Podcasts > The Broski Report with Brittany Broski > Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

By Brittany Broski

Join Brittany Broski in The Broski Report as she bares her soul, inviting listeners to journey with her through deeply personal narratives, ranging from humorous tales of video game cosplayers to her complex break from the Christian Church. Pack in laughter as Brittany recounts her humorous venture into an admired Call of Duty cosplayer's social media life, leading her down a rabbit hole of unexpected revelations, and join her in navigating the tumultuous world of online dating.

In later sections, brace yourself as Brittany delves into more profound areas of her life. Engage with her in a profound discourse exploring Ethel Kane's music album "Preacher's Daughter", a masterwork echoing religious burdens, and follow her through her spiritual journey that eventually leads to her break from the Church. Brittany explores the complexities of her faith journey in a raw and emotive way, exhibiting a deep emotional connection with both Ethel Kane's music and books such as the "Throne of Glass" series. This intimate narrative reveals Brittany’s own truth and is sure to resonate with listeners from various walks of life.

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

1-Page Summary

Section 1: Discovering Brittany Broski: A Dive into Personal Life and Interests

Unveiling the Humor: Personal Anecdotes from Brittany Broski's Life

In the podcast episode titled "Why I Left the Christian Church," Brittany Broski brings her humor to the forefront beginning with enticing narratives about her attraction to a Call of Duty cosplayer she admired. Her hilarious description depicts her online investigation into his life, leading her to discover explicit Twitter content, sparking disbelief.

Playing the Virtual Field: Brittany's Take on Online Dating

Despite the shocking revelations about the cosplayer, Broski continues to humorously express her longing for male companionship. Broski contemplated subscribing to the cosplayer's paid account but refrained from doing so, opting instead to share this anecdote with her audience. This conveniently transitions into a sponsored advertisement for the dating application, Tinder, which Broski describes as user-friendly.

Brittany Broski discussed her reading experiences with the "Throne of Glass" series and her anticipation for a classic novel, "The Monk." She recommended the Strand Bookstore in New York City for its exceptional book collection.

Section 2: Unraveling the Music: A Detailed Review of Ethel Kane's "Preacher's Daughter"

Enigmatic Narratives: An Overview and Interpretation

Subsequently, Broski shifts the narrative towards an analytical discourse on Ethel Kane's music album, "Preacher's Daughter," reflecting on the trauma of generational religious burdens showcased through songs.

Echoes of Individuality: Explorations Into Key Tracks

Broski individually analyses multiple tracks like 'A House in Nebraska,' 'Hard Times,' 'I'm tired of you, still tied to me,' 'Thoroughfare,' and 'Sunbleached Flies.' For example, "Thoroughfare" describes a protagonist meeting Isaiah in Texas—setting off a cross-state journey in search of love, while "Sunbleached Flies" boast harmonica usage alongside an optimistic tale.

In Search of a Higher Power: Tracing Biblical Themes

Broski pays particular attention to "Ptolemaia," noting the religious references permeating the album, especially in this song referencing Dante's 'Inferno.' She explores the possible divine perspective embedded within the music.

Underrated Masterpiece: Addressing Album's Underappreciation

Towards the end, Broski expresses concern over the underappreciation of profound works like "Preacher's Daughter," owing to their complexity.

Section 3: The Unwinding Path: Brittany's Spiritual Journey and Break Away from the Status Quo

Echoes of the Pews: Experiences in Ministries and 'Revival' Outings

Brittany recounted her participation in ministries and 'revival' outings, expressing disillusionment with their emotionally charged music intending to incite divine experiences.

In the Name of Equality: Discontentment with Church's Approach Towards Social Issues

Eventually, her growing dissent towards the church's attitudes on gender, human rights, and social justice leads to her breakaway from the church - a decision that strains her relationship with her deeply faith-based family.

Strained Ties: Impact on Personal Relationships Post Departure

Brittany's departure incites feelings of self-loathing, resentment towards her church, God, and strained relationships, a journey eventually supplanted by tranquility and self-forgiveness.

Faith or Fallacy: Reflecting on Hypocrisy Among American Christians

Lastly, she touches on the hypocrisy she perceived among American Christians, expressing disappointment at conflicting choices made by proclaimed Christian principles.

Section 4: The Audio-literary Experience: Music, Literature, and Brittany Broski's Spiritual Journey

Soulful Melodies: The Emotional Connection with Worship Music

Throughout the episode, Brittany reaffirms her emotional attachment to worship music, even though the memories of shared worship stir feelings of sorrow.

Resonating Rhythms: Finding Common Ground with Ethel Kane's Narratives

Brittany finds solace in Ethel Kane's album; the narratives deeply resonate with her experiences, adding a layer of relatability that appeals to her.

Emotional Release: Catharsis Through Music and Literature

Brittany Broski presents a raw, intense portrayal of her spiritual journey, transition from faith, and subsequent emotional breakdown. She documents her emotional turmoil following religion-based trauma, her evolving perspectives, and a deep emotional connection with specific music and literature. She concludes by urging listeners to rate her podcast and apologizes for her emotional outpouring, seeing it as potentially cathartic.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski, also known as Kombucha Girl, rose to fame through a viral TikTok video in 2019. She is known for her comedic content and infectious personality, which has garnered a large following on social media platforms. Broski often shares personal anecdotes, humor, and insights on various topics, connecting with her audience through relatable and engaging content. Her openness about her personal life, interests, and spiritual journey has resonated with many fans, making her a popular figure in the online community.
  • Brittany Broski's spiritual journey involved her participation in church ministries and 'revival' events, where she began to question the emotionally charged music and the church's stance on social issues. Her growing discontent with the church's views on gender, human rights, and social justice led to her decision to distance herself from the church, causing strain in her relationships with her deeply religious family. This departure prompted a period of self-reflection, forgiveness, and a reevaluation of her faith in the face of what she perceived as hypocrisy among American Christians.
  • Brittany Broski's emotional connection with worship music and literature stems from her personal experiences and upbringing within a religious context. These forms of artistic expression resonate deeply with her, evoking strong emotions and memories tied to her faith journey. Through music and literature, Broski finds solace, comfort, and a means of processing her complex feelings about spirituality and her departure from organized religion. This emotional connection serves as a significant aspect of her self-exploration and growth.


  • While Brittany Broski's humor in investigating the cosplayer is entertaining, some might argue that it perpetuates a culture of online voyeurism and privacy invasion.
  • Recommending books like "Throne of Glass" and "The Monk" is subjective, and others may not find these works as engaging or valuable.
  • Discussing the underappreciation of "Preacher's Daughter" could be seen as subjective; what one person considers profound, another might not resonate with.
  • Brittany's disillusionment with ministries and 'revival' outings is a personal experience, and others may have found these to be genuinely uplifting and faith-affirming.
  • Her decision to break away from the church is deeply personal, and others might argue that it is possible to work towards change within the institution rather than leaving it.
  • The perception of hypocrisy among American Christians is a broad generalization, and some might argue that it overlooks the diversity and sincerity of many individuals within the faith.
  • Emotional connections to worship music are subjective, and others might not feel sorrow but rather joy or nostalgia when hearing worship music post-departure from the church.
  • Finding solace in Ethel Kane's album is a personal experience, and others might not find the same level of relatability or comfort in the music.
  • The raw portrayal of her spiritual journey and emotional breakdown is powerful, but some listeners might prefer a more detached or analytical approach to such discussions.
  • Apologizing for an emotional outpouring on a podcast could be seen as unnecessary; some might argue that expressing emotions is a healthy and integral part of such personal narratives.

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

Section 1: Discovering Brittany Broski: A Dive into Personal Life and Interests

Unveiling the Humor: Personal Anecdotes from Brittany Broski's Life

In the podcast episode titled "Why I Left the Christian Church," Brittany Broski brings her humor to the forefront beginning with enticing narratives about her attraction to a Call of Duty cosplayer she admired. Her humorous description portrays a parodied exaggeration of her longing for male company, translating as being so full of estrogen she feels capable of the Immaculate Conception.

Moreover, her hilarious description depicts her online investigation into his life, leading her to discover explicit Twitter content, sparking disbelief. Broski even uses self-deprecating humor when she likens subscribing to the cosplayer's paid account to a personal low point.

Playing the Virtual Field: Brittany's Take on Online Dating

Despite the shocking revelations about the cosplayer, Broski continues to humorously express her longing for male companionship. She has her entertaining moments where she even contemplates subscribing to the cosplayer's paid account for his explicit content. But instead of keeping the thrill to herself, she decides to share this adventure with her listeners.

This conveniently transitions into a sponsored advertisement. Broski starts talking about the dating applica ...

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Section 1: Discovering Brittany Broski: A Dive into Personal Life and Interests

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski, also known as Kombucha Girl, rose to fame through a viral TikTok video in 2019. She is a content creator known for her comedic and relatable videos. Broski's engaging personality and humor have garnered her a large following on s ...


  • While Brittany Broski's humor is a key aspect of her appeal, not all listeners may appreciate her style of comedy, which can sometimes involve self-deprecation or explicit content.
  • The act of investigating someone's online presence and considering subscribing to their paid content could be seen as an overstep of privacy or an unhealthy fixation, depending on the context and the nature of the content.
  • Broski's recommendation of the Strand Bookstore, while positive, may not resonate with those who prefer to support local independent bookstores in their own communities or who favor digital reading platforms.
  • The anticipation for the classic novel 'The Monk' is subjective, and other readers might not share the same enthusiasm for this particular book or genre.
  • The endorsement of Tinder could be met with skepticism by some listeners who may have had negative experiences with the app or who question the effectiveness of da ...

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

Section 2: Unraveling the Music: A Detailed Review of Ethel Kane's "Preacher's Daughter"

Enigmatic Narratives: An Overview and Interpretation

Subsequently, Broski shifts the narrative towards an analytical discourse on Ethel Kane's music album, 'Preacher's Daughter.' She reflects on the trauma of generational religious burdens showcased through songs.

In her interpretation, Brittany conceptualises the central theme of the album as a tragic love story where one partner devours the other. This symbolically represents love as an act of cannibalism.

In addition, she underscores the narrative of the song 'I'm tired of you, still tied to me.' Its repetitive lyric pattern speaks volumes about the protagonist's exhausting struggle to shake off her father's domineering influence.

Echoes of Individuality: Explorations Into Key Tracks

Broski individually analyses multiple tracks like 'A House in Nebraska,' 'Hard Times,' 'I'm tired of you, still tied to me,' 'Thoroughfare,' and 'Sunbleached Flies.' She paints a poignant picture of the track 'Thoroughfare.'

In this track, the protagonist's quest for a suitable partner, akin to Isaiah's parents, leads her instead into a tragic love story with Isaiah himself. Broski also introduces us to other notable tracks from the album.

'Sunbleached Flies,' for instance, is a narrative that straddles the line between hope and sorrow. Another standout track is 'Strangers' which is known for its unsettling climax.

In Search of a Higher Power: Tracing Biblical Themes

Broski pays particular attention to the religious references in the album, notably the Dante's 'Inferno' reference in the son ...

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Section 2: Unraveling the Music: A Detailed Review of Ethel Kane's "Preacher's Daughter"

Additional Materials


  • Preacher's Daughter is the debut album by Ethel Cain, a singer-songwriter, released in 2022. It is a concept album inspired by Cain's personal experiences as a preacher's daughter, exploring themes of religion and personal struggles. The album received critical acclaim for its storytelling and musical ...


  • The interpretation of the album as a tragic love story symbolizing love as cannibalism might be too literal or narrow; other listeners may perceive the theme of love in a different light, focusing on redemption, growth, or resilience rather than tragedy and consumption.
  • The song 'I'm tired of you, still tied to me' could be seen not just as a struggle against a domineering influence but also as a commentary on the complexity of human relationships and the difficulty of change.
  • While Broski's analysis of individual tracks is detailed, other critics might find additional layers of meaning or different emotional resonances in the songs that were not addressed.
  • The portrayal of a tragic love story in 'Thoroughfare' could be interpreted by some as a common trope in music, and they might argue that it lacks originality or fails to provide a new perspective on the theme.
  • The themes of hope and sorrow in 'Sunbleached Flies' and the unsettling climax in 'Strangers' might be interpreted differently by other listeners, who could find elements of optimism or resolution that Broski did not mention.
  • The religious references and the Dante's 'Inferno' allusion i ...

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

Section 3: The Unwinding Path: Brittany's Spiritual Journey and Break Away from the Status Quo

Echoes of the Pews: Experiences in Ministries and 'Revival' Outings

Brittany Broski recounted her participation in ministries and 'revival' outings.

She expressed disillusionment with the emotionally charged music that was manipulated with melodious tunes and repetitive lyrics, purposed to induce faux divine experiences.

Furthermore, she admits to fabricating spiritual experiences to conform to the group. This display shows that her primary temptation during her tenure with the church lay in seeking acceptance, attention, and friendships. These are integral elements within the church community.

In the Name of Equality: Discontentment with Church's Approach Towards Social Issues

Her growing discontent with the church's indifference towards societal issues that did not directly concern them marked Brittany's departure from the church.

As an example, she struggled to persuade her church community to consider and support trans rights, emphasizing a lack of basic human empathy.

However, her differing attitudes led to a strained relationship with her deeply faith-based family.

Strained Ties: Impact on Personal Relationships Post Departure

Brittany's departure incites feelings of self-loathing. This incites resentment towards her church and God. In turn, this leads to strained relationships. Her journey is eventually supplanted by ...

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Section 3: The Unwinding Path: Brittany's Spiritual Journey and Break Away from the Status Quo

Additional Materials


  • Brittany's self-loathing and resentment towards her church and God stemmed from feelings of disillusionment with the church's practices, particularly the manipulation of spiritual experiences and the lack of empathy towards societal issues like trans rights. These conflicts led to a sense of alienation and a strained relationship with her deeply faith-based family, contributing to her negative emotions towards the church and her faith.
  • In the context of American Christianity, judgmental practitioners are those who focus on criticizing and condemning others for not adhering to their interpretation of religious principles. Understanding Christians, on the other hand, prioritize compassion, empathy, and acceptance, embodying the teachings of love a ...


  • Emotional music in religious settings can be a genuine form of worship and spiritual expression for many, not necessarily a tool for manipulation.
  • The desire for acceptance and community is a common human experience and not unique to religious settings; it can lead to positive personal growth and support.
  • Churches often focus on spiritual matters and may not always engage with societal issues, which can be seen as a separation of spiritual and secular concerns.
  • Advocating for social issues within a church can be complex, and there may be diverse opinions within a congregation; some members may prioritize different issues based on their interpretation of faith.
  • Strained family relationships following a departure from the church can also be seen as an opportunity for open dialogue and mutual understanding over time.
  • Feelings of self-loathing and resentment are personal experiences and may not be directly caused by the church; other individ ...

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Episode #19: Why I Left the Christian Church

Section 4: The Audio-literary Experience: Music, Literature, and Brittany Broski's Spiritual Journey

Soulful Melodies: The Emotional Connection with Worship Music

Throughout the episode, Brittany Broski shared her complicated relationship with worship music. Now, due to past associations, it initiates feelings of sorrow.

The melancholic chords remind her of her previous communal worship events and profound connections with others in the church. Unfortunately, these are experiences she can no longer participate in or reciprocate.

Resonating Rhythms: Finding Common Ground with Ethel Kane's Narratives

Brittany finds solace in Ethel Kane's album; the narratives deeply resonate with her experiences, adding a layer of relatability that appeals to her.

Emotional Release: Catharsis Through Music and Literature

Brittany provides a raw, in-depth portrayal of her spiritual journey, transition from faith, and subsequent emotional breakdown during the podcast. She brought to light the conflicting emotions she feels about the end of the 'Throne of Glass' series.

Exhibiting a mix of eagerness and anxiety towards the concluding book, 'Kingdom of Ash,' she reveale ...

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Section 4: The Audio-literary Experience: Music, Literature, and Brittany Broski's Spiritual Journey

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski gained fame on social media for her comedic videos. She transitioned to discussing deeper topics on her podcast, including her personal experiences and spiritual journey. This shift allowed her to connect with her audience on a more profound level, sharing her thoughts and emotions openly. Her discussions on music, literature, and emotional experiences provide insight into her evolving perspectives and interests.
  • The 'Throne of Glass' series is a popular young adult fantasy book series written by Sarah J. Maas. It follows the story of Celaena Sardothien, an assassin with a complex past, as she navigates political intrigue, magic, and personal growth. The emotional attachment Brittany Broski feels towards the series r ...



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