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Biden Leaves the Stage

By The New York Times

On The Daily, Katie Rogers shares insights into the political legacy of Joe Biden's presidency. The summary text reveals Biden's disappointment at being sidelined during the 2022 Democratic National Convention, signaling a symbolic passing of the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Rogers details Biden's decision to withdraw from the 2020 presidential race after advisors warned of waning party support. Biden subsequently endorsed Harris as his successor, aiming to unify the party behind her candidacy. The summary culminates with a poignant description of Biden's final convention speech, where he hinted at Harris continuing his mission while acknowledging his own mortality.

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Biden Leaves the Stage

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Biden Leaves the Stage

1-Page Summary

Biden's Disappointment at the 2022 Convention

The 2022 Democratic National Convention undercut Joe Biden's expectations as he was relegated to delivering the opening night speech, traditionally viewed as a demotion from the climactic closing night address. This suggested a symbolic passing of the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris, seen as the emerging Democratic face.

Biden's Withdrawal and Endorsement of Harris in 2020

Katie Rogers reports that Biden, reeling from COVID-19, consulted advisors who conveyed waning party support for his 2020 campaign. After reflection, Biden concluded continuing would "rip apart" Democrats, so he withdrew and endorsed Harris to preserve unity.

Solidifying Harris as Biden's Successor

Rogers explains Biden swiftly endorsed Harris to preempt intra-party power struggles, effectively locking up the nomination for her as his political heir. This aimed to ensure a unified transition while acknowledging his legacy's link to her performance.

Biden's Final Convention Speech

Delegates gathered with bittersweet emotion as Biden delivered his last convention speech. He reflected on overcoming challenges and his hope to unite America. Though not overtly endorsing Harris, Baker and Tavernise note Biden framed her as continuing his mission to preserve democratic values. Biden was visibly moved, recognizing he "cannot outrace time."

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The 2022 Democratic National Convention was significant as it marked a shift in Joe Biden's role within the party, with his speech placement suggesting a changing of the guard to Vice President Kamala Harris. This event highlighted the evolving dynamics and power structures within the Democratic Party, showcasing Harris as a prominent figure for the future. Biden's positioning at the convention reflected broader political strategies and narratives at play within the party during that time.
  • Joe Biden's perceived demotion in speaking slot at the 2022 Democratic National Convention was due to a strategic decision to showcase Vice President Kamala Harris as the emerging face of the Democratic Party. Traditionally, the opening night speech is seen as a platform for setting the tone of the convention, while the closing night address is typically reserved for the party's key figure. This symbolic passing of the torch to Harris reflected a shift in focus towards the future leadership of the party. Biden's acceptance of the opening night slot could be interpreted as a deliberate move to highlight Harris's prominence and potential succession within the party.
  • Joe Biden withdrew from the 2020 presidential campaign due to waning party support and concerns about causing division within the Democratic Party. He decided to endorse Kamala Harris to promote party unity and prevent internal conflicts. Biden's withdrawal and endorsement of Harris aimed to preserve the party's cohesion and ensure a smooth transition of leadership. This decision was influenced by his advisors' feedback and his desire to prioritize the party's interests over his personal ambitions.
  • Joe Biden's endorsement of Kamala Harris as his successor was a strategic move to maintain party unity and pave the way for a smooth transition of power within the Democratic Party. By endorsing Harris, Biden aimed to prevent internal power struggles and ensure a continuation of his political agenda through her leadership. This endorsement solidified Harris as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination and signaled Biden's support for her to carry forward his legacy and values. Biden's endorsement of Harris was a significant step in shaping the future direction of the party and acknowledging her as his chosen political heir.
  • Intra-party power struggles within the Democratic Party typically involve conflicts over leadership positions, policy direction, and party priorities among different factions or individuals within the party. These struggles can arise from differing ideological perspectives, personal ambitions, or strategic disagreements on how to advance the party's agenda. They often play out during primary elections, party conventions, and in legislative decision-making processes. Resolving these power struggles is crucial for maintaining party unity and effectiveness in pursuing political goals.
  • Joe Biden's endorsement of Kamala Harris as his political heir aimed to solidify her position as his successor. By endorsing Harris, Biden sought to ensure a smooth transition of power within the Democratic Party. This endorsement also indicated Biden's belief that Harris would continue his mission to uphold democratic values and carry forward his legacy. Biden's acknowledgment of the link between his legacy and Harris's performance was a strategic move to maintain party unity and strengthen Harris's position as the emerging Democratic leader.
  • Joe Biden's final convention speech was emotionally charged, reflecting on his challenges and aspirations for national unity. While not explicitly endorsing Kamala Harris, Biden alluded to her as the torchbearer of his values and mission. The speech marked a poignant moment of transition and legacy acknowledgment in the Democratic Party. Biden's visible emotion and acknowledgment of the passage of time underscored the significance of the moment.


  • The decision to have Biden speak on the opening night could be interpreted as a strategic move to set the tone for the convention rather than a demotion.
  • Biden's withdrawal from the 2020 campaign could be seen as a strategic decision for personal or health reasons rather than solely due to declining party support.
  • The endorsement of Harris might not have been solely to prevent division but could also have been a genuine belief in her leadership abilities and vision for the country.
  • The notion that Biden's final speech was his last could be premature; there could be opportunities for him to address future conventions in different capacities.
  • The framing of Harris as continuing Biden's mission could be seen as a standard practice of endorsing a successor, rather than a unique or particularly poignant aspect of Biden's speech.
  • Acknowledging the passage of time is a common rhetorical device in political speeches and may not necessarily indicate a deep personal revelation or a unique moment of vulnerability for Biden.

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Biden Leaves the Stage

Biden's expectations and disappointment about the 2022 Democratic National Convention

The 2022 Democratic National Convention stood as a stark contrast to what Joe Biden had expected, leading to an apparent disappointment for the President.

Expectations for Presidential Validation at the 2020 Convention

The 2020 Democratic Convention was anticipated to be a pivotal moment of celebration and validation for Biden. Being the presidential nominee, this would be his chance to enjoy the spectacle and grandeur of the event—an experience and recognition he had longed for in his prior campaigns but had never realized given that the 2020 convention was constrained to a virtual format due to the pandemic.

Diminishment at the 2022 Convention

Unfortunately for Biden, the 2022 convention did not align with his expectations of being the central figure of the event.

Relegated to the Opening Night Speech

Instead of speaking on the closing night of the convention—a slot traditionally saved for the acceptance speech of the party’s presidential nominee and the climax of the event—Biden was scheduled to deliver his speech on the first night. This departure from the norm is typically perceived as a demotion, with opening night usually reserved for former presidents and revered party figures rather than the current p ...

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Biden's expectations and disappointment about the 2022 Democratic National Convention

Additional Materials


  • Speaking on the closing night of a convention is traditionally reserved for the acceptance speech of the party's presidential nominee. It is a highly anticipated moment that symbolizes the culmination of the event and the official endorsement of the nominee by the party. This prime slot allows the nominee to address the nation and set the tone for the upcoming election campaign. Being scheduled for the closing night signifies the nominee's central role and importance within the party.
  • At political conventions, the closing night typically features the acceptance speech of the party's presidential nominee, a high-profile moment symbolizing the climax of the event. Former presidents and esteemed party figures often speak on this night. The opening night usually showcases prominent party members but not necessarily the current party leader. The speaking schedule reflects the party's hierarchy and the perceived importance of each speaker.
  • The symbolic passing of the torch to a new generation signifies a tra ...


  • The scheduling of speeches at a convention may not necessarily reflect the party's valuation of different figures but could be due to strategic planning or logistical reasons.
  • Speaking on the opening night could be seen as an honor, setting the tone for the convention and energizing the party base from the outset.
  • The perception of a "demotion" for Biden is subjective and may not be shared by all attendees or party members.
  • The shift in focus towards Vice President Kamala Harris could be part of a broader strategy to showcase the depth of leadership within the party rather than a diminishment of Biden's role.
  • The idea that Harris is overshadowing Biden is an interpretation that may not take into account the collaborative nature of their administration and the party's efforts to present a united front.
  • The ...

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Biden Leaves the Stage

Biden's decision-making process to withdraw from the 2020 presidential election

Joe Biden's path to withdrawal from the 2020 presidential election was shaped by both his personal health challenges and political strategy considerations, culminating in his decision to endorse Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination.

Biden's decision to withdraw from the 2020 race was precipitated by his bout with COVID-19 and the growing realization that he would face an uphill battle to win the nomination without strong party support.

Katie Rogers reports that President Biden, dealing with the effects of COVID-19, consulted with his top advisers at his Delaware beach home. During these meetings, key advisor Steve Ricchetti conveyed the party leaders’ concerns and their diminishing enthusiasm for Biden's campaign. His senior strategist and advisors, including Ricchetti and Mike Donilon, advised him that although they could technically continue the campaign, the lack of support from Democratic party leaders would present significant challenges.

While initially inclined to forge ahead, Biden consulted closely with top advisers who conveyed the party's waning enthusiasm for his candidacy and the high personal and political costs of continuing the fight.

Biden recognized that pushing forward with his campaign could cause a rift within the Democratic Party. After an evening of reflection while isolated in a spare bedroom due to his COVID-19 infection, Biden decided to focus on party unity rather than his per ...

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Biden's decision-making process to withdraw from the 2020 presidential election

Additional Materials


  • Joe Biden's personal health challenges during the 2020 presidential election included a bout with COVID-19, which influenced his decision-making process. This health issue led to concerns about his ability to continue campaigning effectively. Biden's health condition, combined with political considerations, played a significant role in his eventual decision to withdraw from the race.
  • Biden's political strategy considerations included the diminishing support from Democratic party leaders, the potential for a rift within the party if he continued his campaign, and the belief that endorsing Kamala Harris could unify the party and enhance its electoral prospects.
  • Steve Ricchetti played a crucial role as a key advisor to Joe Biden during his decision-making process to withdraw from the 2020 presidential election. Ricchetti conveyed party leaders' concerns and lack of enthusiasm for Biden's campaign, highlighting the challenges ahead. His advice, along with that of other senior strategists, influenced Biden's decision to prioritize party unity over personal ambition. Biden's consultations with Ricchetti and other advisors were instrumental in shaping his eventual endorsement of Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.
  • Biden's potential continuation of his campaign despite waning party support could have led to internal divisions within the Democratic Party. This rift could have weakened the party's unity and affected its ability to present a strong front in the election. ...

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Biden Leaves the Stage

Biden's role in passing the Democratic nomination to Kamala Harris

Katie Rogers reports that President Biden has played a pivotal role in positioning Vice President Harris as his political successor, aiming to prevent another Trump term by solidifying her as the Democratic Party's future leader.

By swiftly endorsing Harris and effectively locking up the nomination for her, Biden sought to ensure a smooth and unified transition of power within the party.

Biden's endorsement of Harris preempted any potential intra-party jockeying or power struggles, solidifying her status as the heir to his political legacy.

Biden threw his full support behind Vice President Harris, which Rogers interprets as an attempt to shut down any speculation about other potential candidates. This move preempted any internal competition or political maneuvering within the Democratic Party, unifying the party behind a single candidate and setting the stage for a more organized transfer of leadership when the time comes.

In doing so, Biden aimed to preserve party unity and set Harris up for success, recognizing that his own political future and historical legacy were now inextricably linked to her performance as the Democratic standard-beare ...

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Biden's role in passing the Democratic nomination to Kamala Harris

Additional Materials


  • President Biden and Vice President Harris have a professional relationship as the two highest-ranking officials in the United States government. Biden selected Harris as his running mate during the 2020 presidential campaign, and she became the first female, first Black, and first Asian American vice president in U.S. history. Their collaboration involves working together on various policy initiatives and representing the administration both domestically and internationally. Biden's endorsement of Harris as his political successor indicates a level of trust and partnership between the two leaders.
  • In the Democratic nomination process, candidates compete in primaries and caucuses to win delegates who will support them at the party's national convention. Endorsements from influential figures like party leaders or elected officials can boost a candidate's credibility, visibility, and support among voters. These endorsements can signal to voters and party members who the establishment supports and can influence the outcome of the primaries. The process of securing endorsements is a strategic move to build alliances, gain momentum, and demonstrate viability as a candidate.
  • Intra-party jockeying and power struggles within the Democratic Party typically involve competition among party members for influential positions, endorsements, or policy priorities. These internal dynamics can impact party unity, leadership transitions, and the overall direction of the party's agenda. Such struggles often reflect differing ideologies, ambitions, and strategies among party members, influencing decision-making processes and shaping the party's image and effectiveness. Resolving or preempting these conflicts is crucial for maintaining cohesion and effectiveness within the party.
  • In political succession, passing the baton symbolizes transferring power and leadership from one individual to another. Being a torchbearer means carrying forward the ideas, policies, and le ...


  • Biden's endorsement of Harris may not guarantee a smooth transition if there are significant factions within the party that support other potential candidates.
  • Preempting intra-party competition could be seen as undemocratic, potentially stifling healthy debate and the emergence of other qualified leaders.
  • The assumption that Biden's endorsement solidifies Harris's status could be challenged if the party base or delegates are not fully aligned with his choice.
  • The move to unify the party behind a single candidate so early might not account for changing political dynamics or emerging issues that could affect voter preferences.
  • The success of Harris as a candidate should not solely be attributed to Biden's endorsement; her own merits, policies, and campaign strategy are also crucial factors.
  • The idea that Biden's legacy is inextrably linked to Harris's performance could be seen as an oversimplification of the complex factors that shape historical legacies.
  • The notion that Biden's endorsement is primarily aimed at preventing another Trump term ...

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Biden Leaves the Stage

The symbolic and emotional significance of Biden's final convention speech

Amid the pageantry of the democratic convention, Joe Biden delivered what was remarked as the final convention speech of his long political career, creating an atmosphere ripe with bittersweet sentiment and nostalgia as he reflected on his journey and passed the torch to the next generation.

Biden's convention speech represented the formal conclusion of his long political career, a bittersweet moment of acknowledging the end of his presidential ambitions while also celebrating his decades of public service.

Delegates at the convention shared their deep affection and reverence for Biden, emotional yet understanding of his decision to step down as it was seen as right for the country. With tears expected, the crowd came prepared with Kleenex, understanding the poignancy of the moment. As Biden concluded with a heartrending "America, America, I gave my best to you," it solidified the end of an era of his political activism, leaving an indelible mark on those in attendance. Roaring cheers and affectionate graphics of "Thank you, Joe" and "We love Joe" spread across the convention hall, offering a clear sign of recognition and gratitude for his service.

The speech was imbued with deep emotion as Biden reflected on his life's work, the challenges he had overcome, and the legacy he hoped to leave behind - a poignant passing of the torch to the next generation of Democratic leadership.

Sabrina Tavernise and Peter Baker called the closing of Biden's extraordinary political journey an American story that transcends political affiliations. Using the line "And there's nothing we cannot do when we do it together," Biden spoke of unity, a continuing theme underpinning his political mission. As Biden made it clear he was stepping aside after more than 50 years in public service, the human element of his decision was palpable, his speech serving both as reflection on his place in history and as a reminder of the significance of his presidency.

Biden, demonstrating visible emotion, revealed the personal signific ...

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The symbolic and emotional significance of Biden's final convention speech

Additional Materials


  • The emotional atmosphere at the convention was characterized by deep affection and reverence for Joe Biden, with delegates understanding and supporting his decision to step down. The crowd was prepared for tears, recognizing the poignancy of the moment as Biden concluded his speech with a heartfelt message. Cheers and displays of gratitude towards Biden filled the convention hall, marking the end of an era in his political career. Biden's visible emotion and the crowd's warmth highlighted the personal significance of his transition and the impact of his presidency.
  • In the context of Biden's speech, the implicit endorsement of Kamala Harris as his successor means that while he did not explicitly say "I endorse Kamala Harris," his words and actions ...


  • While Biden's speech may have marked the end of his political career, it could be argued that the true conclusion of a political career is not defined by a speech but by the cessation of influence and involvement in political matters.
  • Some delegates or members of the party might have had mixed feelings about Biden's tenure and his decision to step down, reflecting a diversity of opinions within the party.
  • Emotional speeches can sometimes overshadow critical evaluations of a politician's record, and it's important to balance sentiment with objective assessments of policy impacts and leadership effectiveness.
  • Emphasizing unity is a common rhetorical device in political speeches, but it may not always reflect the complex realities of political division and the challenges of achieving bipartisan cooperation.
  • The significance of stepping aside can be interpreted in various ways, and some might argue that s ...

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