Podcasts > Stuff You Should Know > The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

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In this episode of Stuff You Should Know, hosts Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark explore the horrific crimes of Georgia Tann, a woman who operated an illegal adoption scheme through her Memphis orphanage in the 1920s-1950s. The hosts detail how Tann preyed on vulnerable mothers, often stealing their children through deception or outright kidnapping. Tann's powerful enablers, including the corrupt Mayor Ed "Boss" Crump and Judge Camille Kelly, helped her trafficking operation thrive by manipulating laws and records.

Bryant and Clark reveal the depths of Tann's ruthlessness, describing the abuse and neglect suffered by children at her orphanage, and her forging of false backgrounds to sell babies to adoptive families. This episode shines a light on a harrowing chapter in the dark history of adoption practices in the United States.

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The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

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The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

1-Page Summary

Georgia Tann's Horrifying Adoption Scheme

Preying on Vulnerable Mothers

Georgia Tann preyed on poor, uneducated mothers, Chuck Bryant reveals, stealing their children by any means, from luring kids into her car to falsely telling mothers their infants had died. Josh Clark adds that Tann would forge attractive backgrounds for babies up for illegal adoption.

Trafficking Children Through Her Orphanage

While running an orphanage in Memphis, Tann neglected children, leaving many to suffer malnutrition and die, Bryant says. Those seen as unadoptable were particularly mistreated.

Manipulating Laws and Records

To streamline her operations, Tann lobbied to have adoption records sealed, Clark notes. She'd manipulate mothers into unwittingly signing over their newborns and fabricate documents showing willing surrenders to bypass judges. Her lies made it virtually impossible for adoptees to find their birth families.

Tann's Web of Powerful Enablers

Mayor Boss Crump

Memphis Mayor Ed "Boss" Crump's corruption shielded Tann, Bryant explains. Crump's vast influence over the governor delayed releasing an investigation that exposed Tann's crimes until after her death, aiming to undermine Crump.

Judge Camille Kelly

An estimated 20% of kidnapped children came from unlawful rulings by Judge Camille Kelly, firmly in Tann's pocket. Bryant recounts nuns hiding kids from Kelly to prevent their trafficking to Tann's scheme. Kelly even pushed legislative changes enabling Tann's operations.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Georgia Tann was a notorious figure known for her illegal adoption practices in the mid-20th century. She targeted vulnerable mothers, often from poor and uneducated backgrounds, using various deceitful tactics to take their children for adoption. Tann would manipulate these mothers by providing false information about their infants, forging documents, and creating fake backgrounds for the babies to facilitate illegal adoptions. This predatory behavior allowed her to build a network that exploited the trust and desperation of these mothers, leading to the tragic separation of families and the mistreatment of children under her care.
  • Georgia Tann's orphanage in Memphis was known for neglecting children, leading to instances of malnutrition and even death among the children under her care. The children deemed unadoptable were particularly subjected to mistreatment within the orphanage. Tann's focus on facilitating adoptions often overshadowed the well-being of the children, resulting in a lack of proper care and attention for many of them. The conditions in the orphanage were dire, with reports indicating that the children suffered greatly due to Tann's prioritization of her adoption schemes over their welfare.
  • Memphis Mayor Ed "Boss" Crump wielded significant political power and influence in the city and state. His support and protection shielded Georgia Tann from scrutiny and investigation, allowing her adoption scheme to continue unchecked. Crump's connections and control over key officials delayed the exposure of Tann's crimes until after her death. This delayed release of information aimed to protect Crump's own reputation and political standing.
  • Judge Camille Kelly played a significant role in Georgia Tann's adoption scheme by issuing unlawful rulings that facilitated the trafficking of children. Kelly's close ties to Tann allowed her to push through legal changes that benefited Tann's operations, making it easier for Tann to continue her illicit activities. Additionally, Kelly's actions included enabling the falsification of documents to show willing surrenders, further aiding Tann in her exploitation of vulnerable families. Kelly's collaboration with Tann highlights the extent of corruption and abuse of power within the adoption system during that time.

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The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

Georgia Tann's horrifying adoption scheme

Georgia Tann’s nefarious actions left a dark shadow on the adoption system by targeting vulnerable families and falsifying records to inefficiently steal and sell thousands of children.

Tann targeting poor, uneducated mothers

Tann preyed on poor and uneducated mothers, stealing children from these families by any means necessary. She was known to call these women "breeders" and "cows," seeing them as inferior and damaged goods. One notable instance was when Tann visited Rose Harvey, a young mother, and took her two-year-old son Onyx, listing him as an abandoned child with the assistance of her father, who was a judge.

Tann was notorious for driving around in a limousine and luring children into her car. She also went so far as to tell new mothers their infants had died, subsequently stealing the babies.

Tann running an orphanage where hundreds of babies died from neglect

While adopting children out, Tann ran an orphanage in Memphis where hundreds of babies perished under her purported care. Chuck Bryant reveals that children, particularly those who were not seen as adoptable, suffered from severe malnutrition and sometimes starvation, while those with medical problems were neglected, not receiving necessary treatments or medicines.

Tann falsifying records to steal children more efficiently

Georgia Tann forged a career out of kidnapping babies and fraudulently altering birth records. Josh Clark highlights that she would fabricate attractive backgrounds for the babies up for adoption, like claiming a child was born of a liaison between a socialite and a doctor.

Additionally, Tann took advantage of mothers under anesthesia, having them sign what they assumed were standard hospital forms, which in reality were adoption papers, essentially deceiving them into relinquishing their newborns.

Tann lobbying for sealed adoption records

To further her scheme, Tann had records sealed and manipulated laws to stre ...

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Georgia Tann's horrifying adoption scheme

Additional Materials


  • Georgia Tann was a notorious figure in the adoption system who engaged in unethical practices to obtain children for adoption. She targeted vulnerable families, particularly poor and uneducated mothers, using deceitful tactics like falsifying records and manipulating laws to facilitate her schemes. Tann's actions included kidnapping babies, neglecting children in her care, and fabricating stories to make the children more appealing for adoption. She also pushed for sealed adoption records to cover up her illicit activities and make it difficult for adoptees to locate their biological parents.
  • Georgia Tann specifically preyed on vulnerable mothers who were poor and lacked education. She viewed these women as easy targets for her adoption scheme, exploiting their circumstances to take their children through deceitful means. Tann's actions targeted those who were less equipped to navigate legal systems or challenge her manipulative tactics. This predatory behavior was a key aspect of her disturbing approach to building her adoption empire.
  • Georgia Tann used derogatory terms like "breeders" and "cows" to dehumanize and belittle the women she targeted for child trafficking. By using such demeaning language, Tann sought to diminish the worth and agency of these vulnerable mothers, making it easier for her to exploit them and separate them from their children. These terms reflected Tann's callous and exploitative attitude towards the women she victimized, highlighting the cruel and manipulative nature of her actions in the adoption scheme. The use of such derogatory language underscores the power dynamics at play in Tann's scheme, where she viewed these women solely as sources of children to be exploited for profit.
  • Georgia Tann would drive around in a limousine, approaching children on the streets or in public places. She would entice them by offering treats, toys, or promises of a better life, convincing them to get into her car. Tann used her charm and authority to manipulate and deceive the children into trusting her, making it easier for her to abduct them. This predatory behavior allowed her to exploit the innocence and vulnerability of the children she targeted.
  • Georgia Tann would deceive new mothers by falsely informing them that their infants had died, leading the mothers to believe they had lost their babies. This tactic was used to facilitate the illegal acquisition of children for adoption without the mothers' consent or knowledge. Tann's manipulation of these vulnerable mothers through misinformation and emotional distress was a key part of her scheme to steal and sell children. This cruel strategy exploited the trust and vulnerability of the mothers, making it easier for Tann to separate them from their infants for adoption.
  • Georgia Tann ran an orphanage in Memphis where numerous babies died due to neglect. The orphanage was known for its poor conditions, lack of proper care, and inadequate medical attention for the children under Tann's supervision. This tragic aspect of Tann's operations highlighted the severe consequences of her unethical practices within the adoption system.
  • Georgia Tann falsified birth records to create appealing backgrounds for babies up for adoption. By fabricating stories like prestigious parentage, she made the children seem more desirable to potential adoptive parents. This manipulation aimed to increase the chances of these babies being adopted quickly and for higher fees. Tann's deceptive practices in altering birth records were a key part of her scheme to profit from the adoption process.
  • Georgia Tann exploited mothers who were under anesthesia by having them unknowingly sign adoption papers, believing they were standard hospital forms. This deceptive practice allowed Tann to take advantage of vulnerable mothers at a time when they were unable to fully comprehend the documents they were signing. By manipulating these situations, Tann could secure the relinquishment of newborns for adoption without the full consent or understanding of the mothers involved. This unethical tactic further illustrates the extent of Tann's deceitful methods in her adoption scheme.
  • Georgia Tann lobbied for sealed adoption records to hide her fraudulent activities and make it difficult for adoptees and biological parents to find each other. By manipulating laws to seal adoption records, Tann could continue her illegal adoption practices without scrutiny. This secrecy also prevented adoptees from discovering the truth about their origins and biological parents. Tann's efforts to keep adoption records sealed were part of her strategy to maintain control over her adopt ...



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The Awful Crimes of Georgia Tann

Tann protected by powerful figures

In the shadowy narrative of Georgia Tann's operation, it becomes clear that Tann was not acting alone. Her ability to conduct such treacherous activities was facilitated by collusion with some of Memphis's most influential figures, weaving a web of corruption that extended to the echelons of political and judicial power.

Memphis Mayor Boss Crump

Mayor Ed Crump, known colloquially as Boss Crump, was characterized as a corrupt and powerful figure who was essential in providing cooperation that benefitted Tann. His vast influence reportedly had the capacity to reach even the governor's office, suggesting that his reach was well beyond the confines of his official role in Memphis. Boss Crump's political sway was significant enough that an investigation into Georgia Tann’s orphanage by Governor Gordon Browning was deliberately withheld from the public domain until after Tann's death. This was done, according to Chuck Bryant, not to extend any courtesies to Tann, but rather to undermine Crump by exposing the scandalous activities that had transpired under his political obfuscation.

Browning's investigation was aimed at both bringing justice to Tann’s illicit dealings and chipping away at Boss Crump's standing. Crump’s stereotypical portrayal as a political boss of the era hints at the nefarious alliances he was willing to forge to maintain his grip on power.

Judge Camille Kelly supplying Tann with children

The cooperation with Judge Camille Kelly was another dark chapter in this saga. Kelly was portrayed as being firmly in Georgia Tann’s pocket, indicating a deep level of corruption within the judicial system. This collusion resulted in an estimated 20% of the children Tann kidnapped being supplied by Kelly's unlawful rulings.

A telling episode points to the dire nature of Judge Kelly's involvement: at a Catholic orphanage in Memphis, nuns would reportedly hide the most attractive children upon Kelly’s arrival, in an attempt to shield them fr ...

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Tann protected by powerful figures

Additional Materials


  • Georgia Tann was a notorious child trafficker who operated in Tennessee during the early to mid-20th century. She ran the Tennessee Children's Home Society, where she kidnapped and sold children to wealthy families. Tann's operation involved falsifying records and exploiting vulnerable families, with many children being taken under false pretenses. Her actions were uncovered after her death, revealing the extent of her criminal activities and the collusion of powerful individuals in enabling her schemes.
  • Mayor Boss Crump, also known as Edward Hull "E. H." Crump, was a powerful political figure in Memphis, Tennessee, during the early to mid-20th century. He wielded significant influence over the city's politics and governance, earning the nickname "Boss" for his control over the political machine in Memphis. Crump's support or opposition could make or break political careers in the region, and his network extended to state and even national levels of government. His collaboration with Georgia Tann highlights how his political power was used to enable and protect illicit activities, showcasing the extent of his influence beyond traditional political boundaries.
  • Governor Gordon Browning conducted an investigation into Georgia Tann's orphanage to uncover the illicit activities happening there. The investigation aimed to bring justice to Tann's wrongdoings and also to undermine the political influence of Mayor Boss Crump by exposing the scandalous activities associated with Tann's operation. The findings of this investigation were deliberately kept from the public until after Tann's death. Governor Browning's actions were seen as a way to address the corruption and collusion that enabled Tann's criminal activities to persist.
  • Judge Camille Kelly's collusion with Georgia Tann involved Kelly providing Tann with children through her judicial rulings. Approximately 20% of the children kidnapped by Tann were supplied by Kelly's unlawful decisions. Kelly's influence extended to recommending legislative changes to aid Tann's operations, showcasing a deep level of corruption within the judicial system. Kelly's involvement in facilitating child theft for Tann's trafficking scheme was significant and demonstrated a systemic malfeasance within the legal system.
  • Georgia Tann's collaboration with Judge Camille Kelly involved Kelly providing children for Tann's operations through her judicial rulings, with an estimated 20% of kidnapped ...



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