Podcasts > The Broski Report with Brittany Broski > Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

By Brittany Broski

In "The Broski Report with Brittany Broski," our charismatic host invites listeners on a personal and intellectual adventure. Brittany Broski stuns with her eclectic interests, delving into everything from her love for literature and music to her critiques of art history. With candid personal revelations, deep discussions, and delightful humor, Broski unravels the threads of adult fantasy novels, intellectual mysteries, and dystopian narratives, revealing how they have influenced her understanding of the world. At the same time, she tunes into her vast array of musical interests, reflecting on the genre's evolution and her admiration for the artists within.

Broski's podcast, however, isn't just about her sharing insights. She deeply values audience involvement, opening the floor to recommendations for book genres, extending ongoing conversations to her various social media platforms, and inviting listeners to take part in her future plans. Adding hints of mischief along the line, Brittany ensures that, while intellectually stimulating, her "learning hour" is also a space of intimate connections and unending amusement. Be a part of this enthralling journey where literature, music, art, and culture are dissected with a unique point of view and engaging humor.

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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

This is a preview of the Shortform summary of the Aug 8, 2023 episode of the The Broski Report with Brittany Broski

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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

1-Page Summary

Brittany Broski: Interests and Personal Experiences

In her eclectic podcast episode, Brittany Broski displays a rich tapestry woven of personal revelations, deep-delved discussions, and delightful humor. Beguiling listeners with her dynamic personality, she traverses a wide array of topics from literature critique to music inclination, all borne of her personal experiences and interests.

Brittany Broski's Love for Books: A Deep Dive

Samplings of Broski's deep affection for literature manifest throughout the podcast. Significantly, she manifests a particular fondness for adult fantasy novels like "Twilight" and "City of Bones, The Mortal Instruments Series," emphasizing the emotional connections these books establish. She shows maritime exploration into different genres, journeying from love stories and intellectual mysteries in her youth to her mature navigation in the ocean of dystopian narratives and thrillers. Indeed, books like "The Da Vinci Code," "Angels and Demons," and "City of Embers" have left their marks on her reading journey.

Unraveling the Musical Journey of Brittany Broski

Beyond printed pages, Broski strums the chords of her versatile musical interests. From choir member aspirations to acapella group dreams in her school-time experiences, she presents an enriching personal narrative. Amplifying the volume on her musical critique, she harmonizes discussion about the evolution of country music, and tunes rightly tuning adoration for artists rejuvenating the genre's primal essence.

Exciting Revelations: Personal Anecdotes and Humorous Tales

Her mischievious humor and quick wit punctuate her intense discussions. Be it a quirky anecdote about her actor infatuation or a hearty imitation of DJ Khaled's catch phrases, Broski's lively persona keeps her audience engagingly entertained. Yet, her wit intertwines seamlessly with personal aspirations and resilience.

In-Depth Literature Discussion

Exploring the World of Adult Fantasy Novels

Brittany's love for the adult fantasy genre reflects vividly as she singles out series like "Twilight" and "City of Bones, The Mortal Instruments Series." But it's not simple surface adoration – she expresses her disappointment with adaptations which struggled to mirror the books' charm.

Demystifying the Aura of Intellectual Mysteries

Broski peels open the cryptic layers of Dan Brown’s creations like "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons." She commendably analyzes plots that revolve around enigmatic killers using Catholic rituals for murder, painting vivid and disturbing scenes that have been etched onto her memory.

Delving into the Allure of Dystopian Narratives

While book discussions dot her podcast, the dystopian "City of Embers" receives a special mention. The narrative’s lack of romantic themes lessened her enthusiasm, yet, they offered her an exploration of a genre other than her regular fare.

Art History: A Close Inspection

Influences of 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons' on Broski's Art Appreciation

The podcast segues aptly into art history infused with her fascination for "Angels and Demons" and "Da Vinci Code." She intertwines history, religion, and art, demonstrating ancient art's critical role in communicating religious lessons through cultural trivia linked to these books.

The Fibonacci Sequence: Its Role and Usage in Art History

Broski's exploration illuminates "The Last Supper" painting wherein she advocates that da Vinci might have employed the golden ratio – the manifestation of the Fibonacci sequence.

Building Connections: Broski's Interaction with listeners

Requesting Book Recommendations: Engage with Brittany

In a testament to her audience connection, she not only communicates her personal revelations but also opens the floor inviting her listeners to venture along with her, she seeks their recommendations for books in the academic mystery genre.

Brittany Broski's Social Media: Invitation to Engage

Continuing the dialogue, Broski extends the discussion to other platforms, beckoning her listeners to her social media for even more engaging conversations.

Getting Closer to Listeners: Future Plans and Personal Agendas

Broski's podcast, termed as 'the learning hour,' rounds off by hinting at personal agendas like a Call of Duty fan fiction and a karaoke session. She draws listeners into her world, establishing an intimately engaging atmosphere and creating a personal bond with them. She urges her listeners to follow her into the depths of literature, art history, and culture, thereby ensuring her audience remains ardent throughout her intellectual adventure.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski, also known as Kombucha Girl, is a popular internet personality known for her comedic content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. She rose to fame in 2019 with a viral video where she tries kombucha for the first time, leading to her online persona. Broski is known for her humor, relatable content, and engaging personality, which have garnered her a large following on social media. She has since expanded her content to include podcasts and discussions on various topics like literature, music, and art.
  • The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.). In art history, the Fibonacci sequence is linked to the golden ratio, a mathematical ratio that is aesthetically pleasing and often used in art and architecture. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci are believed to have incorporated the golden ratio derived from the Fibonacci sequence in their works to create visually harmonious compositions. This mathematical concept is thought to enhance the balance and beauty of artworks, contributing to their visual appeal and perceived harmony.
  • Brittany Broski engages with her audience on social media by inviting them to continue the conversation beyond the podcast. She encourages listeners to connect with her on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok for more interactive discussions and content. This engagement helps foster a sense of community and allows her audience to further explore topics discussed on the podcast. Brittany uses her social media presence to create a more immersive and ongoing experience for her followers.
  • Brittany Broski's podcast covers a wide range of topics, including literature, music, and personal anecdotes. She uses the term 'the learning hour' to describe her podcast, hinting at a focus on educational and informative content. This term suggests that listeners can expect to engage with intellectually stimulating discussions and learn new things during the podcast. Brittany aims to create an atmosphere where her audience can delve into literature, art history, and culture, fostering a sense of shared learning and exploration.


  • While Brittany Broski's love for adult fantasy novels is clear, some listeners might argue that her focus on popular series like "Twilight" and "City of Bones" overlooks other significant works in the genre that could be discussed.
  • Broski's transition from love stories to dystopian narratives and thrillers might be seen as a common evolution of taste, and some might suggest exploring less mainstream genres or authors to diversify the discussion.
  • The critique of book adaptations not living up to the original works is a common sentiment, but others may argue that adaptations should be judged as separate entities and can bring their own unique value to the story.
  • Broski's analysis of Dan Brown's works could be challenged by those who find his writing style or thematic content lacking in literary merit or who disagree with his interpretations of historical and religious elements.
  • The discussion of the Fibonacci sequence and its role in art history, particularly in relation to da Vinci's "The Last Supper," is a topic of debate among scholars, and some may argue that the evidence for da Vinci's use of the golden ratio is not conclusive.
  • Broski's engagement with her audience through book recommendations and social media interaction is positive, but some might argue that it could lead to an echo chamber effect where only certain types of books or views are reinforced.
  • The personal agendas like a Call of Duty fan fiction and a karaoke session might not appeal to all listeners, who may prefer the podcast to focus more on its core topics of literature, music, and art history.

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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

Brittany Broski: Interests and Personal Experiences

In her eclectic podcast episode, Brittany Broski displays a rich tapestry woven of personal revelations, deep-delved discussions, and delightful humor. Her dynamic personality captivates listeners as she delves into a wide array of topics including her literature critique and personal anecdotes.

A noteworthy aspect is Brittany's unique note-taking style - left-handed, reverse, and cursive - inspired by Da Vinci's note-taking technique. An entertaining aspect of her show includes her fascination with DJ Khaled, impersonating his catch phrases, expressing her desire to host him on her 'Royal Court' show, and discussing his humorous internet memes.

Furthermore, she shares her strong connection with Madison Beer, pointing out their striking similarities and considering her a like-minded soul. Throughout her discourse, Brittany brings up personal aspects of her life, such as dealing with minor technical difficulties like a malfunctioning camera with resilience and adaptability.

Brittany Broski's Love for Books: A Deep Dive

Broski's deep affection for literature manifests throughout her podcast. She has a particular interest in the academic mystery genre.

Her detailed critique takes into consideration Leigh Bardugo's 'Ninth House', 'Shadow and Bone', and 'Six of Crows'. This detail-driven analysis further indicates her deep engagement with literature, extending beyond mere enjoyment.

She takes the opportunity to learn from literature, engaging critically with novels, and also invites book recommendations from her listeners in the academic mystery genre.

Unraveling the Musical Journey of Brittany Broski

Beyond printed pages, Broski strums the chords of her versatile musical interests. Her journey includes an aspiration from her school days to be a part of an acapella group, demonstrating her singing talent by imitating all vocal ranges - soprano, alto, and tenor.

In addition, her admiration for the band 'Fun', her engaging critique of their song 'We Are Young', coupled with her beatboxing demonstration, captivates her audience.

She reminisces about her music preferences from high school, mentioning bands like Fleet Foxes, Half Moon Run, bluegrass music, Lana Del Rey, and Young the Giant, particularly appreciating Fleet Foxes' fusion of traditional bluegrass with contemporary indie music.

Notably, she also d ...

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Brittany Broski: Interests and Personal Experiences

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski's unique note-taking style, inspired by Da Vinci, involves writing in cursive with her left hand in reverse. This unconventional method is reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci's famous mirror writing technique. Da Vinci, a renowned polymath of the Renaissance era, was known for his mirror writing, where he wrote from right to left, creating a mirror image of the text that could only be read using a mirror. Brittany's adoption of this style adds a creative and distinctive touch to her note-taking process.
  • Brittany Broski's fascination with DJ Khaled stems from his influential presence in the music industry and his popular catchphrases. She admires his persona and the humor associated with his internet memes. Brittany's desire to host DJ Khaled on her show reflects her interest in engaging with prominent figures in the entertainment world.
  • Brittany Broski's resilience in dealing with technical difficulties showcases her ability to handle unexpected challenges, such as a malfunctioning camera, with adaptability and composure. She demonstrates a capacity to navigate and overcome obstacles during her podcast recordings, maintaining her professionalism and continuing her content creation despite setbacks. Brittany's approach highlights her determination and resourcefulness in addressing issues that arise, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience for her audience.
  • Brittany Broski's deep affection for the academic mystery genre stems from her fascination with intricate plots, intellectual challenges, and the suspenseful nature of these novels. Academic mysteries typically involve a scholarly setting or intellectual pursuits intertwined with a mysterious or criminal element, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling. Broski's interest in this genre showcases her appreciation for narratives that blend intellectual stimulation with suspenseful storytelling, creating a unique reading experience for her. Academic mysteries often feature protagonists who are scholars, detectives, or amateur sleuths, engaging in solving puzzles or unraveling enigmatic events within academic or intellectual circles.
  • Brittany Broski's critique of novels like 'Ninth House', 'Shadow and Bone', and 'Six of Crows' showcases her detailed analysis and engagement with the academic mystery genre, highlighting her interest in exploring complex narratives, character development, and thematic depth in these works. Her discussions delve into the storytelling techniques, world-building, and the impact of these novels on readers, offering a nuanced perspective on their literary merits and shortcomings.
  • Brittany Broski demonstrates her singing talent by imitating different vocal ranges, including soprano ...



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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

In-Depth Literature Discussion

Brittany artfully navigates through a variety of conversations relating to literature.

She took a deep dive into 'The Secret History,' appreciating the narrative style where the murder mystery plot is revealed upfront.

Alongside this plot revelation, the book also offers in-depth characterization that reflects on Greek epics and linguistics.

Exploring the World of Adult Fantasy Novels

Broski's fondness for adult fantasy novels is vivid. She singles out series like 'Twilight' and 'City of Bones, The Mortal Instruments Series,' and reflects on her emotional connection with these narratives in her youth.

She reflects on the surge in adult fantasy novels, comparing them to the widespread popularity of 'Game of Thrones.'

Additionally, Brittany expresses disappointment in the film adaptation of 'City of Bones,' commenting that it failed to maintain the captivating allure of the books.

Demystifying the Aura of Intellectual Mysteries

Broski breaks down the narrative of Dan Brown’s creations 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons.'

It was these works that first prom ...

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In-Depth Literature Discussion

Additional Materials


  • In 'The Secret History,' the narrative style involves revealing a murder mystery plot upfront, setting the tone for the rest of the story. This approach creates a sense of suspense and intrigue as readers uncover the motivations and consequences of the characters' actions. The book delves deeply into characterization, drawing parallels to Greek epics and exploring themes of guilt, loyalty, and intellectualism. The blend of a compelling plot with rich character development makes 'The Secret History' a unique and engaging read in the realm of contemporary literature.
  • In recent years, adult fantasy novels have gained popularity, with series like 'Twilight' and 'City of Bones' capturing readers' attention. The comparison to 'Game of Thrones' highlights the impact of this epic fantasy series on the genre, setting a high standard for complex storytelling and intricate world-building. 'Game of Thrones' is known for its mature themes, political intrigue, and morally grey characters, influencing the tone and depth of subsequent adult fantasy works. This comparison underscores how 'Game of Thrones' has reshaped expectations for adult fantasy literature, emphasizing the demand for richly developed plots and multifaceted characters in the genre.
  • In the context of the text, the disappointment in the film adaptation of 'City of Bones' stems from the film's perceived failure to capture the captivating essence and depth of the original book. This disappointment is a common sentiment among fans of the book series who felt that the movie did not do justice to the intricate world-building and character development present in the source material. The discrepancy between the expectations ...


  • While Brittany appreciates the narrative style of 'The Secret History,' some readers might find that knowing the outcome from the beginning can diminish the suspense and reduce engagement with the story.
  • The in-depth characterization in 'The Secret History' that reflects on Greek epics and linguistics might be perceived as too dense or esoteric for readers who prefer more straightforward narratives.
  • Broski's love for adult fantasy novels like 'Twilight' and 'City of Bones' might not resonate with readers who find these series lacking in literary depth or who criticize their portrayal of relationships.
  • Comparing the popularity of adult fantasy novels to 'Game of Thrones' could be seen as an oversimplification, as the latter's success is also heavily attributed to its complex political intrigue and mature content, which may not be present in all adult fantasy novels.
  • Brittany's disappointment with the 'City of Bones' film adaptation might not be shared by all fans, as some might appreciate the visual interpretation or find merit in the adaptation's different approach to the story.
  • Broski's analysis of Dan Brown's works could be countered by the argument that the novels, while popular, are often criticized for their historical inaccuracies and literary style.
  • The idea that Dan Brown's works prompt criti ...

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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

Art History: A Close Inspection

Influences of 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons' on Broski's Art Appreciation

The podcast segues aptly into art history, infused with her fascination for 'Angels and Demons' and 'Da Vinci Code.'

She intertwines history, religion, and art, paying specific appreciation to the art, religious, and Catholic nuances found in these books.

The Fibonacci Sequence: Its Role and Usage in Art History

Broski's exploration doesn't stop at literature.

She further elucidates the importance of the Fibonacci sequence by citing 'The Last Supper' painting as an example. She advocates that Da Vinci mig ...

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Art History: A Close Inspection

Additional Materials


  • "Segues aptly into art history" means that the transition from the previous topic to discussing art history was smooth and fitting. It suggests that the podcast or discussion moved naturally and appropriately from one subject to another.
  • The mention of 'Angels and Demons' and 'Da Vinci Code' in the text is referring to popular novels written by Dan Brown. These books are known for blending elements of history, art, and mystery, often revolving around religious themes and symbolism. The author's fascination with these novels suggests that they have influenced her interest in exploring art history through a lens that incorporates historical mysteries and religious symbolism.
  • The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It has applications in various fields, including art and nature. In art, the Fibonacci sequence and its related golden ratio are believed to create aesthetically pleasing compositions. Leonardo da Vinci's alleged use of the golden ratio in "The Last Supper" painting is an example of how artists may incorporate mathematical principles into their work.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, a renowned artist and inventor, is believed to have used the golden ratio in his works. The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio that is often found in nature and art, known for its aesthetic appeal. It is a proportion that is considered vis ...


  • The influence of 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons' on art appreciation could be seen as commercial rather than academic, potentially skewing the perception of art history through the lens of popular fiction rather than scholarly research.
  • While Broski focuses on the nuances of art, religion, and Catholicism found in these books, it's important to note that both novels are works of fiction and may not accurately represent historical facts or the complexities of religious art.
  • The role of the Fibonacci sequence in art history is a subject of debate; some scholars argue that its significance is often overstated or misinterpreted.
  • The claim that Da Vinci used the golden ratio in 'The Last Supper' is contested; there is no clear his ...

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Episode #13: Tumblr Literature Renaissance

Building Connections: Broski's Interaction with listeners

A mark of her strong connection and interaction with her audience, Brittany not only shares her personal revelations but invites her listeners along on her intellectual journey.

She requests book recommendations from her audience in the academic mystery genre. She also acknowledges the podcast's sponsorship by ZuckDuck, a medical app. This app facilitates easier booking of doctor's appointments, providing valuable information to her listeners.

Brittany consistently emphasizes the importance of resilience and adaptability both on and off her radio show.

Requesting Book Recommendations: Engage with Brittany

In a testament to her audience connection, she not only communicates her personal revelations but also opens the floor inviting her listeners to venture along with her.

She specifically requests their recommendations for books in the academic mystery genre.

Brittany Broski's Social Media: Invitation to Engage

Continuing the dialogue, Broski extends the discussion to other platforms. She beckons her listeners to engage with her more interactively on her YouTube channel and other social media platforms.

Getting Closer to Listeners: Future Plans and Personal Agendas

Broski's podcast, termed as 'the learning hour', rounds off by revealing future plans involving creative agendas like creating a Call of Duty fan fiction and holdin ...

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Building Connections: Broski's Interaction with listeners

Additional Materials


  • "Broski" is a term that originated in the early 2000s and is a slang term used to address a close male friend or buddy. It is a casual and friendly term often used in informal settings among friends. In this context, "Broski" is used as a nickname for Brittany, the podcast host, emphasizing a sense of camaraderie and f ...


  • While Brittany's engagement with her audience is commendable, it could be argued that requesting book recommendations might sometimes lead to a cluttered or unfocused selection, potentially overwhelming for both the host and listeners.
  • Acknowledging a sponsorship like ZuckDuck is standard practice, but it could raise questions about the impartiality of the content, especially if the app's services are promoted without critical evaluation.
  • Emphasizing resilience and adaptability is positive, but it's important to acknowledge that some listeners may be going through situations where these traits are particularly challenging to embody, and they might benefit from additional support or advice.
  • Extending dialogue to other platforms is a strategy to increase engagement, but it might not be inclusive of all audience members, particularly those who prefer or only have access to the podcast format.
  • Revealing future plans and personal anecdotes helps to build a connection with the audience, but there is a risk that not all listeners will relate to or be interested in every topic, such as Call of Duty fan fiction or karaoke sessions.
  • Sharing a humorous memory from ...

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