Podcasts > The Daily > An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

By The New York Times

Dive into the heart of social reform with The Daily, as Michael Barbaro and guests Amy Qin, Bhim Narayan Bishwakarma, and Tim Burchett delve into the complexities of California's pioneering Senate Bill 403. Designed to address caste-based discrimination within employment and housing, this proposed legislation seeks to bring long overdue protections, similar to those against gender and sexual orientation bias. As America contends with the nuanced diaspora dynamics, this episode presents an eye-opening exploration of the ancient Hindu caste structure's enduring reach in the United States, underscored by the landmark Cisco lawsuit.

The episode doesn't shy away from the contentious debates surrounding SB 403, capturing the community's conflicting responses, including the concerns of a Hindu professor regarding potential wrongful accusations. Meanwhile, Barbaro navigates the intricate backdrop of anti-discrimination laws, paralleling historical resistance and emphasizing the cyclical nature of social justice. Beyond caste, the podcast adeptly shifts focus to pressing issues such as the entertainment industry's adaptation to technological advancements and the looming threat of a government shutdown, as shared by Congressman Tim Burchett. Join The Daily for this multifaceted exploration, informed by the diligent work of the podcast team and the anticipation of more thought-provoking discussions to come.

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

1-Page Summary

Tackling Caste Discrimination Through Legislation

California is pioneering a significant movement against caste-based discrimination with Senate Bill 403 (SB 403). This legislative effort, drawing parallels to existing protections against gender and sexual orientation bias, aims to shield individuals from prejudices in employment and housing settings.

Overview of Senate Bill 403 (SB 403)

The podcast brought into attention SB 403, illustrating the proactive steps California is taking to become the first state in the U.S. to establish legal safeguards for caste discrimination.

Spotlight on Caste-Based Prejudices in the U.S.

Guest Amy Qin remarks on the persistent influence of the ancient Hindu caste structure, which, perpetuated by diaspora dynamics, has ingrained itself into the lives of South Asians in the United States.

The narrative of Bhim Narayan Bishwakarma, a Nepalese immigrant, unfolds the hard truths of caste biases crossing borders, while the lawsuit against tech giant Cisco underscores caste discrimination's foothold in corporate America.

Community Concerns: Voices Against the Bill

The legislative proposal, albeit well-meaning, garners apprehension from the South Asian community. Worry over reinforcing caste identities and unintentionally spurring bias against Hindus, particularly has led some to oppose the bill.

Caste System: History and Diaspora Dynamics

The discussion reaches back to the origins of the caste system, while also observing how the diversification of South Asian immigrants in the U.S., influenced by shifts in India's educational and affirmative action policies, has reshaped the social fabric.

The Caste System: Roots and Historical Significance

Originating in South Asian Hindu traditions, the rigid caste system's impact spills over thousands of years, infiltrating every aspect of societal hierarchy.

Immigration Patterns and Caste Diversity in America

The diversification experienced by the South Asian diaspora post the 1965 Immigration Act is unravelled, shedding light on evolving caste perspectives amidst growing diversity.

Resistance and Reflection on Equality Measures

Debate surrounding the bill reflects a broader dialogue on anti-discrimination legislation, often met with resistance, as was voiced by a concerned Hindu professor fearful of potential wrongful accusations.

Comparing Backlash Against Anti-Discrimination Laws

The irony of resistance towards SB 403 calls to mind historical opposition to other anti-discrimination laws aimed at protecting vulnerable groups, highlighting the cyclical nature of social reform.

Media and Industry Strikes: Workers' Rights and Technological Change

Switching gears, Barbaro touches upon the resolution of a significant strike in the entertainment industry, spotlighting the challenges scriptwriters face in the evolving landscape of streamed content and AI deployment.

The Politics of Budget: The Threat of a U.S. Government Shutdown

Another immediate concern discussed is the looming threat of a U.S. government shutdown due to fiscal disputes, highlighting the high-stakes political environment and opinions of figures like Congressman Tim Burchett.

Insights and Acknowledgments

The podcast team, including Asli Chaturvedi, Stella Tan, Diana Nguyen, and Shannon Lim, receives a heartfelt thanks for their contributions, and Michael Barbaro teases more thought-provoking episodes to come.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Caste-based discrimination in the U.S. stems from the historical caste system in South Asian countries like India, where individuals are categorized into social groups based on birth. This discrimination persists among South Asian diaspora communities in the U.S., impacting social interactions and opportunities. Legislation like Senate Bill 403 in California aims to address and prevent caste discrimination in various aspects of life, such as employment and housing. The complexities of caste dynamics and prejudices can intersect with issues of identity, community concerns, and legal actions, highlighting the need for awareness and legal protections against such discrimination.
  • The ancient Hindu caste structure, originating in South Asia, has historically categorized individuals into social classes based on birth and occupation. In the U.S., South Asians, including those of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Nepalese descent, may carry aspects of this caste system due to cultural heritage and societal norms. This influence can manifest in various ways, impacting social interactions, cultural practices, and perceptions within the South Asian community in America.
  • Caste biases crossing borders refer to the perpetuation of discriminatory attitudes and behaviors based on one's caste identity, even when individuals move to different countries. This phenomenon highlights how deeply ingrained caste prejudices can persist among diaspora communities outside their countries of origin. It underscores the challenges faced by individuals of South Asian descent in the United States who continue to experience discrimination linked to their caste background.
  • The South Asian diaspora in the U.S. consists of individuals who have migrated from countries in South Asia, such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. This diaspora has grown significantly since the 1965 Immigration Act, leading to a diverse community with varying cultural backgrounds and traditions. Within this diaspora, there is a range of caste identities brought from their countries of origin, impacting social dynamics and interactions within the community in the United States. The diversification of the South Asian diaspora has brought about discussions on caste diversity and its implications in American society.
  • The caste system originated in ancient Hindu traditions in South Asia, creating a rigid social hierarchy based on occupation and birth. This system has persisted for thousands of years, influencing societal structures and interactions. Caste discrimination has permeated various aspects of life, impacting individuals' opportunities and social status. The caste system's historical significance lies in its deep-rooted influence on cultural norms and societal divisions.
  • Resistance to anti-discrimination legislation, such as SB 403, can stem from concerns about unintended consequences, like reinforcing caste identities or sparking bias against certain groups. Some individuals within the South Asian community may fear that the legislation could lead to misunderstandings or wrongful accusations. This resistance reflects a broader societal dialogue on the complexities and challenges of implementing anti-discrimination laws effectively. Historical opposition to similar laws aimed at protecting marginalized groups underscores the recurring nature of resistance to social reform efforts.
  • A potential U.S. government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass legislation funding government operations, leading to a temporary halt in non-essential federal services and employee furloughs. This situation arises due to disagreements over budget allocations, policy riders, or other legislative priorities, forcing a funding gap. Government shutdowns can have significant economic and social impacts, affecting various sectors and causing uncertainty among federal employees and the public. Shutdowns are typically resolved when lawmakers reach a compromise or pass a temporary funding measure to keep the government running.


  • Concerns about the potential for SB 403 to inadvertently reinforce caste identities by codifying them into law.
  • The possibility that SB 403 could lead to increased discrimination against Hindus by associating them with caste-based biases.
  • The argument that existing anti-discrimination laws might already cover caste discrimination, making additional legislation unnecessary.
  • The risk that SB 403 could be used to make unfounded accusations of caste discrimination, leading to a chilling effect on cultural expression and association.
  • The view that the focus on caste discrimination might overshadow or detract from other forms of discrimination that also need attention.
  • The belief that education and awareness campaigns might be more effective than legislation in changing attitudes and behaviors related to caste.
  • The concern that the bill could lead to division and tension within the South Asian community by highlighting caste differences.
  • The perspective that the bill might not be enforceable or practical due to the private and complex nature of caste identity.
  • The opinion that the lawsuit against Cisco is not necessarily indicative of a widespread problem that requires legislative action.
  • The suggestion that the entertainment industry's challenges with scriptwriters and AI deployment are part of a natural evolution in the industry and not necessarily a problem that needs addressing.
  • The idea that the threat of a U.S. government shutdown is a result of broader systemic issues in political negotiation and budget management, rather than just fiscal disputes.

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

Tackling Caste Discrimination Through Legislation

California is pioneering a significant movement against caste-based discrimination with Senate Bill 403 (SB 403). This legislative effort, drawing parallels to existing protections against gender and sexual orientation bias, aims to shield individuals from prejudices in employment and housing settings.

Overview of Senate Bill 403 (SB 403)

The podcast brought into focus SB 403, illustrating the proactive steps California is taking to become the first state in the U.S. to establish legal safeguards against caste discrimination by categorizing caste as a legally protected trait alongside gender and sexual orientation.

Spotlight on Caste-Based Prejudices in the U.S.

Guest Amy Qin remarks on the persistent influence of the ancient Hindu caste structure, which, perpetuated by diaspora dynamics, has ingrained itself into the lives of South Asians in the United States.

Highlighted by the personal experience of Bhim Narayan Bishwakarma, a Nepal immigrant confronted with his landlord's prejudice towards his surname that revealed his lower caste status, it becomes evident that the caste stigma is a pervasive issue that transcends geographic boundaries.

The narrative of Bhim Narayan Bishwakarma, a Nepalese immigrant, unfolds the hard truths of caste biases crossing borders.

Moreover, the lawsuit against tech giant Cisco, where a Dalit employee accused his upper-caste supervisors of discrimination, serves as a case study highlighting the relevance and urgency of a ...

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Tackling Caste Discrimination Through Legislation

Additional Materials


  • Caste-based discrimination in the context of California and the U.S. involves biases and prejudices based on a person's perceived or actual caste or social status, particularly among South Asian communities. This discrimination can manifest in various aspects of life, such as employment, housing, and social interactions. Recent legislative efforts, like Senate Bill 403 in California, aim to address and prevent caste discrimination by providing legal protections similar to those against other forms of bias. The issue has gained attention due to high-profile cases, like the Cisco lawsuit, where individuals have alleged discrimination based on their caste background.
  • Legal protections against caste discrimination aim to provide safeguards for individuals who may face prejudice based on their caste background. These protections are similar to existing laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation, aiming to ensure fair treatment in employment and housing settings. By categorizing caste as a legally protected trait, the legislation seeks to address and prevent discrimination against individuals from marginalized caste groups, similar to how laws protect individuals from discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. The goal is to create a more inclusive and equitable society by extending legal protections to individuals who may face discrimination due to their caste identity.
  • The ancient Hindu caste structure is a social hierarchy system that originated in India, categorizing individuals into different groups based on their birth and occupation. South Asians in the U.S. may face influences from this system due to cultural ties and migration patterns that have carried aspects of caste iden ...


  • Concerns about the practicality of enforcing SB 403, given the private nature of caste and the difficulty in proving discrimination based on it.
  • The possibility that the bill could lead to unintended consequences, such as increased tension between different South Asian communities.
  • The argument that existing anti-discrimination laws may already cover caste discrimination under the umbrella of national origin or race, making a specific law for caste unnecessary.
  • The fear that the bill might inadvertently stigmatize the entire South Asian community or lead to stereotyping of certain groups as oppressors.
  • The concern that the bill could be used to unfairly target Hindu institutions or practices, given the association of caste with Hinduism, potentially infringing on religious freedoms.
  • The potential for the bill to create a chilling effect on cultural exchange and dialogue within the South Asian community due to fear of being accused of caste discrimination.
  • The argument that education and community engageme ...

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

Caste System: History and Diaspora Dynamics

The discussion reaches back to the origins of the caste system, while also observing how the diversification of South Asian immigrants in the U.S., influenced by shifts in India's educational and affirmative action policies, has reshaped the social fabric.

The Caste System: Roots and Historical Significance

Originating in South Asian Hindu traditions, the rigid caste system's impact spills over thousands of years, infiltrating every aspect of societal hierarchy.

Despite the enactment of legal bans in countries like India and Nepal, caste discrimination continues to persist even in modern practice, highlighting the deeply entre ...

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Caste System: History and Diaspora Dynamics

Additional Materials


  • Diaspora dynamics typically refer to the movements, interactions, and cultural exchanges of a community dispersed across different regions or countries. This term often encompasses how diasporic communities maintain connections with their homeland, adapt to new environments, and influence both their host societies and places of origin.
  • The Immigration Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, abolished the national origins quota system, which had restricted immigration based on nationality. Instead, it prioritized family reunification and skilled labor in the U.S. immigration system. This act significantly impacted immigration patterns, leading to increased diversity and the influx of immigrants from regions like Asia and Latin America. The 1965 Immigration Act played a crucial role in shaping the demographic composition of the United States in the latter half of the 20th century.
  • The phr ...


  • The caste system, while having its roots in Hindu traditions, was also shaped and solidified by various historical and political developments, including colonial interventions.
  • The historical impact of the caste system is complex and has evolved over time, with periods of more or less rigidity and social mobility.
  • Legal bans on caste discrimination are an important step, but social change often requires more than legislation; it needs education, awareness, and cultural shifts.
  • While the caste system has influenced societal hierarchy, there have been instances of resistance and reform within South Asian societies throughout history.
  • The diversification of South Asian immigrants in the U.S. post-1965 is influenced by multiple factors, including economic opportunities and family reunification policies, not just changes in India's educational and affirmative action policies.
  • The reshaping of the social fabric among South Asian immigrants in the U.S. due to caste diversification is a nuanced process and may not be uniform acro ...

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

Resistance and Reflection on Equality Measures

Debate surrounding the bill reflects a broader dialogue on anti-discrimination legislation, often met with resistance, as was voiced by a concerned Hindu professor fearful of potential wrongful accusations.

Comparing Backlash Against Anti-Discrimination Laws

The irony of resistance to SB 403 resonates with historical opposition to other anti-discrimination laws designed to protect vulnerable groups.

Michael Barbaro illuminates this point, signaling a recursive pattern in the reception of social reforms that seek to safeguard the rights and dignity of marginalized communities.

Media and Industry Strikes: Workers' Rights and Technological Change

Switching gears, Barbaro touches upon the resolution of a significant strike in the entertainment industry, where more than eleven thousand TV and film scriptwriters were involved.

The protest lasted for 146 days, with the preliminary agreement reached promising higher earnings from streamed content and protection against their roles and compensation being undermined by AI technologies, spotlighting the challenges scriptwriters face in the evolving landscape of digital media.

The Politics of Budget: The Threat of a U.S. Government Shutdown

Another immediate con ...

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Resistance and Reflection on Equality Measures

Additional Materials


  • Michael Barbaro is a journalist known for his work at The New York Times, particularly as the host of the popular podcast "The Daily." He is recognized for his in-depth interviews and analysis of current events, providing insights into various social and political issues. Barbaro's reporting often sheds light on complex topics and helps audiences understand the nuances of important news stories. His commentary on societal issues, such as anti-discrimination laws and labor disputes, offers valuable perspectives on contemporary challenges and developments.
  • Congressman Tim Burchett is a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He is known for advocating fiscal responsibility and conservative principles in government spending. In the context ...


  • Resistance to anti-discrimination legislation may stem from concerns about the potential for overreach or unintended consequences, rather than opposition to equality itself.
  • The concerns of the Hindu professor might be based on legitimate worries about due process and the need for safeguards to prevent abuse of the law.
  • Historical opposition to anti-discrimination laws has sometimes included arguments for preserving individual freedoms or concerns about government overreach.
  • Some may argue that social reforms should be carefully crafted to avoid infringing on the rights of others while protecting marginalized communities.
  • While Michael Barbaro points out a pattern of resistance to social reforms, others might argue that each reform has unique aspects and should be evaluated on its own merits.
  • The strike in the entertainment industry could be seen as a negotiation tactic that is part of the natural ebb and flow of labor relations, rather than a broader commentary on the industry.
  • Some might argue that the protection against AI technologies could stifle innovation and adaptation in the entertainment industry.
  • The fiscal disputes leading to a potential U.S. government sh ...

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An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

Insights and Acknowledgments

The podcast team, including Asli Chaturvedi, Stella Tan, Diana Nguyen, and Shannon Lim, receives a heartfelt thanks for their contributions.

Mi ...

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Insights and Acknowledgments

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