Podcasts > The Daily > A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

By The New York Times

Delve into a harrowing exploration of parental negligence and involuntary manslaughter on "The Daily," featuring the thought-provoking insights of Michael Barbaro and guests Lisa Miller, Marc Keast, and others, as they dissect the case revolving around the mass shooter Ethan Crumbly. This poignant episode sheds light on the disturbing mental health decline of Ethan before the tragedy unfolded, revealing missed signals and a mother's chilling disregard for her son's desperate pleas for help.

The podcast scrutinizes Jennifer Crumbly's failing to respond to Ethan's alarming hallucinations, her nonchalant behavior towards unsettling incidents, and the pivotal role this may have played in the school shooting. Amid fraught legal debates on "foreseeability" and evidence interpretation, this episode compels listeners to consider the profound consequences of parental actions—or inaction—on "The Daily." With legal perspectives woven throughout, the conversation challenges audiences to contemplate the intricate intersection of law, morality, and family responsibility in the aftermath of unspeakable violence.

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A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

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A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

1-Page Summary

Mental Health of Teen Shooter Ethan Crumbly

Ethan Crumbly showed alarming signs of mental health deterioration prior to the school shooting. Through text messages, he expressed experiencing visions and believing in a demon at home. His emotional struggles were evident in his pleas for a doctor's appointment and taking pills as a dismissive response from his father. Despite Ethan's urgent appeals and apparent emotional outbursts, his parents did not provide him with the necessary mental health counseling. Jennifer Crumbly, his mother, even laughed off his requests for medical assistance, reflecting a failure to acknowledge and address Ethan's mental health needs.

Negligence of Ethan's Mother Jennifer Crumbly

Jennifer Crumbly's response to her son Ethan's mental health disruptions indicates negligence. While Ethan texted her about his hallucinations, she was absorbed with horse riding and did not reply for two days. She exhibited indifference to Ethan's bizarre behavior, referring to it as a joke about a "house ghost" at a meeting with school officials concerning a disturbing drawing. The prosecution criticizes her lack of engagement and warmth towards Ethan, especially in light of the serious concerns raised about his actions.

Responsibility for School Shooting

Jennifer Crumbly faces involuntary manslaughter charges because of negligence in recognizing and acting upon the red flags associated with Ethan’s behavior on the day of the shooting. Although Ethan's parents are charged, the legal challenge lies in proving their responsibility for their son's crime. Jennifer's lack of action regarding Ethan's drawing, which alluded to a gun, is a key factor in the prosecution's case. The notion of "foreseeability" is at the crux of the argument – that an ordinary person would have seen the potential threat and taken preventive measures. Despite the defense asserting that evidence is taken out of context and the availability of other intervention means that school officials did not pursue, the prosecution maintains that Jennifer's actions contributed to the failure to prevent the tragic event. Legal experts acknowledge the difficulty of holding parents accountable for their child's crimes, reflecting the legal and moral complexities at play.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • "Involuntary manslaughter" is a legal term that typically involves causing someone's death unintentionally but through reckless or negligent behavior. It differs from murder, which involves intent to kill. "Foreseeability" in legal terms means the ability to anticipate or predict a certain outcome based on the circumstances at hand. It is often used to determine if a reasonable person could have anticipated the consequences of their actions or inactions.
  • The prosecution's case against Jennifer Crumbly focuses on her alleged negligence in recognizing and addressing her son's concerning behavior before the school shooting. They argue that her dismissive responses to Ethan's mental health issues, including his disturbing drawings and pleas for help, contributed to the tragedy. The prosecution emphasizes Jennifer's lack of action despite warning signs, such as Ethan's expressed visions and belief in a demon, as key evidence of her culpability. Legal experts note the challenge of holding parents accountable for their child's actions but highlight the prosecution's focus on Jennifer's failure to take preventive measures in response to clear red flags.
  • Holding parents accountable for their child's crimes involves legal and moral challenges due to the complexities of determining the extent of parental responsibility in such situations. The concept of foreseeability plays a crucial role in assessing whether parents could have reasonably anticipated and prevented their child's criminal actions. Legal systems often require a clear link between the parent's actions or inactions and the child's criminal behavior to establish accountability. This area of law involves navigating the balance between parental duty, individual autonomy, and societal expectations regarding parental supervision and intervention.


  • The mental health system may be under-resourced or difficult to navigate, which could have impeded the parents' ability to get Ethan the help he needed.
  • Parents may not be trained to recognize the signs of severe mental illness, and what may seem like negligence could be a lack of understanding or awareness.
  • The parents' responses to Ethan's behavior could be seen in a different light if there were a history of similar behavior that turned out to be benign.
  • The school system and other social support structures also have a role in identifying and addressing potential threats, and their actions or inactions could be considered as well.
  • The legal system must balance the need for accountability with the recognition that predicting violent behavior is complex and not always possible, even for experts.
  • The concept of "foreseeability" can be subjective and may not take into account the nuances of a family's dynamic or the individual's ability to hide their intentions.
  • Charging parents for the crimes of their children sets a precedent that could have far-reaching implications for parental responsibility and legal standards.
  • The defense may have valid points regarding evidence being taken out of context, which could change the interpretation of the parents' actions.
  • There may be extenuating circumstances or additional context not provided in the text that could mitigate the perceived negligence of the parents.
  • The effectiveness of mental health interventions is not guaranteed, and even with professional help, there is no certainty that the tragedy could have been averted.

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A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

Mental Health of Teen Shooter Ethan Crumbly

The case of Ethan Crumbly reveals a troubling series of events surrounding his mental health leading up to a tragic school shooting.

Ethan's increasingly distressed mental state before shooting

Text messages portray a deeply distressed Ethan who experiences visions and believes that a demon is present in his home. These troubling accounts are supplemented by Ethan's own admissions to a friend that he is "falling apart." He reportedly struggles with sleep, suffers emotional outbursts, and feels as though he is deteriorating both mentally and physically to the point of considering dialing 911 on himself due to his dire state.

Ethan also expressed an urgent need to seek medical help, evident in his plea to his father for a doctor's visit. Unfortunately, his calls for help are met with a dismissive response—Ethan is given pills and curtly told to "suck it up."

Parents' failure to get Ethan counseling

The lack of parental support is further highlighted by Ethan's i ...

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Mental Health of Teen Shooter Ethan Crumbly

Additional Materials


  • Ethan's family relationships were strained, with his parents displaying a lack of understanding and support for his mental health struggles. His pleas for help were met with dismissive responses and disbelief, contributing to his sense of isolation and distress. The family's failure to prioritize Ethan's mental well-being and seek professional help exacerbated his deteriorating mental state, ultimately leading to tragic consequences.
  • Ethan's visions and belief in a demon are significant as they indicate possible psychotic symptoms, which can be associated with severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia. These experiences may suggest a break from reality and a distorted perception of the world, impacting his ability to think clearly and make sound judgments. Such symptoms can be distressing and require urgent psychiatric evaluation and treatment to address the underlying mental health issues. Ethan's reported experiences could be a sign of a serious mental health crisis that needs professional intervention and support.
  • Professional counseling could have played a crucial role in providing Ethan Crumbly with the necessary mental health support and intervention. Counseling offers a structured environment for indi ...



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A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

Negligence of Ethan's Mother Jennifer Crumbly

The prosecution portrays Jennifer Crumbly as a negligent parent who was preoccupied with her own interests instead of addressing her son Ethan's mental health issues.

Jennifer's lack of concern about Ethan's behavior

Jennifer Crumbly is presented by the prosecution as a parent who had clear signs that her son, Ethan, was experiencing severe distress, yet she failed to prioritize his well-being. Despite receiving texts from Ethan about hallucinations and distress, Jennifer did not respond for two days. During this time, she was occupied with riding horses and taking pictures, which the prosecution uses to suggest she cared more for her horses than her son.

Furthermore, during a meeting at Ethan's school about his disturbing drawing, Jennifer displayed no warmth or concern, as observed by the guidance counselor. There was no evidence that she engaged in a warm family conversation with Ethan or showed any curiosity about his mood or the worksheet that had alarmed his teachers. When Ethan mentioned seeing demons, Jennifer dismissed the behavior as him just messing ...

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Negligence of Ethan's Mother Jennifer Crumbly

Additional Materials


  • Jennifer Crumbly's actions, as portrayed by the prosecution, suggest a lack of attentiveness to her son's mental health needs. Her failure to respond promptly to Ethan's distress signals and dismissive attitude towards his troubling behavior could indicate a disregard for his well-being. These actions may have contribute ...


  • Jennifer's lack of immediate response to Ethan's texts could be due to a misunderstanding of the severity of his condition, rather than negligence.
  • Being preoccupied with personal interests like horse riding does not necessarily equate to a lack of care for one's child; people often balance personal interests with family responsibilities.
  • The absence of warmth or concern during the school meeting could be due to shock or a lack of understanding of the situation, rather than indifference.
  • Dismissing Ethan's mention of seeing demons as a family joke might have been an attempt to normalize the situation and reduce fear or stigma around mental health issues.
  • The prosecution's failure to reference specific actions by Jennifer on the day of the shooting leaves open the possibility that she may have acted appropriately but that information was not included in the provided context.
  • Protec ...

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A Guilty Verdict For a Mass Shooter’s Mother

Responsibility for School Shooting

As the community reels from the tragic school shooting carried out by Ethan Crumbly, his parents, including Jennifer Crumbly, face charges of involuntary manslaughter, raising questions about accountability and the challenges of prosecuting parents for their child’s crime.

Unique charges against Jennifer

The prosecution against Jennifer Crumbly is centered around negligence, particularly her failure to intervene when presented with warning signs on the day of the shooting. On that day, she failed to inquire about a disturbing drawing made by Ethan that included a gun, which resembled the one recently purchased by the family. Despite these warning signs, she chose to leave him at school rather than take action.

Legal analysts delving into this complex case point to the prosecution's attempt to prove "foreseeability" and "ordinary care." They argue that an ordinary person in Jennifer Crumbly's position would have recognized the potential danger her son posed and would have taken steps to prevent the impending tragedy. Yet, despite the jury finding Jennifer Crumbly guilty, Shannon Smith, the defense lawyer, implies that the charges are driven more by the community's desire for retribution than by Jennifer's actual culpability in her son's actions.

Challenges of prosecuting parents for child's crime

This case underscores the intricacy of holding parents criminally responsible for the actions of their children. In US law, a foundational principle is to hold individuals accountable for their actions. This raises the bar for the prosecution when the individual, in this instance Ethan Crumbly, has been charged and convicted as an adult for his c ...

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Responsibility for School Shooting

Additional Materials


  • The charges against Jennifer Crumbly primarily focus on involuntary manslaughter due to her alleged negligence in failing to intervene despite warning signs before the school shooting. Prosecutors argue that she did not take necessary steps to prevent the tragedy, such as addressing a disturbing drawing made by her son that indicated potential danger. The case centers on proving that a reasonable person in her position would have recognized the risks her son posed and acted to avert the situation. Defense arguments suggest that the charges may be influenced by community outrage rather than solely based on Jennifer's direct responsibility for her son's actions.
  • "Foreseeability" in legal terms means the ability to anticipate or predict a certain outcome based on the circumstances at hand. It involves assessing whether a reasonable person could have foreseen the potential risks or consequences of their actions or inactions. "Ordinary care" is the standard of care expected from a reasonable person in a similar situation, requiring individuals to take reasonable precautions to prevent harm or injury to others. These concepts are crucial in determining liability or culpability in legal cases, as they help establish whether a person acted appropriately given the circumstances.
  • The defense lawyer implies that the charges against Jennifer Crumbly are influenced more by the community's desire for retribution than by her actual responsibility for her son's actions. This suggests that public outrage and pressure may have played a significant role in the decision to prosecute her. The defense is arguing that the community's emotional response to the tragedy is driving the legal proceedings against Jennifer Crumbly. The implication is that the charges may be more about satisfying public sentiment than about a clear legal basis for her culpability.
  • Prosecuting parents for their child's crimes involves holding parents legally accountable for the actions of their children. This is a complex legal issue that raises questions about parental responsibility, foreseeability, and negligence. It requires proving that the parent had a duty to prevent the harm caused by their child and failed to meet that duty. Such cases often involve a careful examination of the specific circumstances, including the parent's knowledge of any warning signs and their actions or inactions in response to those signs.
  • The defense argues that the evidence presented against Jennifer Crumbly may be selective, meaning it focuses on specific details that make her look guilty while ignoring the broader context of her family's life. They suggest that this narrow focus could paint an incomplete or misleading picture of the situation, potentially overlooking factors that could impact her actions and decisions. This argument aims to highlight that the prosecution's case against Jennifer may not fully consider all relevant circumstances that could have influenced her behavior on the day of the shooting. By emphasizing the importance of understanding the complete context surrounding the events, the defense seeks to raise doubts about the fairness and accuracy of the charges brought ...


  • The concept of "foreseeability" can be subjective, and what seems obvious in hindsight may not have been clear to Jennifer Crumbly at the time.
  • The standard of "ordinary care" can vary greatly depending on individual perspectives and experiences, and what is considered ordinary for one person may not be for another.
  • The defense's implication that the charges are driven by a desire for retribution could be countered by arguing that the legal system is designed to be impartial and focused on justice rather than revenge.
  • While prosecuting parents for their child's crimes is complex, it could be argued that parents do have a responsibility to ensure their firearms are secured and to act on warning signs of potential violence.
  • The principle of individual accountability in US law does not necessarily preclude the possibility of holding others accountable for contributing to a crime, especially in cases of negligence.
  • The argument that the Crumblys are being judged based on selective evidence could be countered by the fact that all prosecutions are based on the evidence available and deemed relevant by the court.
  • The suggestion that school officials should have involved law enforcement or social services could be met ...

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