Podcasts > The Broski Report with Brittany Broski > Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Let Me Talk To The Aliens

By Brittany Broski

Immerse yourself in the unique cosmos of "The Broski Report with Brittany Broski," where the effervescent host indulges in a constellation of topics as diverse as the stars. In "Let Me Talk To The Aliens," Brittany Broski, in her Los Angeles studio, orchestrates a symphony of conversations that range from touching personal tales to musical tributes, philosophical musings, and imaginative flights of fancy. Listeners are invited into a space that's just as much a community hub as a podcast, where shared experiences and engaging discussions converge to form the bedrock of Brittany's world.

With her vibrant personality as the guide, Brittany not only reflects on the inspirations behind her content creation, like "The Twilight Zone," but also passionately shares her musical predilections, showcasing an eclectic taste that spans from the indie vibes of Mumford & Sons to the fiery beats of Bad Bunny. Beyond the melody, her intellectual curiosity shines through as she bravely treads on topics such as cosmic horror, the impact of Lovecraftian themes in modern media, and the profound questions tied to immortality and human existence. True to form, Brittany maintains a delicate balance, juggling serious topics with her hallmark humor and lighthearted asides, ensuring that her audience leaves both educated and entertained.

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

This is a preview of the Shortform summary of the Oct 31, 2023 episode of the The Broski Report with Brittany Broski

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

1-Page Summary

Welcome to "Let Me Talk To The Aliens"

Brittany Broski kicks off the "Let Me Talk To The Aliens" podcast episode from Los Angeles, where she comfortably settles listeners into her world. Her effervescent energy introduces a space that not only entertains but fosters a strong sense of community among her audience.

Building a Podcast Community

Emphasizing community, Brittany welcomes listeners to a new episode, reminding everyone of the shared experiences and discussions that have become a hallmark of her podcast.

Upcoming Excitements and Teasers

Looking forward, Brittany hints at an intriguing session with Hassan Peiker and teases future content scheduled for November that is sure to excite her audience.

Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Brittany's podcast isn't just about interviews and discussions; it's dotted with personal stories that bring her listeners closer to her off-screen persona.

Energizing Moments and Age Reflection

In a candid moment, Brittany credits a tropical Red Bull for her zestful spirit and laughs off a recent back injury as an unavoidable sign of aging.

Indie Influence and Nostalgic Festivals

She takes a stroll down memory lane with tales of the Austin City Limits music festival, where the indie vibes of Mumford & Sons evoke the endearing awkwardness of her high school years.

Significance of a New Tattoo

A new tattoo signifies Brittany's adoration for "The Twilight Zone," a show that shaped her imagination and inspires her content creation journey.

Musical Spotlight

Music plays a pivotal role in Brittany's life, and she shares this passion with her audience through captivating interviews and personal music favorites.

Conversations with Hozier: Merging Fan Bases

The recent interview with Hozier is a hit, delighting both his fans and hers and proving that music can bridge communities.

Charting Personal Favorites: Charli XCX to Sam Fender

She dives into her musical favorites, from Charli XCX's "Next Level Charlie" to Bad Bunny's album highlights, even considering a dedicated episode to the latter's prolific work.

Upcoming Tribute: The Musical Brilliance of Bad Bunny

Brittany's enthusiasm for Bad Bunny's energetic tracks like "Monaco" shines through, as she contemplates an entire episode devoted to his musical genius.

Influences and Inspirational Figures

Beyond her personal anecdotes, Brittany expresses her respect for those who have influenced her approach to content creation and media engagement.

Embracing "The Twilight Zone"

The recent tattoo tribute underscores her deep appreciation for influential media, particularly "The Twilight Zone," which left an indelible mark on her narrative style and perspective on the world.

A Nod to the Excellence of Nardwuar

She expresses admiration for the unique interviewing style of Nardwuar, whose work inspires her and which she plans to delve into in future podcast episodes.

Critical Thinking and Intellectual Dialogues

Brittany broaches topics that reflect her intellectual curiosity and her desire for more authentic, meaningful conversations beyond the digital space.

The Merits of Higher Education and Face-to-Face Interaction

She ponders the depth and quality of online discourse versus the rich, complex discussions that often occur in academic settings and face-to-face interactions, advocating for the latter.

Cosmic Understanding Through Literature

Broski navigates through cosmic horror and significance, touching on the existential dread evoked by literary characters such as Renfield from "Dracula."

Balancing Seriousness with Levity

Even when discussing heavier topics, Brittany maintains her signature humor, moving from existential musings to light-hearted comments on the quirks of immortality.

Exploring the Boundaries of Fear and Unknown

Brittany delves into the fascinating realms of fear and the unknown through various artistic lenses, tying in her philosophical explorations.

The Artistic Legacy and Complexities of H.P. Lovecraft

She tackles Lovecraftian horror, acknowledging H.P. Lovecraft's profound impact on the genre despite his controversial personal beliefs.

Lovecraftian Themes in Modern Media

Brittany discusses the portrayal of humanity's insignificance in Lovecraft's works and the emotional struggles stemming from cosmic revelations.

Finding Simplicity Amidst Existential Questions

A philosophical dive into the concept of cosmic horror allows Brittany to express her preference for finding beauty in life's simplicity and contemplating the cosmos.

Reflections on Extended Life and Immortality

Drawing from literary inspiration, Brittany explores the complex themes of life and immortality, weaving them into a broader conversation about human experiences.

Renfield and the Eternal Life Conundrum

She shares her empathetic take on characters like Renfield from "Dracula," whose struggle for eternal life opens a window into deeper philosophical inquiries.

Crafting an Animated "Dracula" with A-list Actors

In a lighter vein, Brittany dreams up an animated "Dracula" film, bringing together A-list actors in a fantasy world much like the one created in "Shrek."

Engaging With the Sponsors

No podcast is complete without a nod to the sponsors, and Brittany seamlessly incorporates product endorsements into her discussion.

A Critique of Maybelline's Latest Offering

She offers critiques of Maybelline's concealer, touting its merits for lasting camera wear.

Finding Connections with Tinder U

The endorsement of Tinder U follows, highlighting its role as an ideal platform to foster new relationships, especially in the autumn season.

With the skill of a seasoned storyteller, Brittany navigates the blurred lines between fiction and reality, using pop culture references to reflect on human nature and societal responses.

Comedic Imaginings: Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials

Brittany playfully imagines her interactions with extraterrestrials and the momentous 'if' of diplomatic meetings with them or even world leaders.

"Arrival" Recap: Communication Beyond the Stars

She revisits the film "Arrival" with its compelling narrative on extraterrestrial communication and the human reaction to the unknown.

Final Remarks and Channel Promotion

The podcast comes full circle as Brittany shares her existential thoughts and light-hearted content, encouraging her audience to explore life's wonders while keeping entertainment integral.

Doubtful Aliens and the Human Experience

She casts doubt on the likelihood of technologically superior aliens needing humans and encourages listeners to ponder our place in the universe.

An Invitation to Brittany's YouTube Haven

In conclusion, Brittany extends an invitation to her YouTube channel, a place where listeners can continue to enjoy her entertaining and companionable presence.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski, also known as Kombucha Girl, rose to fame through a viral video in 2019. She is a content creator, known for her comedic and relatable online presence. Broski has since expanded her platform to include podcasting, where she engages with her audience on a variety of topics, showcasing her personality and interests. Her content often blends humor, personal anecdotes, and discussions on music, pop culture, intellectual topics, and more.
  • Lovecraftian horror is a subgenre of horror fiction that emphasizes cosmic dread, the insignificance of humanity, and encounters with incomprehensible, otherworldly beings. Themes in Lovecraftian works often explore the limits of human understanding, the fragility of sanity when confronted with the unknown, and the idea that ancient, malevolent forces exist beyond human perception. These stories frequently feature forbidden knowledge, eldritch entities, and the idea that the universe is indifferent or hostile to human existence. Lovecraft's works have had a lasting influence on horror literature, inspiring many creators to delve into themes of existential terror, cosmic insignificance, and the fear of the unknown.
  • "The Twilight Zone" holds significance in Brittany's content creation journey as it deeply influenced her imagination and narrative style. The show's themes of mystery, science fiction, and societal commentary resonate with her storytelling approach. Brittany's admiration for "The Twilight Zone" is evident in how it inspires her content and shapes her perspective on engaging with her audience. The show's impact on her creativity and storytelling techniques is a driving force behind incorporating elements of intrigue and thought-provoking narratives in her work.
  • Nardwuar, a Canadian interviewer and musician, is known for his eccentric and thorough interview style. He conducts in-depth research on his interview subjects, surprising them with obscure facts and gifts, creating memorable and often humorous interactions. Nardwuar's unique approach has earned him a reputation for bringing out candid and unexpected responses from his interviewees, making his interviews stand out in the world of music journalism. His passion for music and dedication to his craft have made him a beloved figure in the industry.
  • Cosmic horror in literature often explores themes of insignificance, existential dread, and the unknown, emphasizing humanity's place in a vast and indifferent universe. Authors like H.P. Lovecraft popularized this genre, delving into the terror of encountering incomprehensible cosmic entities that challenge human understanding. Existential dread, a common emotion in cosmic horror, stems from contemplating the mysteries of existence and the limitations of human knowledge in the face of cosmic forces. These themes provoke a sense of awe, fear, and philosophical reflection in readers, highlighting the fragility of human existence in the grand scheme of the cosmos.
  • The complexities of life and immortality themes in literature often explore philosophical questions about the nature of existence, the passage of time, and the human desire for eternal life. Authors use characters and narratives to delve into the implications of immortality, such as the impact on personal growth, relationships, and morality. These themes can provoke reflections on the value of mortality, the consequences of seeking eternal life, and the existential dilemmas that arise from contemplating immortality. Through literary exploration, writers challenge readers to consider the boundaries of human experience, the meaning of life, and the consequences of defying natural limitations.
  • Renfield is a character from Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula." He is a patient in an asylum who becomes enthralled by the idea of gaining immortality through consuming living creatures. Renfield's character symbolizes themes of obsession, madness, and the desire for eternal life, serving as a complex figure that prompts philosophical discussions on the nature of humanity and the pursuit of immortality in literature. His portrayal raises questions about the consequences of seeking immortality and the ethical dilemmas surrounding the lengths individuals may go to in their quest for eternal life.

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Welcome to "Let Me Talk To The Aliens"

Brittany Broski kicks off the "Let Me Talk To The Aliens" podcast episode from Los Angeles, where she comfortably settles listeners into her world. Her effervescent energy introduces a space that not only entertains but fosters a strong sense of community among her audience.

Building a Podcast Community

Emphasizing community, Brittany welcomes listeners to a new episode, reminding everyone of the shared experiences and discussions that have become a hallmark of her podcast.

Upcoming Excitements and Teasers

Looking forward, Brittany hints at ...

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Welcome to "Let Me Talk To The Aliens"

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski, known for her viral "Kombucha Girl" video, rose to fame on TikTok for her comedic content. She transitioned into podcasting, where her engaging personality and humor have attracted a dedicated audience. Bros ...


  • While Brittany Broski's energy is described as setting a comfortable and entertaining tone, some listeners might prefer a more subdued or varied approach to podcast hosting.
  • The podcast's aim to foster a strong sense of community is commendable, but it's possible that not all listeners feel included or engaged in the way the community is being built.
  • Emphasizing shared experiences and discussions is a key aspect of the podcast, yet there may be listeners who feel that their experiences are not represented or discussed.
  • The promise of excitement with future episodes is subjective, and what excites one part of ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Brittany's podcast isn't just about interviews and discussions; it's dotted with personal stories that bring her listeners closer to her off-screen persona.

Energizing Moments and Age Reflection

In a candid moment, Brittany credits a tropical Red Bull for her zestful spirit and laughs off a recent back injury as an inevitable sign of aging, adding a humorous personal touch to her energetic storytelling.

Indie Influence and Nostalgic Festivals

Brittany takes her audience on a nostalgic journey back to the Austin City Limits music festival, focusing on an emotive performance by Mumford & Sons that takes her back to her early teens. She shares her high school memories of being influenced by indie culture and aspiring to emulate the older students who were fans of the band.

Introducing her listeners to Mumford & Sons' rich discography, she not only highlights songs like "Delta" and "Babel" but also recommends tracks such as "Lover of the Light" and "Whispers in the Dark," in addition to their well-known hits.

Significance of a Ne ...

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Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Additional Materials


  • Brittany credits a tropical Red Bull for her zestful spirit as it is a common belief that energy drinks like Red Bull can provide a quick boost of energy due to their high caffeine content and other stimulating ingredients. The mention of the tropical flavor adds a personal touch to her story, possibly indicating a preference for this specific variant of the drink. This connection highlights how small details, like a favorite beverage, can become intertwined with personal anecdotes and storytelling.
  • Indie culture typically encompasses independent music, art, and fashion that exist outside mainstream commercial influences. It often celebrates creativity, authenticity, and non-conformity, with a DIY ethos at its core. In the context of music, indie artists are known for their unique sounds and grassroots approach to producing and distributing their work. Brittany's exposure to indie culture during her high school years influenced her tastes and aspirations, shaping her identity and creative pursuits.
  • Mumford & Sons is a British folk rock band known for their heartfelt lyrics and energetic performances. Some of their popular songs include "Delta," "Babel," "Lover of the Light," and "Whispers in the Dark." Their music often evokes a sense of nostalgia and em ...


  • Personal stories may not always enhance listener connection; some may prefer content focused strictly on the podcast's main themes without personal anecdotes.
  • Crediting a tropical Red Bull for energy could be seen as promoting unhealthy consumption of energy drinks, which may have negative health implications.
  • Not all listeners may relate to or appreciate the nostalgia associated with the Austin City Limits music festival or Mumford & Sons, as musical tastes are subjective.
  • The influence of indie culture and aspiration to emulate older students might not resonate with listeners who had different high school experiences or musical influences.
  • While Brittany recommends specific Mumford & Sons tracks, some listeners might find other songs in their discography more appealing or significant.
  • Tattoos ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Musical Spotlight

Music is a constant in Brittany's life, and in this episode, her fondness for musician Sam Fender is palpable as she openly inquires about his romantic status.

She underscores a special live performance by Mumford & Sons at the New Orleans Jazz Fest, where they performed "House of the Rising Sun" alongside Trombone Shorty and a talented female guitarist. Profoundly moved by the event, she urges her audience to seek out the live performance online to experience the magic for themselves.

Conversations with Hozier: Merging Fan Bases

The recent interview with Hozier is a hit, delighting both his fans and hers and proving that music can bridge communities.

Charting Personal Favorites: Charli XCX to Sam Fender

Brittany dives into her musical favorites, praising Charli XCX's 'Next Level Charlie' for its nod to the artist's earlier work, and expressing her admiration for Bad Bunny's new album, especially the track 'Monac ...

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Musical Spotlight

Additional Materials


  • Brittany's fondness for musician Sam Fender stems from her appreciation of his music and talent. She has been drawn to his songs, particularly 'Call Me Lover' and 'Hypersonic Missiles', which have resonated with her. Brittany's interest in Sam Fender grew after discovering his music through a Spotify recommendation.
  • Brittany expresses admiration for Bad Bunny's new album, particularly the track 'Monaco', highlighting its energetic and captivating qualities. The song 'Monaco' is a standout piece from the album that resonated with Brittany, showcasing Bad Bunny's musical prowess and creativity. Brittany's enthusiasm for 'Monaco' suggests that the track left a strong impression on her, prompting her to consider dedicating an entire episode to exploring Bad Bunny's musical brilliance.
  • Brittany, a music enthusiast, has recently taken an interest in the music of Sam Fender. She particularly enjoys his songs 'Call Me Lover' and 'Hypersonic Missiles', which she discovered through a recommendation on the music streaming platform Spotify. Sam Fender is a British singer-songwriter known for his indie rock sound and introspective lyrics. 'Call Me Lover' and 'Hypersonic Missiles' are popular tracks from Sam Fender's discography that have resonated with listeners for their emotional depth and musical quality.
  • Brittany d ...


  • While Brittany has a fondness for Sam Fender, not all listeners may share her taste, and some may argue that other artists deserve the same level of attention.
  • Inquiring about an artist's romantic status could be seen as focusing on personal life rather than their musical talent, which some may find inappropriate or irrelevant to their musical appreciation.
  • Urging the audience to watch a live performance online assumes that the recorded experience can match seeing it live, which some might disagree with, believing that the energy of a live performance can't be fully captured on video.
  • The claim that the interview with Hozier delighted all of his and Brittany's fans might be an overgeneralization, as it's unlikely that every single fan had the same positive reaction.
  • The idea that music can bridge communities is a positive message, but some might argue that there are instances where music can also divide or be a source of controversy.
  • Brittany's praise for Charli XCX's 'Next Level Charlie' is subjective, and some fans of Charli XCX might prefer her newer work or feel that the nod to earlier work isn't as significant.
  • While Brittany admires Bad Bunny's new album, others may critique it for various reasons, such as preferring his older music or not liking the direction of his new work.
  • Brittany's growing interest in Sam Fender's music is based on her personal taste, which might not resonate with everyone, as musical preferences are highl ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Influences and Inspirational Figures

Beyond her personal anecdotes, Brittany expresses her respect for those who have influenced her approach to content creation and media engagement.

Embracing "The Twilight Zone"

The recent tattoo tribute underscores her deep appreciation for influential media, particularly "The Twilight Zone," which left an indelible mark on her narrative style and perspective on the world.

A Nod to the Excellence of Nardwuar

She expresses admiration for the unique ...

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Influences and Inspirational Figures

Additional Materials


  • Nardwuar, a Canadian media personality, is known for his unique interviewing style that involves extensive research on his interview subjects, often surprising them with obscure facts and gifts. His approach is characterized by eccentric behavior, quirky questions, and a deep knowledge of the interviewee's background, leading to memorable and entertaining interactions. Nardwuar's unorthodox techniques include presenting his subjects with carefully selected gifts, referencing obscure d ...


  • While Brittany may find "The Twilight Zone" influential, some might argue that its impact on modern content creation is limited due to changing audience tastes and the evolution of media.
  • Admiration for Nardwuar's interviewing style is subjective, and others might find his approach less effective or too unconventional compared to more traditional journalistic methods.
  • The promise of future discussions about Nardwuar's work might not be of interest to all of Brittany's audience, who may prefer content that is more directly related to t ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Critical Thinking and Intellectual Dialogues

Brittany broaches topics that reflect her intellectual curiosity and her desire for more authentic, meaningful conversations beyond the digital space.

The Merits of Higher Education and Face-to-Face Interaction

She ponders the depth and quality of online discourse versus the rich, complex discussions that often occur in academic settings and face-to-face interactions, advocating for the latter. Broski acknowledges criticism for advocating higher education mainly due to its expense and the recent pandemic's impact on college attendance.

However, she emphasizes the value of college education for processing lived experiences and understanding historical trends. Brittany credits her college experience not just with personal development, but also with forming significant and life-improving friendships.

While she champions the merits of higher education, she also recognizes its shortcomings in terms of accessibility.

Cosmic Understanding Through Literature

Broski navigates through cosmic horror and significance, touching on the existential dread evoked by literary characters such as Renfield from "Dracula." She probes whether individuals perceived as losing touch with reality might actually be tapping into a more profound under ...

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Critical Thinking and Intellectual Dialogues

Additional Materials


  • Cosmic horror is a subgenre of horror fiction that emphasizes the insignificance of humanity in the grand scheme of the universe, often featuring incomprehensible, cosmic entities. Existential dread is the profound anxiety and unease that arises from contemplating the meaning and purpose of existence, one's place in the universe, and the inevitability of death. These themes are commonly explored in literature and art to evoke a sense of awe, fear, and introspection in audiences. The combination of cosmic horror and existential dread aims to challenge conventional beliefs and provoke deep philosophical reflections on the nature of reality and human existence.
  • Renfield is a character from Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula." He is a patient in an asylum who becomes obsessed with consuming living creatures in his quest for immortality. Renfield's character is known for his complex and eerie portrayal, often symbolizing themes of madness and the blurred lines between sanity and insanity in Gothic literature.
  • Bram Stoker ...


  • While face-to-face interactions can be rich and complex, online discourse also has its merits, such as inclusivity and the ability to connect with a diverse range of perspectives from around the world.
  • Higher education's value is subjective, and some individuals achieve personal and professional success without a college degree, suggesting that there are alternative paths to development.
  • The cost of higher education can be prohibitive, and the debt incurred may not always justify the benefits, leading some to question the return on investment.
  • The accessibility of higher education remains a significant issue, and advocating for its merits without addressing the systemic barriers may overlook the experiences of those who are excluded.
  • Cosmic horror and existential dread in literature may not resonate with everyone, and some might find these themes unsettling or unrelatable rather than enlightening.
  • Empathizing with a character like Renfield could be seen as romanticizing mental illness, which might be problematic or send ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Exploring the Boundaries of Fear and Unknown

Brittany delves into the fascinating realms of fear and the unknown through various artistic lenses, tying in her philosophical explorations.

The Artistic Legacy and Complexities of H.P. Lovecraft

Brittany tackles Lovecraftian horror while acknowledging H.P. Lovecraft's troubling personal ideologies. She openly condemns his racism and homophobia, but separates her appreciation for his cultural and artistic impact.

Lovecraftian Themes in Modern Media

The discussion ventures into Lovecraft's existential themes, particularly the idea that human victories against vast cosmic entities are but illusions. Broski references movies like "Bird Box" and "A Quiet Place," which capitalize on the horror of the unseen, and how they relate to Lovecraftian horror, reaffirming our minuscule presence in the cosmos.

She ponders our place in the universe through insights gleaned from thes ...

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Exploring the Boundaries of Fear and Unknown

Additional Materials


  • Lovecraftian horror is a subgenre of horror fiction that emphasizes cosmic dread, the insignificance of humanity in the face of vast, unknowable cosmic forces, and the idea that reality is far more complex and terrifying than we can comprehend. Themes often include forbidden knowledge, ancient deities, and the fragility of sanity when confronted with the unknown. Lovecraft's works often explore the idea that humans are insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe, facing incomprehensible horrors that challenge their understanding of reality. The genre has influenced a wide range of media, from literature to film, with creators drawing on Lovecraft's themes to evoke a sense of existential terror and the limits of human understanding.
  • H.P. Lovecraft, a renowned writer of weird fiction, held racist and xenophobic views that were evident in his personal correspondence and some of his published works. His prejudiced beliefs have been a subject of criticism and debate among scholars and fans of his writing. Despite his literary contributions, his discriminatory attitudes have complicated the reception of his work in modern times. Lovecraft's racism and xenophobia have led to discussions about separating his literary legacy from his problematic personal beliefs.
  • C ...


  • While Brittany separates Lovecraft's personal ideologies from his artistic impact, some may argue that an artist's personal beliefs can be so integral to their work that they cannot be fully separated, and that these beliefs may taint the work itself.
  • The idea that human victories are insignificant against cosmic entities could be challenged by a more optimistic view that human resilience and ingenuity are powerful forces, even in the face of vast and unknown cosmic horrors.
  • The use of "Bird Box" and "A Quiet Place" as examples of Lovecraftian horror might be contested by those who believe these films draw on different traditions of horror or that they do not fully capture the essence of Lovecraft's themes.
  • Brittany's preference for appreciating life's simple pleasures over pondering existential questions could ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Reflections on Extended Life and Immortality

Drawing from literary inspiration, Brittany explores the complex themes of life and immortality, weaving them into a broader conversation about human experiences.

Renfield and the Eternal Life Conundrum

She shares her empathetic take on characters like Renfield from "Dracula," whose struggle for eternal life opens a window into deeper philosophical inquiries and human experiences.

Broski expresses her preference for Bela Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula over Gary Oldman's and discusses the real-life parallels brought by Renfield syndrome.

Citing the vampiric compulsions of notorious murderers like Peter Curtin and Richard Trenton Chase, she bridges the gap between fiction and reality.

Crafting an Animated "Dracula ...

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Reflections on Extended Life and Immortality

Additional Materials


  • Renfield syndrome is a term used to describe a rare psychiatric condition where individuals believe they need to consume blood or flesh to attain immortality or sustain their own life force. This syndrome is named after the character Renfield from Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula," who exhibits similar behaviors under the influence of Count Dracula. It reflects a delusional belief system often associated with vampirism and a distorted perception of achieving eternal life through consuming life essence from others. The syndrome blurs the lines between reality and fiction, highlighting the complexities of human psychology and the influence of literary works on cultural perceptions.
  • Peter Curtin and Richard Trenton Chase were real-life criminals known for their gruesome acts. Peter Curtin, also known as the "Vampire of Düsseldorf," was a German serial killer who committed heinous murders in the early 20th century. Richard Trenton Chase, dubbed the "Vampire of Sacramento," was an American serial killer who terrorized California in the late 1970s. Both individuals gained notoriety for their violent crimes and disturbing behaviors, which included acts of cannibalism and mutilation.
  • A-list actors are top-tier performers in the entertainment industry who are highly sought after for their talent and box office appeal. They are typically well-known, established stars with a track record of successful projects and critical acclaim. Being cast as an A-list actor in a production can bring prestige and attention ...


  • The exploration of life and immortality through literary inspiration might overlook the scientific and ethical aspects of the debate on extended life.
  • Philosophical inquiries prompted by Renfield's struggle could be seen as a narrow lens, potentially ignoring the broader societal implications of eternal life.
  • Preferring Bela Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula over Gary Oldman's is subjective and others may argue that Oldman's performance brought depth and nuance to the character that Lugosi's did not.
  • While Renfield syndrome provides an interesting parallel, it may not fully encapsulate the complexities of real-life mental health issues and their treatment.
  • Drawing parallels between vampiric compulsions in fiction and real-life murderers could be seen as trivializing the serious nature of criminal psychology and the victims' experiences.
  • The idea of an animated "Dracula" film with A-list actors might not appeal to ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Engaging With the Sponsors

No podcast is complete without a nod to the sponsors, and Brittany seamlessly incorporates product endorsements into her discussion.

A Critique of Maybelline's Latest Offering

She offers an insightful analysis of Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer, lauding its versatility and endurance that make it an ideal choice for those who are frequently on camera, signaling its performance in demanding conditions.

Finding Connections with Tinder U

Broski discusses the suit ...

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Engaging With the Sponsors

Additional Materials


  • A podcast is a digital audio or video program that is episodic and typically available for streaming or download. It can cover a wide range of topics, from entertainment to education to news. Podcasts are often hosted by individuals or groups who discuss various subjects and can include interviews, storytelling, or scripted content. They have gained popularity as a convenient and accessible form of media consumption.
  • Tinder U is a feature within the Tinder dating app designed specifically for university students. It allows users with a verified university email address to interact with other students on their campus, creating a more localized and community-focused dating experience. This feature aims to facilitate connections among students w ...


  • While Brittany may incorporate product endorsements seamlessly, it could be argued that this might affect the authenticity of her podcast content, as listeners might question whether her opinions are influenced by sponsorship deals.
  • Despite the praise for Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer, some users might find that it doesn't work as well for their skin type or tone, or they may prefer products with different ingredients or ethical standards.
  • The concealer's performance in demanding conditions might not be universally experienced; some individuals may find that it doesn't hold up as well under certain lighting or after long periods of wear.
  • While Tinder might be suitable for forging meaningful relationships for some, others might argu ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Navigating Fictional and Real Encounters

With the skill of a seasoned storyteller, Brittany navigates the blurred lines between fiction and reality, using pop culture references to reflect on human nature and societal responses.

Comedic Imaginings: Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials

Brittany playfully imagines her interactions with extraterrestrials, showcasing her belief in her own ability to successfully communicate and even engage in diplomacy with aliens, hypothetically managing scenarios with political figures such as President Joe Biden.

She also jests about the advantages and possible pitfalls of diplomatic immunity, humorously contemplating its use for minor illicit acts like theft and escaping debts.

"Arrival" Recap: Communication Beyond the Stars

She revisits the film "Arrival" with its compelling narrative on extraterrestrial communication and the human reaction to the unknown, adding a critique of Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner's roles, specifically highlighting the scene where the al ...

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Navigating Fictional and Real Encounters

Additional Materials


  • Diplomatic immunity is a legal concept that protects diplomats from prosecution in the host country. It is meant to ensure that diplomats can carry out their duties without fear of harassment or interference. However, this immunity does not cover all actions, and serious crimes are not exempt. In some cases, individuals have misused diplomatic immunity to evade consequences for minor offenses like parking violations or petty theft.
  • "Arrival" is a science fiction film directed by Denis Villeneuve, based on the short story "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang. The movie explores the arrival of extraterrestrial beings on Earth and focuses on the efforts to communicate with them. It delves into the complexities of language, time perception, and the impact of first contact on humanity, offering a unique take on the traditional alien invasion narrative. The film is known for its non-linear storytelling and emotional depth, challenging viewers to contemplate themes of communication, empathy, and the nature of existence.
  • Brittany's comical assertion about humanity facing its end in a real alien invasion scenario is a satirical take ...


  • While Brittany uses pop culture references effectively, it could be argued that relying too heavily on these references might limit the depth of the analysis or alienate audiences not familiar with the referenced material.
  • The playful imagining of diplomatic interactions with extraterrestrials, while creative, may oversimplify the complexities of inter-species communication and the potential risks of such encounters.
  • The humorous contemplation of diplomatic immunity for minor illicit acts might inadvertently trivialize the importance of diplomatic protocols and the serious consequences of their misuse.
  • The critique of "Arrival" and its portrayal of extraterrestrial communication might overlook the film's broader themes and the artistic liberties taken to convey complex ideas in a cinematic format.
  • The assertion that humanity might face its end in a real alien invasion scenario is specu ...

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Let Me Talk To The Aliens

Final Remarks and Channel Promotion

In her concluding thoughts, Broski contemplates the interaction between the nihilistic elements of Lovecraftian horror and the human condition. She muses that our perception of life's insignificance can make every moment profoundly meaningful and proposes that life's purpose might be found in engaging in love and being loved.

She wraps up with a witty callback, as someone requests to switch the topic to 'Call of Duty,' ensuring the episode ends on a note of levity.

Doubtful Aliens and the Human Experience

She casts doubt on the likelihood of technologically superior aliens needing humans, injecting humor into the exaggerated notio ...

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Final Remarks and Channel Promotion

Additional Materials


  • Lovecraftian horror is a subgenre of horror fiction that emphasizes cosmic dread, the insignificance of humanity, and the existence of incomprehensible, malevolent forces. Nihilistic elements in Lovecraftian horror reflect a bleak worldview where traditional values and beliefs are often undermined, highlighting themes of existential despair and the futility of human endeavors. Lovecraft's works often explore the idea that humans are insignificant in the vast, uncaring universe, facing incomprehensible horrors that challenge their understanding of reality and their place in the cosmos. The genre frequently delves into themes of cosmic insignificance, existential dread, and the limits of human knowledge when confronted with the unknown and the incomprehensible.
  • The idea that life's insignificance can make every moment meaningful suggests that understanding the smallness of our existence in the vast universe can lead us to appreciate the value of each experience and connection we have. This perspective challenges us to find significance in the seemingly mundane or fleeting moments of our lives, emphasizing t ...


  • While Broski finds meaning in life's perceived insignificance, some might argue that this perspective could lead to apathy or existential despair rather than a sense of purpose.
  • The idea that life's purpose is found in love may be too narrow, as individuals find purpose in a variety of ways, such as through personal achievements, intellectual pursuits, or spiritual growth.
  • Broski's humorous take on the improbability of aliens needing humans might overlook the potential for non-utilitarian reasons for contact, such as curiosity or cultural exchange.
  • The witty callback to 'Call of Duty' might not resonate with all listeners, e ...

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