Podcasts > The Broski Report with Brittany Broski > Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

By Brittany Broski

In Episode 11 of "The Broski Report with Brittany Broski", Brittany shines as she showcases her captivating podcasting style. Inspired by notable talk shows, she crafts a medieval-themed ambiance and spotlights her admiration for musical artists, like Irish musician Hozier, and her opinions on internet celebrities. As she navigates the realm of digital personalities, her show emphatically resists content that promotes any form of discrimination, promoting a positive and enlightening listening experience.

Meanwhile, Broski dives deep into her personal insights, reminiscing about her childhood fascination with mortality and challenging conventional views on aging. Juxtaposing these serious reflections is her playful exploration of popular culture— citing Tinder, TikTok, and even a Call of Duty character. The episode is rounded off with a heartfelt expression of gratitude to listeners, promising further engaging discussions in the future while highlighting the joys of life's unpredictability. Dive into a captivating journey through Brittany's world of interests, as she challenges norms and embraces dialogue in the most entertaining and refreshing ways.

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

1-Page Summary

Introduction: Unveiling Brittany Broski, the Podcaster

In this episode of "The Broski Report", the affable host, Brittany Broski showcases her engaging, light-hearted style, and unique management of production aspects that has enthralled her audience.

Behind 'The Broski Report': The Production and Inspiration

Channeling her inner showrunner, Brittany takes inspiration from popular talk shows like Hot Ones, Chicken Shop Date, and Good Mythical Morning for her new talk program. She creates an ambient medieval-themed show to put her guests at ease and encourage forthright conversations. Not only does she fund the show herself, but also appreciates the untiring efforts of her production team, including Stanley and comedy writers Annabelle and Sabina Miecki.

The Sonic Palette of the Podcast: A Nod to Hozier

Music is an integral part of the podcast, with Brittany often sharing her admiration for various artists. One such artist is the Irish musician Hozier. With his thought-provoking lyrics and advocacy for women, Hozier’s upcoming album is eagerly anticipated by her.

Brittany Broski's Takes on Internet Personalities

The episode is not devoid of Broski's pointed opinions on internet personalities like Bryce Hall, MrBeast, and David Dobrik. Trust issues and personal content preferences lead her to humorously blacklist them.

Diving into Brittany's Personal Insights and Opinions

Standing Against Prejudice: Brittany's Zero-Tolerance Policy

Broski’s is firm with her stance on content that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, and misogyny, stating a zero-tolerance policy for such content.

A Feminist Lens: Discussing Aging and Gender Differences

While examining the pressures of societal norms on women to remain youthful and the patriarchal influenced perspective of aging, Brittany confesses her own apprehension of growing old. However, she encourages her audience to see the beauty of age and life experience.

On Mortality: An Introspective Discussion

The concept of mortality is one that has intrigued her since she was young and serves as the core of a discussion intertwined with the dialogue on aging and societal norms.

Viewers get an in-depth look at mainstream culture through Brittany's enthusiastic endorsement of Tinder and the TikTok age filter, a popular app feature that sparks a fascinating conversation about societal pressures.

Digital Fixation: The Lure of 'Ghost' from Call of Duty

Call of Duty's 'Ghost' massively intrigues Broski, which is an unusual interest for someone who hasn’t even played the game. Internet rumours and Ghost fanfictions fuel her fascination with the character, manifested in funny imaginary press conferences and cosplayers.

Inside Brittany Broski's World of Interests

A Leap Back in Time: The Fascination with World War I

Brittany's interest in World War I, which has been further fueled by 'World on Fire', a BBC drama, extends to its impact on art. Intrigued by the concept of a "Lost Generation", Broski urges her audience to delve into this grim but fascinating aspect of history through a YouTube video.

For the Love of Reading: 'Throne of Glass' and a 'Farewell to Arms'

Another pivot in the episode centers around her passion for reading. Special mention of the 'Throne of Glass' series and Hemingway's 'Farewell to Arms' offers insight into her literary preferences.

Conclusion: Gratitude, Apologies and Hopes for Future Episodes

The episode wraps up with Broski expressing gratitude for her listeners and humourously apologizing for her quirky idiosyncrasies. The conversation mirrors the free-flow design of her podcast, painting an extensive picture of her ever-evolving interests and presenting a joyful tribute to life's unpredictability.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski's podcast "The Broski Report" follows a talk show format inspired by popular shows like Hot Ones and Good Mythical Morning. She creates a medieval-themed ambiance for her guests, emphasizing candid conversations. Music plays a significant role in the podcast, with Brittany expressing admiration for artists like Hozier. The podcast covers a range of topics from internet personalities to societal issues, reflecting Brittany's diverse interests and opinions.
  • Brittany Broski admires Hozier for his thought-provoking lyrics and advocacy for women's rights. Hozier's music resonates with Brittany, and she eagerly anticipates his upcoming album. His music adds depth and emotional resonance to Brittany's podcast, reflecting her appreciation for meaningful artistry.
  • The "Lost Generation" is a term coined by Gertrude Stein to describe the generation of people who came of age during World War I. It represents the disillusionment and loss experienced by individuals who lived through the war, often feeling disconnected from traditional values and societal norms. This term is commonly associated with writers and artists of the post-war period, such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, who captured the sense of aimlessness and despair felt by many in the aftermath of the conflict. The Lost Generation reflects a profound questioning of the meaning of life and the future in the wake of the unprecedented destruction and trauma of World War I.
  • Brittany Broski's fascination with Call of Duty's character 'Ghost' without playing the game stems from her interest in internet rumors and fan-created content surrounding the character. She enjoys exploring the character's depth through funny imaginary scenarios like press conferences and cosplays. This interest showcases how online culture and fan communities can spark curiosity and engagement even without direct experience with the source material.


  • While Brittany Broski's inspiration from popular talk shows may contribute to her podcast's success, it could also be argued that relying too heavily on existing formats might limit the originality of her content.
  • Self-funding a show is commendable, but it may not be sustainable long-term, and could potentially limit the show's growth or production quality compared to shows with external funding sources.
  • Admiring Hozier for his music and advocacy is subjective, and not all listeners may share the same enthusiasm for his work or anticipate his album as eagerly.
  • Blacklisting internet personalities like Bryce Hall, MrBeast, and David Dobrik may resonate with some listeners, but others might find value in their content or disagree with the reasons for blacklisting.
  • While a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory content is ethically sound, it's important to ensure that this policy is applied consistently and fairly, without stifling open dialogue or differing viewpoints.
  • Discussing societal pressures on women regarding aging is important, but it's also worth considering that men may face their own unique societal pressures related to aging that could be included in the conversation.
  • The fascination with mortality is a deep and personal topic, but not all listeners may find this subject as intriguing or may prefer a lighter approach to podcast content.
  • Endorsing Tinder and discussing the TikTok age filter might not resonate with all listeners, especially those who are critical of the impacts of dating apps and social media filters on society.
  • Brittany's interest in the character 'Ghost' from Call of Duty could be seen as a superficial engagement with the gaming community, and some gamers might prefer more in-depth gaming content or insights from actual players.
  • While World War I is a significant historical event, some listeners might be more interested in other historical periods or find the focus on such a grim topic to be less appealing.
  • Literary preferences are highly subjective, and while Brittany shares her passion for certain books, not all listeners may share her taste or might prefer recommendations across a wider range of genres.
  • Expressing gratitude and apologizing for quirks is a humble approach, but some listeners might prefer a more polished and less self-deprecating conclusion to podcast episodes.

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Introduction: Unveiling Brittany Broski, the Podcaster

In this episode of "The Broski Report", the affable host, Brittany Broski showcases her engaging, light-hearted style, and unique management of production aspects that has enthralled her audience.

Brittany humorously mentions the absence of the UK and Ireland on her decorative map, shifting the blame onto the installation team. Her vivid descriptions of rearranging her desk also bring into light the personal touches she adds.

This includes a Whataburger wait table puck and a relocated Mickey - a college memento, and a Mandalorian Funko Pop figurine, a nod to her affection for Star Wars.

Behind 'The Broski Report': The Production and Inspiration

Channeling her inner showrunner, Brittany takes inspiration from popular talk shows like Hot Ones, Chicken Shop Date, and Good Mythical Morning for her new talk program. Her unique distinguishing factor is an ambient, medieval-themed ambience. This stands as a testament to her appreciation for the medieval era and Game of Thrones.

In addition to her unique theme, Brittany ensures fans of a quality discourse that she funds herself. She extends gratitude towards her diligently hardworking production team. Notably, the team includes Stanley, and comedy writers Annabelle and Sabina Miecki.

Brittany often indulges in subtle humor, joking that if listeners do not tune into her show, there will be unintended consequences. This perfectly showcases her light-hearted nature, making her program an enjoyable viewing experience.

The Sonic Palette of the Podcast: A Nod to Hozier

Music is an integral part of the podcast, with Brittany often sharing her admiration for various artists. One such artist is the Irish musician Hozier, who ...

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Introduction: Unveiling Brittany Broski, the Podcaster

Additional Materials


  • Brittany Broski is a popular internet personality known for her comedic content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. "The Broski Report" is a podcast hosted by Brittany where she showcases her engaging and light-hearted style, often incorporating humor and personal anecdotes into her episodes. The podcast features a unique production style with a medieval-themed ambience, inspired by Brittany's love for the medieval era and shows like Game of Thrones. Brittany's podcast also includes discussions on music, with a particular admiration for artists like Hozier for his music and social activism.
  • Bryce Hall, MrBeast, and David Dobrik are well-known internet personalities with large followings on platforms like YouTube and social media. They are popular for creating various types of content, including vlogs, challenges, and philanthropic endeavors. Each of them has a distinct style and approach to content creation, which has contributed to their fame and influence in the online world. Their actions and projects often garner significant attention and discussion within the online community.
  • Brittany Broski's desk decorations include a Whataburger wait table puck, a college memento in the form of a relocated Mickey, and a Mandalorian Funko Po ...



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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Diving into Brittany's Personal Insights and Opinions

Standing Against Prejudice: Brittany's Zero-Tolerance Policy

Broski’s is firm with her stance on content that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, and misogyny, stating a zero-tolerance policy for such content.

A Feminist Lens: Discussing Aging and Gender Differences

While examining the pressures of societal norms on women to remain youthful and the patriarchal influenced perspective of aging, Brittany confesses her own apprehension of growing old. This fear is directly linked to societal demands for women to preserve their youth.

However, she encourages her audience to see the beauty of age and life experience. Describing getting older as a gift, she emphasizes that aging encompasses the richness of life experiences.

On Mort ...

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Diving into Brittany's Personal Insights and Opinions

Additional Materials


  • The patriarchal influenced perspective of aging refers to societal beliefs and norms that value youth and beauty in women, often perpetuated by male-dominated structures. This perspective can lead to women feeling pressured to maintain a youthful appearance and conform to certain standards as they age. It reflects how gender roles and expectations, shaped by patriarchal systems, impact how women are viewed and treated as they grow older.
  • Societal demands for women to preserve their youth stem from cultural expectations that prioritize youthful appearances in women. This pressure often leads to the promotion of anti-aging products and procedures, reinforcing the idea that youth equates to beauty and desirability. Women may feel compelled to maintain a youthful look to conform to societal beauty standards, impacting their self-esteem and sense of worth. These demands can create a cycle of insecurity and perpetuate ageism against women.
  • The TikTok age filter is a feature ...


  • While a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory content is commendable, it's important to ensure that such policies do not suppress legitimate free speech or become overly punitive in cases where education and dialogue might be more effective.
  • The focus on societal pressures on women to remain youthful could be expanded to include how these pressures also affect men and non-binary individuals, acknowledging that body image issues and ageism are not exclusively women's issues.
  • Encouraging people to see the beauty in aging is positive, but it's also necessary to recognize and address the real challenges and discrimination that can come with aging, such as ageism in the workplace and health-related issues.
  • While discussing mortality can be introspective and profound, it's also important t ...

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Brittany Broski's Exploration of Popular Culture

Viewers get an in-depth look at mainstream culture through Brittany's explorative lens.

She promotes the Dipsy Stories app, highlighting its provision of short, sensual audiobooks created for and by women. Accurately presenting a diverse range of voices, she includes TikTok personalities and performers of color in her array.

Brittany also humorously mentions the show's exceeded budget. She suggests the sale of war bonds as an imaginative solution, adding another dimension to her carefree sense of humor.

Viewers get an in-depth look at mainstream culture through Brittany's enthusiastic endorsement of Tinder. She finds this application particularly useful for specifying relationship preferences.

In the same vein, Brittany explores the phenomenon of the TikTok age filter. Beyond being a fun trend, this feature serves as an unexpected reminder for her. It highlights the societal pressures of youth preservation.

Digital Fixation: The Lure of 'Ghost' from Call of Duty

Call of Duty's 'Ghost' massively intrigues Broski, an unusual interest for someone who hasn’t even played the game. The TikTok algorithm, picking up on her online discussions about a 'mask kink', played a role in f ...

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Brittany Broski's Exploration of Popular Culture

Additional Materials


  • TikTok personalities are individuals who have gained popularity and a following on the social media platform TikTok. They create and share a variety of content, including lip-syncing videos, dances, comedy sketches, and more. These personalities often engage with their audience through trends, challenges, and collaborations, building a community around their content. TikTok personalities can range from everyday users who go viral to influencers and celebrities who use the platform to connect with fans and promote their work.
  • 'Ghost' from Call of Duty is a character from the Call of Duty video game series, specifically featured in the game Call of Duty: Ghosts released in 2013. The character 'Ghost' is known for wearing a distinctive skull-patterned mask and has become a popular and iconic figure within the Call of Duty franchise. Brittany Broski's interest in 'Ghost' stems from discussions related to a 'mask kink' and her engagement with fanfiction surrounding the character on platforms like AO3.
  • AO3, short ...


  • While Brittany Broski's exploration of mainstream culture is presented as in-depth, some may argue that her content could be more surface-level and tailored for entertainment rather than deep cultural analysis.
  • The promotion of the Dipsy Stories app as featuring a diverse range of voices could be critiqued if the app does not adequately represent the full spectrum of women's experiences or if it perpetuates certain stereotypes.
  • The suggestion of selling war bonds is a humorous take on solving budget issues, but it might trivialize the historical context and importance of war bonds, which were used during times of conflict for raising funds.
  • Endorsing Tinder for specifying relationship preferences might overlook the complexities and potential downsides of using the app, such as issues related to privacy, the superficiality of swiping culture, or the potential for negative mental health impacts.
  • The discussion of the TikTok age filter as a societal pressure could be seen as an oversimplification of the broader societal issues related to aging and beauty standards.
  • Brittany's interest in 'Ghost' from Call of Duty could be criticized for reinforcing the objectification ...

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Inside Brittany Broski's World of Interests

Brittany's interest in World War I was reignited by her introspective thoughts on mortality, sparked by the TikTok age filter. This interest extends to its impact on art.

Also contributing to her fascination is her fondness for Ewan Mitchell, an actor in the BBC drama 'World on Fire'. Broski urges her audience to delve into this grim but fascinating aspect of history through a YouTube video.

A Leap Back in Time: The Fascination with World War I

Brittany's interest in World War I has been further fueled by 'World on Fire', a BBC drama.

This appreciation extends to its impact on art. Intrigued by the concept of a 'Lost Generation', Broski explores the prevalent war-inspired art of that era.

She invites her audience to delve into this grim, but fascinating aspect of art history through a YouTube video she posted.

For the Love of Reading: 'Throne of Glass' and a 'Farewell to Arms'

Another pivot in the episode centers around her passion for reading. Discussing the Throne of Glass series, Brittany Broski highlights the intricacy of critiquing books without revealing spoilers, especially when introducing new characters, a testament to her considerate approach during ...

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Inside Brittany Broski's World of Interests

Additional Materials


  • Ewan Mitchell is an actor known for his role in the BBC drama series 'World on Fire'. In the show, he portrays the character of Tom Bennett, a young British translator who becomes involved in the events of World War II. Mitchell's performance in the series has garnered praise for his portrayal of a complex and compelling character amidst the backdrop of wartime Europe. His character's journey intertwines with various other storylines in the series, offering a unique perspective on the human experiences during the tumultuous period of the war.
  • The concept of a 'Lost Generation' typically refers to the generation of people who came of age during or just after World War I, who were deeply affected by the war's devastation and disillusionment. This term is often associated with the feeling of aimlessness and loss experienced by individuals who witnessed the horrors of the war. The 'Lost Generation' includes writers, artists, and intellectuals who grappled with themes of alienation, trauma, and a sense of moral confusion in their work. This term was popularized by writer Gertrude Stein and later used by author Ernest Hemingway in his novel "The Sun Also Rises" to describe the post-war generation.
  • The Throne of Glass series is a popular high fantasy novel series by Sarah J. Maas, focusing on the journey of an assassin named Celaena Sardothien in a corrupt kingdom. The story delves into Celaena's experiences as she navigates challenges, forms unexpected alliances, and uncovers cons ...


  • While introspection on mortality can indeed reignite an interest in historical events like World War I, it's also possible that such introspection could lead to a broader exploration of different historical periods or philosophical themes, not just war.
  • The impact of World War I on art is significant, but it's worth noting that other historical events have also had profound influences on art, and exploring those could provide a more comprehensive understanding of art history.
  • Personal fascination with an actor, such as Ewan Mitchell, might enrich one's engagement with a historical drama, but it could also bias the interpretation of the historical accuracy and significance of the events portrayed in the drama.
  • Encouraging an audience to explore history through a YouTube video is commendable, but it's important to ensure that the content is well-researched and presents a balanced view, considering multiple perspectives on the historical events discussed.
  • The concept of the 'Lost Generation' is a compelling lens through which to explore war-inspired art, but it's also important to recognize the contributions and experiences of other groups and individuals affected by World War I.
  • Critiquing books without spoilers is considerate to new readers, but it can also limit the depth of discussion and analysis that can be shared with an audience already familiar with the material.
  • Dedication to completing ...

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Episode 11: Hozier & Mortality

Conclusion: Gratitude, Apologies and Hopes for Future Episodes

The episode wraps up with Broski speculating if her lack of a regular job may have amplified her Ghost fixation, presenting an introspective viewpoint of her personal situation. Despite her quirky interests and idiosyncrasies, Brittany maintains her charisma and humorously apologizes for these traits.

The conversation mirrors the free-flow design of her podcast, painting an extensive picture of her ever-evolving interests and presenting a joyful tribute to life's unpredictability. During the show, Brittany also reminds her audience of the first instance she spoke about the podcast launch on Ethan's H3 platform and comme ...

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Conclusion: Gratitude, Apologies and Hopes for Future Episodes

Additional Materials


  • The H3 platform is a reference to the H3 Podcast, a popular comedy podcast hosted by Ethan Klein. The podcast features interviews with notable internet personalities and has a significant following in the United States. Ethan and his wife, ...


  • While Broski's lack of a regular job might contribute to her Ghost fixation, it could also be argued that her passion for the subject is independent of her employment status and more about personal interest.
  • Apologizing for quirky interests might not be necessary; instead, embracing these traits could be seen as a form of authenticity that resonates with the audience.
  • A free-flow design podcast, while appealing to some, might not cater to listeners who prefer more structured and focused content.
  • Reminding the audience about the podcast's origin on Ethan's H3 platform could be perceived as relying on the success of another platform rather than highlighting her own achievements.
  • Commending followers ...

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