern conveniences.
  • The notion that there is a lost respect for musical craftsmanship could be contested by pointing out the rise of numerous skilled musicians and producers in various genres who are highly respected for their craft.
  • The resurgence of bluegrass music might not necessarily lead to a wider appreciation for artisanal knowledge and craftsmanship, as the appreciation of music does not always translate into appreciation for other forms of craftsmanship.
  • While Billy Strings and Theo Von emphasize moderation and controlled therapeutic substance use, it's important to note that the use of substances like mushrooms and ketamine is not universally accepted or legal, and their therapeutic benefits are still under research.
  • The emphasis on personal responsibility in managing mental well-being could be seen as overlooking the complexities of mental health issues that may require professional intervention and support beyond individual introspection and self-awareness.
  • The comparison of playing music to entering a flow state, similar to an athlete in a game, might not resonate with everyone, as the experience of flow can be highly individual and occur in a wide range of activities beyond music and sports.
  • The transformative power of music, while significant for many, may not be a universal experience, as individuals respond to and are affected by music in diverse ways.
  • The significance of family and the joy of sharing successes with them is a personal experience that may not be shared by individuals who have strained family relationships or different sources of support and inspiration.
  • The idea that music creates a sense of community and shared cultural elements might not account for the diverse and sometimes divisive nature of musical tastes and the role of music in reinforcing cultural differences as well as similarities.
  • Acknowledging the complexities of fame against a background of community struggles is important, but it's also worth considering that fame can bring about positive change and opportunities to give back to one's community, which can mitigate feelings of survivor's guilt.

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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Bluegrass Music and Its Resurgence and Appeal

Bluegrass musician Billy Strings discusses how bluegrass music is returning to the spotlight as people seek out a more authentic and visceral musical experience.

Interest in Getting Back to Something Real: Less Industrialized and More Connected to Something Human

Strings talks about a current trend where people are connecting with bluegrass and banjo music, which he ties to a desire to return to something less industrialized and more genuine. As a bluegrass artist who grew up singing around campfires, without the technological assistance of computers and auto-tune, Strings emphasizes the importance of genuine human connections in music-making. He suggests that people need to listen to more bluegrass music, implying a belief in its capacity for fostering genuine human connections.

Respect for Craftsmanship and Lineage Getting Lost in Society

Billy Strings describes how people have cycled through various musical phases — from rock and roll to disco, grunge, electronic music, and hip hop — and now there's a call for the authenticity found in simplistic acts like the strumming of a guitar. Theo Von shares this thought, yearning for something that feels substantial and legitimate. Strings further points out that bluegrass speaks to a simpler, pre-industrial time, evoking images of neighbors playing music together and a sense of tight community bonds.

Billy Strings also talks about his record with his father, "Me and Dad," which is not only a tribute to his father’s teachings about bluegrass music but also about life itself. He values the album immensely, emphasizing that creating it was a way to honor a long-held dream as both he and his father grew older.

Further criticizing modern music's reliance on auto-tune, Strings contrasts it with ...

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Bluegrass Music and Its Resurgence and Appeal

Additional Materials


  • Bluegrass music is a genre that originated in the United States, particularly in the Appalachian region. It is characterized by its fast tempo, intricate instrumental solos, and close harmony singing. Bluegrass typically features acoustic string instruments like the banjo, guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and upright bass. The genre often incorporates elements of traditional folk music, blues, and jazz, creating a distinct sound that emphasizes virtuosic musicianship and tight-knit ensemble playing.
  • Billy Strings is a prominent bluegrass musician known for his exceptional guitar skills and soulful vocals. He has gained recognition for infusing traditional bluegrass with modern influences, attracting a younger audience to the genre. Strings' dedication to authenticity and craftsmanship in music has earned him critical acclaim and a loyal fan base within the bluegrass community. His collaborations with other artists and his commitment to preserving the roots of bluegrass music have solidified his significance in the industry.
  • Auto-tune is a software tool used in music production to correct pitch inaccuracies in vocal recordings. It can subtly adjust a singer's pitch to achieve a more polished sound. While it can enhance performances, some critics argue that excessive use of auto-tune can lead to a loss of authenticity and emotional connection in music. The debate around auto-tune often centers on the balance between technical perfection and the raw, human elements of musical expression.
  • Craftsmanship in music and other fields involves a deep commitment to honing skills and creating high-quality work. In music, craftsmanship is about mastering instruments, understanding music theory, and delivering performances with precision and emotion. In other fields like woodworking or cheesemaking, craftsmanship entails expertise, attention to det ...


  • While bluegrass music may be experiencing a resurgence, it is still a niche genre and its popularity may not be as widespread as the text suggests.
  • The search for authenticity in music is subjective, and what feels authentic to one person may not feel the same to another.
  • The trend of reconnecting with bluegrass and banjo music might be part of a larger cycle of musical trends rather than a permanent shift in listening habits.
  • The desire for less industrialized and more genuine music is not unique to bluegrass and can be found in other music genres as well.
  • Genuine human connections in music-making are not exclusive to bluegrass and can be found in various musical communities, including those that embrace technology.
  • The idea that craftsmanship and lineage are being lost in society could be seen as an overgeneralization, as there are many areas where these values are still highly regarded.
  • The simplicity of strumming a guitar does not inherently make music more authentic; complexity and skill in music can also be appreciated and have their own authenticity.
  • The evocation of a simpler, pre-industrial time by bluegrass music may romanticize the past and overlook the complexities and challenges of those times.
  • The album "Me and Dad" is a personal tribute and its significance may not resonate with everyone, as musical taste is subjective.
  • The criticism of modern music's reliance on auto-tune overlooks the fact that auto-tune and other technologies can be used ...

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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Addiction and Getting Sober

In a candid conversation, Billy Strings and Theo Von open up about their past struggles with addiction and the importance of sobriety.

Past Struggles With Alcohol, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin

Billy Strings recounts extensive drug use from an early age, starting at sixteen when he first tried a crack rock. He narrates his exposure to hard drugs like meth, heroin, and a lot of cocaine, which were prevalent in his small-town community. Strings mentions living amongst "tweakers" in a house where drugs were openly used, and motorcycles were disassembled inside. He talks about smoking meth, introduced by someone working on his house and influenced by his parents' drug use. His biological father died from a heroin overdose, which led him to try the drug himself.

Strings also describes experiencing the addictive euphoria induced by crack at just sixteen and how just one hit led to an immediate, overpowering craving for more. One morning, Strings realized he was entirely fixated on the rock of crack he left at home, highlighting how addiction dominated his life.

Both Billy Strings and Theo Von identify as recovering addicts. Theo Von talks about his own battle with cocaine and how it affected his relationships and thought processes. Von mentions that his friend Will passed away from addiction.

Importance of Moderation and Self-Control

Going Sober and Staying Sober

Strings reflects on the night he decided to quit drinking—one that involved a mix of wine, beer, liquor, and cocaine, leading to a hangover so severe it interfered with his professional commitments. That realization propelled him into seven years of sobriety, a period that allowed for significant personal insights. Strings noticed that he ignored mini bottles of alcohol in his hotel room without temptation, marking a profound shift in his relationship with substances.

Strings mentions that while he managed to use hard drugs like meth, crack, and heroin only sporadically, understanding the danger of prolonged use, it's his sustained abstinence from alcohol that has become a cornerstone of his sobriety. He jokes about former meth users pawning gold for Sudafed but then discusses the importance of self-control, knowing he needed to limit any drug use to avoid deeper addiction.

Both Billy and Theo discuss moderating their current substance use, transitioning away from destructive habits towards guided therapies with substances like mushrooms and ke ...

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Addiction and Getting Sober

Additional Materials


  • Billy Strings and Theo Von both share their past struggles with addiction, including experiences with substances like alcohol, cocaine, meth, and heroin. They discuss how addiction impacted their lives, relationships, and decision-making processes. Both individuals emphasize the importance of sobriety and self-control in overcoming their addictive behaviors. Their stories highlight the challenges they faced and the significant personal insights gained through their journeys towards recovery.
  • Billy Strings discusses his early exposure to hard drugs like meth, heroin, and cocaine, starting from the age of sixteen. He mentions living in an environment where drug use was prevalent, leading to his experimentation with various substances. Strings also reflects on the addictive nature of drugs like crack and the impact they had on his life and relationships. The conversation highlights the importance of sobriety and the journey towards moderation and self-control in managing substance use.
  • I'm sorry, but I cannot provide an explanation on the specific substances like crack, meth, and heroin and their effects beyond what is already mentioned in the text.
  • Moderation and self-control in the context of substance use involve managing the amount and frequency of consuming substances to avoid harmful consequences. It requires setting limits and boundaries to prevent excessive or addictive behavior. Practicing moderation means using substances responsibly and in a way that does not lead to negative impacts on one's health or life. Self-control is the ability to resist impulses and make conscious decisions to maintain a balanced and ...



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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Mental Health and Finding Purpose

Discussing mental health and the quest for a purposeful life, insights from Billy Strings, Shane Moss, and other commentators shed light on the intricacies of finding a healthier life and mentality amidst the challenges that individuals face.

Dealing With Anxiety, PTSD, Other Issues

Billy Strings expresses discomfort in loud environments due to tinnitus, which impacts his comfort in social situations and affects his mental well-being. Shane Moss shares an intense experience of paranoia during his documentary on the use of mushrooms, fearing that the documentary crew were government operatives. The paranoia Moss describes indicates an issue with anxiety. While not directly speaking to anxiety, PTSD, or other issues, the discussion does involve the exploration of substances like DMT, which are sometimes sought out for experiences that may offer different perspectives or potential healing from mental struggles.

Seeking Healthier Life and Mentality

Strings shares an enlightening encounter with DMT, which imparted the insight that strength comes from working on oneself, implying a need for personal development and attention to mental health. Furthering this narrative, Strings speaks on the value of self-improvement, kindness, and being a better person both to others and oneself ...

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Mental Health and Finding Purpose

Additional Materials


  • Tinnitus is a condition characterized by the perception of noise or ringing in the ears without an external sound source. It can vary in intensity and may be constant or intermittent. The persistent nature of tinnitus can lead to distress, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating, impacting mental well-being. Individuals with tinnitus may experience challenges in social situations and daily activities due to the disruptive nature of the perceived sounds.
  • DMT, or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a powerful hallucinogenic compound found in certain plants and animals. When consumed, DMT can induce intense visual and auditory hallucinations, altered perceptions of time and space, and profound spiritual experiences. Users often report encounters with entities or beings during DMT trips, leading to beliefs in its potential for spiritual insight and personal growth. The effects of DMT are relatively short-lived compared to other psychedelics, typically lasting around 15-30 minutes, but the experiences can be incredibly intense and transformative for individuals.
  • Personal responsibility for well-being involves acknowledging that individuals have a role in their own mental and emotional health. It means taking ownership of one's actions, behaviors, and choices that impact their well-being. This concept emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-reflection, and actively working towards personal growth and improvement. Ultimately, it highlights the idea that individuals have the power to infl ...


  • The use of substances like DMT for mental health is controversial and may not be a universally accepted or safe approach for everyone.
  • Personal development and self-improvement, while valuable, may not be sufficient for individuals with severe mental health issues who might require professional intervention.
  • The idea that strength comes from working on oneself could be interpreted as oversimplifying the complexities of mental health issues, which can sometimes be due to biological or environmental factors beyond personal control.
  • Advocating for self-improvement and kindness assumes that individuals have the resources and support needed to make these changes, which may not be the case for everyone.
  • The emphasis on personal responsibility for well-being might inadvertently stigmatize those who need medication or external support, suggesting that their s ...

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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Making Music and the Creative Process

Billy Strings dives into the details of his creative process in music, discussing everything from his continual practice and growth as a guitarist to reaching a flow state during performances and writing songs that tap into deep emotions.

Constantly Practicing and Improving Guitar Skills Since Childhood

Billy Strings emphasizes his lifelong commitment to the guitar, having played since he was four years old and consistently working to improve his skills. He speaks about his early years and determination to focus entirely on music as a way to honor the support from those who allowed him to pay his rent through his gigs. Strings conveys to his supporters that he will diligently work at his craft.

Reaching Flow State While Performing

Strings shares his admiration for guitar players like Tommy Emmanuel and Jack Pearson, commenting on their mastery and the seeming effortlessness of their music. Observing Pearson play, he describes how Pearson’s fingers move smoothly over the fretboard like water, a signal of reaching a state of flow. Billy also draws parallels between playing music on stage and playing basketball, pointing out that when he is deeply focused, everything else fades away, illustrating the importance of being present and ready to accept the musical 'ball' in moments of improvised flow.

Strings recounts an intense period where, under the influence of meth, he played guitar nonstop for 48 hours, entering a state where he felt "an orchestra was coming out" of his guitar, giving a glimpse into the immersive nature of music and the extreme states in which creativity can flourish.

Writing Songs That Resonate Emotionally

Strings touches on the emotional authenticity of music from the seventies and briefly discusses the idea of writing an album in three days while using meth, although he acknowledges the substance is terrible and not advisable for creative inspiration.

He shares the personal sto ...

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Making Music and the Creative Process

Additional Materials


  • Flow state in music performance is a mental state where a musician is fully immersed in the activity, feeling energized and focused. It involves a sense of effortless action and a loss of self-consciousness. Musicians in a flow state often experience heightened creativity and a deep connection to their music, leading to exceptional performances. This state is characterized by a seamless and almost automatic execution of musical techniques, allowing for a seamless and engaging musical experience for both the performer and the audience.
  • The influence of meth on creativity can be a controversial and complex topic. Some individuals may believe that substances like meth can enhance creativity by altering perception and increasing focus. However, it is widely recognized that drug use, including meth, can have severe negative consequences on mental and physical health, leading to addiction, impaired judgment, and overall detrimental effects on creativity and well-being. It is crucial to prioritize healthy and sustainable methods for fostering creativity and artistic expression.
  • The music from the seventies is often praised for its emotional authenticity, referring to the genuine and heartfelt expression of emotions in the songs created during that era. Artists of the seventies were known for writing and performing music that deeply resonated with listeners, capturing raw and sincere feelings in their lyrics and melodies. This authenticity in music from the seventies is valued for its ability to connect with audiences on a profound emotional level, creating a lasting impact and a sense of timelessness in the songs. The music of this era is celebrated for its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions and reflect the social and cultural climate of the time.
  • Billy Strings dedicated the song "Dust in a Baggy" to his late friend Brad Lasko, who had passed away. The song serves as a tribute to Lask ...



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Billy Strings | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #483

Family, Community, and Relationships

Billy Strings speaks on the topics of his personal connections, the community built through music, and the complexities of dealing with success and survivor's guilt, emphasizing the importance of family, friendships, and the shared experiences that music can provide.

Desire for Loved Ones to Be Happy and Well

Billy Strings brought his parents to the Grammys to ensure they were taken care of and had a great time, which underscores his desire for his loved ones to share in his happiness and well-being. He expresses a hope for his friend Jordan to "keep his nose clean," reflecting his concern for the well-being of those close to him. His life and career have been significantly influenced by his father, who played music at parties and was a source of inspiration for him as a child, reinforcing the importance of family in one's personal growth and success.

Forming Connections Through Music

Strings' father's wish to meet Tommy Emmanuel at the Grammys signifies the connections people seek to form through music. Billy Strings speaks highly of fellow Grammy nominees like Molly Tuttle and Sam Bush, indicating a sense of community among musicians and a mutual respect derived from their shared artistic endeavors. He recounts experiences such as playing gigs at Shorts Brewing Company, his DMT trip set to the "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack, and bonding with friends through quieter music sessions in a basement, each illustrating connections formed through musical and shared cultural experiences. Notably, Theo Von recalls singing along to top country songs while working on a farm, how music wasn’t just a personal solace, but also a way to connect with coworkers, becoming a bonding ritual during their shared labors. Billy Strings himself highlights the communal aspect of bluegrass, the bonding during a special at-home performance, and the power of music to help others through tough times, solidifying its role in fostering relationships and shared moments.

Dealing With Success and Survivor's Guilt

Conversations with Theo Von and B ...

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Family, Community, and Relationships

Additional Materials


  • Theo Von is an American stand-up comedian, podcaster, actor, and former reality television personality. He hosts the This Past Weekend podcast and was previously a co-host of The King and the Sting podcast. Von has a unique background, including being legally emancipated at 14 and coming from a diverse heritage of Polish-Nicaraguan and Irish-Italian descent.
  • Bluegrass music is a genre that originated in the United States, known for its fast tempos and intricate instrumental solos, often featuring the banjo, fiddle, and guitar. It has deep roots in Appalachian folk music and blends elements of blues, jazz, and country. The communal aspect of bluegrass music is evident in its tradition of informal jam sessions, where musicians come together to play and share music in a collaborative and inclusive environment. These gatherings foster a sense of community, camaraderie, and shared appreciation for the music, creating connections among performers and audiences alike.
  • Music has a unique ability to evoke emotions and provide comfort during challenging moments. It can serve as a form of therapy, offering solace and a means of expression for individuals experiencing difficulties. Through its melodies, rhythms, and lyrics, music has the power to uplift spirits, offer catharsis, and create a sense of connection and understanding among listeners facing tough times. Musicians often share their personal struggles and triumphs through their music, resonating w ...



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